using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using FSO.Files.Utils; namespace FSO.Files.Formats.IFF.Chunks { /// /// This chunk type defines a list of interactions for an object and assigns a BHAV subroutine /// for each interaction. The pie menu labels shown to the user are stored in a TTAs chunk with /// the same ID. /// public class TTAB : IffChunk { public TTABInteraction[] Interactions = new TTABInteraction[0]; public Dictionary InteractionByIndex = new Dictionary(); public TTABInteraction[] AutoInteractions = new TTABInteraction[0]; public static float[] AttenuationValues = { 0, //custom 0, //none 0.1f, //low 0.3f, //medium 0.6f, //high }; public static float[] VisitorAttenuationValues = { 0, //custom 0, //none 0.01f, //low 0.02f, //medium 0.03f, //high }; /// /// Reads a TTAB chunk from a stream. /// /// An Iff instance. /// A Stream object holding a TTAB chunk. public override void Read(IffFile iff, Stream stream) { using (var io = IoBuffer.FromStream(stream, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)) { InteractionByIndex.Clear(); Interactions = new TTABInteraction[io.ReadUInt16()]; if (Interactions.Length == 0) return; //no interactions, don't bother reading remainder. var version = io.ReadUInt16(); IOProxy iop; if (version <= 3) { // DO NOT LOAD THIS TTAB TYPE Interactions = new TTABInteraction[0]; return; } if (version < 9 || (version > 10 && !iff.TSBO)) iop = new TTABNormal(io); else { var compressionCode = io.ReadByte(); if (compressionCode != 1) iop = new TTABNormal(io); else iop = new IffFieldEncode(io); } for (int i = 0; i < Interactions.Length; i++) { var result = new TTABInteraction(); result.ActionFunction = iop.ReadUInt16(); result.TestFunction = iop.ReadUInt16(); result.MotiveEntries = new TTABMotiveEntry[iop.ReadUInt32()]; result.Flags = (TTABFlags)iop.ReadUInt32(); result.TTAIndex = iop.ReadUInt32(); if (version > 6) result.AttenuationCode = iop.ReadUInt32(); result.AttenuationValue = iop.ReadFloat(); result.AutonomyThreshold = iop.ReadUInt32(); result.JoiningIndex = iop.ReadInt32(); for (int j = 0; j < result.MotiveEntries.Length; j++) { var motive = new TTABMotiveEntry(); motive.MotiveIndex = j; if (version > 6) motive.EffectRangeMinimum = iop.ReadInt16(); motive.EffectRangeDelta = iop.ReadInt16(); if (version > 6) motive.PersonalityModifier = iop.ReadUInt16(); result.MotiveEntries[j] = motive; } if (version > 9 && !iff.TSBO) { result.Flags2 = (TSOFlags)iop.ReadUInt32(); } Interactions[i] = result; InteractionByIndex.Add(result.TTAIndex, result); } } InitAutoInteractions(); } public override bool Write(IffFile iff, Stream stream) { using (var io = IoWriter.FromStream(stream, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)) { io.WriteUInt16((ushort)Interactions.Length); io.WriteUInt16((ushort)((IffFile.TargetTS1) ? 8 : 10)); //version. we save version 10 which uses the IO proxy //...but we can't write out to that yet so write with compression code 0 if (!IffFile.TargetTS1) io.WriteByte(0); for (int i = 0; i < Interactions.Length; i++) { var action = Interactions[i]; io.WriteUInt16(action.ActionFunction); io.WriteUInt16(action.TestFunction); io.WriteUInt32((uint)action.MotiveEntries.Length); io.WriteUInt32((uint)action.Flags); io.WriteUInt32(action.TTAIndex); io.WriteUInt32(action.AttenuationCode); io.WriteFloat(action.AttenuationValue); io.WriteUInt32(action.AutonomyThreshold); io.WriteInt32(action.JoiningIndex); for (int j=0; j < action.MotiveEntries.Length; j++) { var mot = action.MotiveEntries[j]; io.WriteInt16(mot.EffectRangeMinimum); io.WriteInt16(mot.EffectRangeDelta); io.WriteUInt16(mot.PersonalityModifier); } if (!IffFile.TargetTS1) io.WriteUInt32((uint)action.Flags2); } } return true; } public void InsertInteraction(TTABInteraction action, int index) { var newInt = new TTABInteraction[Interactions.Length + 1]; if (index == -1) index = 0; Array.Copy(Interactions, newInt, index); //copy before strings newInt[index] = action; Array.Copy(Interactions, index, newInt, index + 1, (Interactions.Length - index)); Interactions = newInt; if (!InteractionByIndex.ContainsKey(action.TTAIndex)) InteractionByIndex.Add(action.TTAIndex, action); InitAutoInteractions(); } public void DeleteInteraction(int index) { var action = Interactions[index]; var newInt = new TTABInteraction[Interactions.Length - 1]; if (index == -1) index = 0; Array.Copy(Interactions, newInt, index); //copy before strings Array.Copy(Interactions, index + 1, newInt, index, (Interactions.Length - (index + 1))); Interactions = newInt; if (InteractionByIndex.ContainsKey(action.TTAIndex)) InteractionByIndex.Remove(action.TTAIndex); InitAutoInteractions(); } public void InitAutoInteractions() { foreach (var interaction in Interactions) { interaction.ActiveMotiveEntries = interaction.MotiveEntries.Where(x => x.EffectRangeDelta != 0).ToArray(); } AutoInteractions = Interactions.Where(interaction => interaction.ActiveMotiveEntries.Length > 0).ToArray(); } } public abstract class IOProxy { public abstract ushort ReadUInt16(); public abstract short ReadInt16(); public abstract int ReadInt32(); public abstract uint ReadUInt32(); public abstract float ReadFloat(); public IoBuffer io; public IOProxy(IoBuffer io) { = io; } } class TTABNormal : IOProxy { public override ushort ReadUInt16() { return io.ReadUInt16(); } public override short ReadInt16() { return io.ReadInt16(); } public override int ReadInt32() { return io.ReadInt32(); } public override uint ReadUInt32() { return io.ReadUInt32(); } public override float ReadFloat() { return io.ReadFloat(); } public TTABNormal(IoBuffer io) : base(io) { } } /// /// Represents an interaction in a TTAB chunk. /// public class TTABInteraction { public ushort ActionFunction; public ushort TestFunction; public TTABMotiveEntry[] MotiveEntries; public TTABFlags Flags; public uint TTAIndex; public uint AttenuationCode; public float AttenuationValue; public uint AutonomyThreshold; public int JoiningIndex; public TSOFlags Flags2 = (TSOFlags)0x1e; //allow a lot of things public TTABMotiveEntry[] ActiveMotiveEntries; //populated when asking for auto interactions. public InteractionMaskFlags MaskFlags { get { return (InteractionMaskFlags)(((int)Flags >> 16) & 0xF); } set { Flags = (TTABFlags)(((int)Flags & 0xFFFF) | ((int)value << 16)); } } //ALLOW public bool AllowVisitors { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.AllowVisitors) > 0 || (Flags2 & TSOFlags.AllowVisitors) > 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.AllowVisitors); if (value) Flags |= TTABFlags.AllowVisitors; Flags2 &= ~(TSOFlags.AllowVisitors); if (value) Flags2 |= TSOFlags.AllowVisitors; } } public bool AllowFriends { get { return (Flags2 & TSOFlags.AllowFriends) > 0; } set { Flags2 &= ~(TSOFlags.AllowFriends); if (value) Flags2 |= TSOFlags.AllowFriends; } } public bool AllowRoommates { get { return (Flags2 & TSOFlags.AllowRoommates) > 0; } set { Flags2 &= ~(TSOFlags.AllowRoommates); if (value) Flags2 |= TSOFlags.AllowRoommates; } } public bool AllowObjectOwner { get { return (Flags2 & TSOFlags.AllowObjectOwner) > 0; } set { Flags2 &= ~(TSOFlags.AllowObjectOwner); if (value) Flags2 |= TSOFlags.AllowObjectOwner; } } public bool UnderParentalControl { get { return (Flags2 & TSOFlags.UnderParentalControl) > 0; } set { Flags2 &= ~(TSOFlags.UnderParentalControl); if (value) Flags2 |= TSOFlags.UnderParentalControl; } } public bool AllowCSRs { get { return (Flags2 & TSOFlags.AllowCSRs) > 0; } set { Flags2 &= ~(TSOFlags.AllowCSRs); if (value) Flags2 |= TSOFlags.AllowCSRs; } } public bool AllowGhosts { get { return (Flags2 & TSOFlags.AllowGhost) > 0; } set { Flags2 &= ~(TSOFlags.AllowGhost); if (value) Flags2 |= TSOFlags.AllowGhost; } } public bool AllowCats { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.AllowCats) > 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.AllowCats); if (value) Flags |= TTABFlags.AllowCats; } } public bool AllowDogs { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.AllowDogs) > 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.AllowDogs); if (value) Flags |= TTABFlags.AllowDogs; } } //TS1 public bool TS1AllowCats { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.TS1AllowCats) > 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.TS1AllowCats); if (value) Flags |= TTABFlags.TS1AllowCats; } } public bool TS1AllowDogs { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.TS1AllowDogs) > 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.TS1AllowDogs); if (value) Flags |= TTABFlags.TS1AllowDogs; } } public bool TS1AllowAdults { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.TS1NoAdult) == 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.TS1NoAdult); if (!value) Flags |= TTABFlags.TS1NoAdult; } } public bool TS1AllowChild { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.TS1NoChild) == 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.TS1NoChild); if (!value) Flags |= TTABFlags.TS1NoChild; } } public bool TS1AllowDemoChild { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.TS1NoDemoChild) == 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.TS1NoDemoChild); if (!value) Flags |= TTABFlags.TS1NoDemoChild; } } public bool Joinable { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.Joinable) > 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.Joinable); if (value) Flags |= TTABFlags.Joinable; } } //FLAGS public bool Debug { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.Debug) > 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.Debug); if (value) Flags |= TTABFlags.Debug; } } public bool Leapfrog { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.Leapfrog) > 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.Leapfrog); if (value) Flags |= TTABFlags.Leapfrog; } } public bool MustRun { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.MustRun) > 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.MustRun); if (value) Flags |= TTABFlags.MustRun; } } public bool AutoFirst { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.AutoFirstSelect) > 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.AutoFirstSelect); if (value) Flags |= TTABFlags.AutoFirstSelect; } } public bool RunImmediately { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.RunImmediately) > 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.RunImmediately); if (value) Flags |= TTABFlags.RunImmediately; } } public bool AllowConsecutive { get { return (Flags & TTABFlags.AllowConsecutive) > 0; } set { Flags &= ~(TTABFlags.AllowConsecutive); if (value) Flags |= TTABFlags.AllowConsecutive; } } public bool Carrying { get { return (MaskFlags & InteractionMaskFlags.AvailableWhenCarrying) > 0; } set { MaskFlags &= ~(InteractionMaskFlags.AvailableWhenCarrying); if (value) MaskFlags |= InteractionMaskFlags.AvailableWhenCarrying; } } public bool Repair { get { return (MaskFlags & InteractionMaskFlags.IsRepair) > 0; } set { MaskFlags &= ~(InteractionMaskFlags.IsRepair); if (value) MaskFlags |= InteractionMaskFlags.IsRepair; } } public bool AlwaysCheck { get { return (MaskFlags & InteractionMaskFlags.RunCheckAlways) > 0; } set { MaskFlags &= ~(InteractionMaskFlags.RunCheckAlways); if (value) MaskFlags |= InteractionMaskFlags.RunCheckAlways; } } public bool WhenDead { get { return (MaskFlags & InteractionMaskFlags.AvailableWhenDead) > 0; } set { MaskFlags &= ~(InteractionMaskFlags.AvailableWhenDead); if (value) MaskFlags |= InteractionMaskFlags.AvailableWhenDead; } } public void InitMotiveEntries() { for (int i=0; i /// Represents a motive entry in a TTAB chunk. /// public struct TTABMotiveEntry { public int MotiveIndex; // don't save this public short EffectRangeMinimum; public short EffectRangeDelta; public ushort PersonalityModifier; } public enum TTABFlags { AllowVisitors = 1, //COVERED, TODO for no TSOFlags? (default to only roomies, unless this flag set) Joinable = 1 << 1, //TODO RunImmediately = 1 << 2, //COVERED AllowConsecutive = 1 << 3, //TODO TS1NoChild = 1 << 4, TS1NoDemoChild = 1 << 5, TS1NoAdult = 1 << 6, Debug = 1 << 7, //COVERED: only available to roomies for now AutoFirstSelect = 1 << 8, //COVERED TS1AllowCats = 1 << 9, TS1AllowDogs = 1 << 10, Leapfrog = 1 << 9, //COVERED MustRun = 1 << 10, //COVERED AllowDogs = 1 << 11, //COVERED AllowCats = 1 << 12, //COVERED TSOAvailableCarrying = 1 << 16, //COVERED TSOIsRepair = 1 << 17, //TODO (only available when wear = 0) TSORunCheckAlways = 1 << 18, //TODO TSOAvailableWhenDead = 1<<19, //COVERED FSOPushTail = 1<<30, FSOPushHead = 1<<29, FSOSkipPermissions = 1<<28, FSODirectControl = 1<<27 } public enum TSOFlags { NonEmpty = 1, //if this is the only flag set, flags aren't empty intentionally. force Owner, Roommates, Friends to on AllowObjectOwner = 1 << 1, //COVERED AllowRoommates = 1 << 2, //COVERED AllowFriends = 1 << 3, //TODO AllowVisitors = 1 << 4, //COVERED AllowGhost = 1 << 5, //COVERED UnderParentalControl = 1 << 6, //TODO: interactions always available AllowCSRs = 1 << 7 //COVERED: only available to admins } public enum InteractionMaskFlags { AvailableWhenCarrying = 1, IsRepair = 1<<1, RunCheckAlways = 1 << 2, AvailableWhenDead = 1 << 3, } }