using Dapper; using FSO.Common.Enum; using FSO.Server.Common; using FSO.Server.Database.DA.Roommates; using FSO.Server.Database.DA.Utils; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace FSO.Server.Database.DA.Lots { public class SqlLots : AbstractSqlDA, ILots { public SqlLots(ISqlContext context) : base(context){ } public DbLot Get(int id){ return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_lots WHERE lot_id = @id", new { id = id }).FirstOrDefault(); } public List GetMultiple(int[] id) { String inClause = "IN ("; for (int i = 0; i < id.Length; i++) { inClause = inClause + "'" + id.ElementAt(i) + "'" + ","; } inClause = inClause.Substring(0, inClause.Length - 1); inClause = inClause + ")"; return Context.Connection.Query( "SELECT * FROM fso_lots WHERE lot_id " + inClause ).ToList(); } public List Get(IEnumerable ids) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_lots WHERE lot_id in @ids", new { ids = ids }).ToList(); } /// /// Special. We need to create the lot and assign an owner level roommate entry immediately, so we need to use a transaction. /// /// /// public uint Create(DbLot lot) { string failReason = "NAME"; var t = Context.Connection.BeginTransaction(); try { var result = (uint)Context.Connection.Query("INSERT INTO fso_lots (shard_id, name, description, " + "owner_id, location, neighborhood_id, created_date, category_change_date, category, buildable_area) " + " VALUES (@shard_id, @name, @description, @owner_id, @location, " + " @neighborhood_id, @created_date, @category_change_date, @category, @buildable_area); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();", new { shard_id = lot.shard_id, name =, description = lot.description, owner_id = lot.owner_id, location = lot.location, neighborhood_id = lot.neighborhood_id, created_date = lot.created_date, category_change_date = lot.category_change_date, category = lot.category.ToString(), buildable_area = lot.buildable_area }).First(); failReason = "NHOOD"; UpdateNeighborhood((int)result); if (lot.category != { failReason = "ROOMIE"; var roomie = new DbRoommate() { avatar_id = lot.owner_id ?? 0, is_pending = 0, lot_id = (int)result, permissions_level = 2 }; var result2 = Context.Connection.Execute("INSERT INTO fso_roommates (avatar_id, lot_id, permissions_level, is_pending) " + " VALUES (@avatar_id, @lot_id, @permissions_level, @is_pending);", roomie) > 0; if (result2) { t.Commit(); return result; } } else { t.Commit(); return result; } } catch (Exception) { } t.Rollback(); throw new Exception(failReason); } public bool Delete(int id) { return Context.Connection.Execute("DELETE FROM fso_lots WHERE lot_id = @id", new { id = id }) > 0; } public DbLot GetByOwner(uint owner_id) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_lots WHERE owner_id = @id AND category != 'community'", new { id = owner_id }).FirstOrDefault(); } public IEnumerable All(int shard_id) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_lots WHERE shard_id = @shard_id", new { shard_id = shard_id }); } public PagedList AllByPage(int shard_id, int offset = 1, int limit = 100, string orderBy = "lot_id") { var total = Context.Connection.Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fso_lots WHERE shard_id = @shard_id", new { shard_id = shard_id }).FirstOrDefault(); var results = Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_lots WHERE shard_id = @shard_id ORDER BY @order DESC LIMIT @offset, @limit", new { shard_id = shard_id, order = orderBy, offset = offset, limit = limit }); return new PagedList(results, offset, total); } public List AllLocations(int shard_id) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT location, name FROM fso_lots WHERE shard_id = @shard_id", new { shard_id = shard_id }).ToList(); } public List GetLocationsInNhood(uint nhood_id) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT location FROM fso_lots WHERE neighborhood_id = @nhood_id", new { nhood_id = nhood_id }).ToList(); } public List GetCommunityLocations(int shard_id) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT location FROM fso_lots WHERE shard_id = @shard_id AND (category = 'community' OR category = 'recent')", new { shard_id = shard_id }).ToList(); } public List AllNames(int shard_id) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT name FROM fso_lots WHERE shard_id = @shard_id", new { shard_id = shard_id }).ToList(); } public DbLot GetByName(int shard_id, string name) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_lots WHERE name = @name AND shard_id = @shard_id", new { name, shard_id = shard_id }).FirstOrDefault(); } public DbLot GetByLocation(int shard_id, uint location) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_lots WHERE location = @location AND shard_id = @shard_id", new { location = location, shard_id = shard_id }).FirstOrDefault(); } public List GetAdjToLocation(int shard_id, uint location) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_lots WHERE " + "(ABS(CAST((location&65535) AS SIGNED) - CAST((@location&65535) AS SIGNED)) = 1 OR ABS(CAST((location/65536) AS SIGNED) - CAST((@location/65536) AS SIGNED)) = 1) " + "AND shard_id = @shard_id AND move_flags = 0", new { location = location, shard_id = shard_id }).ToList(); } public void RenameLot(int id, string newName) { Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_lots SET name = @name WHERE lot_id = @id", new { name = newName, id = id }); } public void SetDirty(int id, byte dirty) { if (dirty == 0) { Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_lots SET thumb3d_dirty = @dirty, thumb3d_time = @time WHERE lot_id = @id", new { time = Epoch.Now, dirty = dirty, id = id }); } else { Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_lots SET thumb3d_dirty = @dirty WHERE lot_id = @id", new { dirty = dirty, id = id }); } } public DbLot Get3DWork() { var item = Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_lots WHERE thumb3d_dirty = 1 AND thumb3d_time < @time ORDER BY thumb3d_time LIMIT 1", new { time = Epoch.Now - 300 }).FirstOrDefault(); if (item != null) { SetDirty(item.lot_id, 0); } return item; } public List SearchExact(int shard_id, string name, int limit) { return Context.Connection.Query( "SELECT lot_id, location, name FROM fso_lots WHERE shard_id = @shard_id AND name = @name LIMIT @limit", new { shard_id = shard_id, name = name, limit = limit } ).ToList(); } public List SearchWildcard(int shard_id, string name, int limit) { name = name .Replace("!", "!!") .Replace("%", "!%") .Replace("_", "!_") .Replace("[", "!["); //must sanitize format... return Context.Connection.Query( "SELECT lot_id, location, name FROM fso_lots WHERE shard_id = @shard_id AND name LIKE @name LIMIT @limit", new { shard_id = shard_id, name = "%" + name + "%", limit = limit } ).ToList(); } public void UpdateRingBackup(int lot_id, sbyte ring_backup_num) { Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_lots SET ring_backup_num = @ring_backup_num, move_flags = 0 WHERE lot_id = @id", new { ring_backup_num = ring_backup_num, id = lot_id }); } public void CreateLotServerTicket(DbLotServerTicket ticket) { Context.Connection.Execute("INSERT INTO fso_lot_server_tickets VALUES (@ticket_id, @user_id, @date, @ip, @avatar_id, @lot_id, @avatar_claim_id, @avatar_claim_owner, @lot_owner)", ticket); } public void DeleteLotServerTicket(string id) { Context.Connection.Execute("DELETE FROM fso_lot_server_tickets WHERE ticket_id = @ticket_id", new { ticket_id = id }); } public DbLotServerTicket GetLotServerTicket(string id) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_lot_server_tickets WHERE ticket_id = @ticket_id", new { ticket_id = id }).FirstOrDefault(); } public List GetLotServerTicketsForClaimedAvatar(int claim_id) { return Context.Connection.Query("SELECT * FROM fso_lot_server_tickets WHERE avatar_claim_id = @claim_id", new { claim_id = claim_id }).ToList(); } public void UpdateDescription(int lot_id, string description) { Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_lots SET description = @desc WHERE lot_id = @id", new { id = lot_id, desc = description }); } public void UpdateOwner(int lot_id, uint? avatar_id) { Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_lots SET owner_id = @owner_id WHERE lot_id = @id", new { id = lot_id, owner_id = avatar_id }); } public void ReassignOwner(int lot_id) { Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_lots SET owner_id = (SELECT avatar_id FROM fso_roommates WHERE is_pending = 0 AND lot_id = @id LIMIT 1) WHERE lot_id = @id", new { id = lot_id }); Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_roommates SET permissions_level = 2 WHERE avatar_id = (SELECT owner_id FROM fso_lots WHERE lot_id = @id LIMIT 1) AND lot_id = @id", new { id = lot_id }); } public void UpdateLotSkillMode(int lot_id, uint skillMode) { Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_lots SET skill_mode = @skillMode WHERE lot_id = @id", new { id = lot_id, skillMode = skillMode }); } public void UpdateLotCategory(int lot_id, LotCategory category, uint skillMode) { Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_lots SET category = @category, category_change_date = @time, skill_mode = @skillMode WHERE lot_id = @id", new { id = lot_id, category = category.ToString(), time = Epoch.Now, skillMode = skillMode }); } public void UpdateLotAdmitMode(int lot_id, byte admit_mode) { Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_lots SET admit_mode = @admit_mode WHERE lot_id = @id", new { id = lot_id, admit_mode = admit_mode }); } public bool UpdateLocation(int lot_id, uint location, bool startFresh) { var success = Context.Connection.Execute("UPDATE fso_lots SET location = @location, move_flags = @move WHERE lot_id = @id", new { id = lot_id, location = location, move = (byte)(startFresh?2:1) }) > 0; if (success) UpdateNeighborhood(lot_id); return success; } private static string NHoodQuery = "UPDATE fso.fso_lots l " + "SET neighborhood_id = " + "COALESCE((SELECT neighborhood_id " + "FROM fso.fso_neighborhoods n " + "ORDER BY(POWER(((l.location & 65535) + 0.0) - ((n.location & 65535) + 0.0), 2) + " + "POWER((FLOOR(l.location / 65536) + 0.0) - (FLOOR(n.location / 65536) + 0.0), 2)) " + "LIMIT 1), 0) "; public int UpdateAllNeighborhoods(int shard_id) { return Context.Connection.Execute( NHoodQuery + "WHERE l.shard_id = @shard_id" , new { shard_id = shard_id }); } public bool UpdateNeighborhood(int lot_id) { return (Context.Connection.Execute( NHoodQuery + "WHERE l.lot_id = @lot_id" , new { lot_id = lot_id })) > 0; } } }