namespace FSO.Files.FAR3
    /// <summary>
    /// Represents an entry in a FAR3 archive.
    /// </summary>
    public class Far3Entry
        //A 4-byte unsigned integer specifying the uncompressed size of the file.
        public uint DecompressedFileSize;
        // A 3-byte unsigned integer specifying the compressed size of the file (including 
        //the Persist header); if the data is raw, this field is ignored (though TSO's game 
        //files have this set to the same first three bytes as the previous field).
        public uint CompressedFileSize;
        //Data type - A single byte used to describe what type of data is pointed to by the Data offset field. 
        //The value can be 0x80 to denote that the data is a Persist container or 0x00 to denote that it is raw data.
        public byte DataType;
        //A 4-byte unsigned integer specifying the offset of the file from the beginning of the archive.
        public uint DataOffset;
        //A byte (can be either 0 or 1) specifying if this file is compressed.
        public byte IsCompressed;
        //A byte specifying the number of files this time has been accessed?
        public byte AccessNumber;
        //A 2-byte unsigned integer specifying the length of the filename field.
        public ushort FilenameLength;
        //A 4-byte integer describing what type of file is held.
        public uint TypeID;
        //A 4-byte ID assigned to the file which, together with the Type ID, is assumed to be unique all throughout the game.
        public uint FileID;
        //The name of the archived file; size depends on the filename length field.
        public string Filename;