using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Dapper; namespace FSO.Server.Database.DA.Bulletin { public class SqlBulletinPosts : AbstractSqlDA, IBulletinPosts { public SqlBulletinPosts(ISqlContext context) : base(context) { } public uint Create(DbBulletinPost bulletin) { return Context.Connection.Query("INSERT INTO fso_bulletin_posts (neighborhood_id, avatar_id, title, body, date, flags, lot_id, type) " + " VALUES (@neighborhood_id, @avatar_id, @title, @body, @date, @flags, @lot_id, @string_type); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();" , bulletin).First(); } public bool Delete(uint bulletin_id) { return Context.Connection.Execute("DELETE FROM fso_bulletin_posts WHERE bulletin_id = @bulletin_id", new { bulletin_id }) > 0; } public bool SoftDelete(uint bulletin_id) { return Context.Connection.Execute("UPDATE fso_bulletin_posts SET deleted = 1 WHERE bulletin_id = @bulletin_id", new { bulletin_id }) > 0; } public bool SetTypeFlag(uint bulletin_id, DbBulletinType type, int flags) { return Context.Connection.Execute("UPDATE fso_bulletin_posts SET flags = @flags, type = @type WHERE bulletin_id = @bulletin_id", new { bulletin_id, type = type.ToString(), flags }) > 0; } public List GetByNhoodId(uint neighborhood_id, uint timeAfter) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_bulletin_posts WHERE deleted = 0 AND neighborhood_id = @neighborhood_id AND date > @timeAfter", new { neighborhood_id, timeAfter }).ToList(); } public int CountPosts(uint neighborhood_id, uint timeAfter) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT count(*) FROM fso_bulletin_posts WHERE neighborhood_id = @neighborhood_id AND deleted = 0 AND date > @timeAfter", new { neighborhood_id, timeAfter }).FirstOrDefault(); } public uint LastPostID(uint neighborhood_id) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT bulletin_id FROM fso_bulletin_posts WHERE deleted = 0 AND neighborhood_id = @neighborhood_id ORDER BY bulletin_id DESC LIMIT 1", new { neighborhood_id }).FirstOrDefault(); } public DbBulletinPost Get(uint bulletin_id) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_bulletin_posts WHERE bulletin_id = @bulletin_id", new { bulletin_id }).FirstOrDefault(); } public DbBulletinPost LastUserPost(uint user_id, uint neighborhood_id) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT b.* FROM fso_bulletin_posts b " + "JOIN fso_avatars a ON b.avatar_id = a.avatar_id WHERE a.user_id = @user_id AND b.neighborhood_id = @neighborhood_id " + "ORDER BY DESC " + "LIMIT 1", new { user_id, neighborhood_id }).FirstOrDefault(); } } }