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synced 2025-03-22 09:22:24 +00:00
- NioTSO client isn't needed because we're using RayLib - Added FreeSO's API server to handle most backend operations
401 lines
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Executable file
401 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
using Dapper;
using FSO.Server.Database.DA.Utils;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace FSO.Server.Database.DA.Avatars
public class SqlAvatars : AbstractSqlDA, IAvatars
public SqlAvatars(ISqlContext context) : base(context){
public PagedList<DbAvatar> AllByPage(int shard_id,int offset = 1, int limit = 100, string orderBy = "avatar_id")
var total = Context.Connection.Query<int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fso_avatars WHERE shard_id = @shard_id",new { shard_id = shard_id }).FirstOrDefault();
var results = Context.Connection.Query<DbAvatar>("SELECT * FROM fso_avatars WHERE shard_id = @shard_id ORDER BY @order DESC LIMIT @offset, @limit", new { shard_id = shard_id, order = orderBy, offset = offset, limit = limit });
return new PagedList<DbAvatar>(results, offset, total);
public IEnumerable<DbAvatar> All()
return Context.Connection.Query<DbAvatar>("SELECT * FROM fso_avatars");
public IEnumerable<DbAvatar> All(int shard_id){
return Context.Connection.Query<DbAvatar>("SELECT * FROM fso_avatars WHERE shard_id = @shard_id", new { shard_id = shard_id });
public List<uint> GetLivingInNhood(uint neigh_id)
return Context.Connection.Query<uint>("SELECT avatar_id FROM fso_roommates r JOIN fso_lots l ON r.lot_id = l.lot_id "
+ "WHERE neighborhood_id = @neigh_id", new { neigh_id = neigh_id }).ToList();
public List<AvatarRating> GetPossibleCandidatesNhood(uint neigh_id)
return Context.Connection.Query<AvatarRating>("SELECT r.avatar_id, a.name, AVG(CAST(v.rating as DECIMAL(10,6))) AS rating " +
"FROM (fso_roommates r JOIN fso_lots l ON r.lot_id = l.lot_id) " +
"LEFT JOIN fso_mayor_ratings v ON v.to_avatar_id = r.avatar_id " +
"JOIN fso_avatars a ON r.avatar_id = a.avatar_id " +
"WHERE l.neighborhood_id = @neigh_id " +
"GROUP BY avatar_id", new { neigh_id = neigh_id }).ToList();
public DbAvatar Get(uint id){
return Context.Connection.Query<DbAvatar>("SELECT * FROM fso_avatars WHERE avatar_id = @id", new { id = id }).FirstOrDefault();
public bool Delete(uint id)
return Context.Connection.Execute("DELETE FROM fso_avatars WHERE avatar_id = @id", new { id = id }) > 0;
public int GetPrivacyMode(uint id)
return Context.Connection.Query<int>("SELECT privacy_mode FROM fso_avatars WHERE avatar_id = @id", new { id = id }).FirstOrDefault();
public int GetModerationLevel(uint id)
return Context.Connection.Query<int>("SELECT moderation_level FROM fso_avatars WHERE avatar_id = @id", new { id = id }).FirstOrDefault();
public uint Create(DbAvatar avatar)
return (uint)Context.Connection.Query<int>("INSERT INTO fso_avatars (shard_id, user_id, name, " +
"gender, date, skin_tone, head, body, description, budget, moderation_level, " +
" body_swimwear, body_sleepwear) " +
" VALUES (@shard_id, @user_id, @name, @gender, @date, " +
" @skin_tone, @head, @body, @description, @budget, @moderation_level, "+
" @body_swimwear, @body_sleepwear); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();", new
shard_id = avatar.shard_id,
user_id = avatar.user_id,
name = avatar.name,
gender = avatar.gender.ToString(),
date = avatar.date,
skin_tone = avatar.skin_tone,
head = avatar.head,
body = avatar.body,
description = avatar.description,
budget = avatar.budget,
moderation_level = avatar.moderation_level,
body_swimwear = avatar.body_swimwear,
body_sleepwear = avatar.body_sleepwear
//for now, everything else assumes default values.
public List<DbAvatar> GetByUserId(uint user_id)
return Context.Connection.Query<DbAvatar>(
"SELECT * FROM fso_avatars WHERE user_id = @user_id",
new { user_id = user_id }
public List<DbAvatar> GetMultiple(uint[] id)
String inClause = "IN (";
for (int i = 0; i < id.Length; i++)
inClause = inClause + "'" + id.ElementAt(i) + "'" + ",";
inClause = inClause.Substring(0, inClause.Length - 1);
inClause = inClause + ")";
return Context.Connection.Query<DbAvatar>(
"Select * from fso_avatars Where avatar_id "+ inClause
public List<DbAvatar> SearchExact(int shard_id, string name, int limit)
return Context.Connection.Query<DbAvatar>(
"SELECT avatar_id, name FROM fso_avatars WHERE shard_id = @shard_id AND name = @name LIMIT @limit",
new { name = name, limit = limit, shard_id = shard_id }
public List<DbAvatar> SearchWildcard(int shard_id, string name, int limit)
name = name
.Replace("!", "!!")
.Replace("%", "!%")
.Replace("_", "!_")
.Replace("[", "!["); //must sanitize format...
return Context.Connection.Query<DbAvatar>(
"SELECT avatar_id, name FROM fso_avatars WHERE shard_id = @shard_id AND name LIKE @name LIMIT @limit",
new { name = "%" + name + "%", limit = limit, shard_id = shard_id }
public void UpdateDescription(uint id, string description)
Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_avatars SET description = @desc WHERE avatar_id = @id", new { id = id, desc = description });
public void UpdatePrivacyMode(uint id, byte mode)
Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_avatars SET privacy_mode = @privacy_mode WHERE avatar_id = @id", new { id = id, privacy_mode = mode });
public void UpdateMoveDate(uint id, uint date)
Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_avatars SET move_date = @date WHERE avatar_id = @id", new { id = id, date = date });
public void UpdateMayorNhood(uint id, uint? nhood)
Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_avatars SET mayor_nhood = @nhood WHERE avatar_id = @id", new { id = id, nhood = nhood });
public void UpdateAvatarLotSave(uint id, DbAvatar avatar)
avatar.avatar_id = id;
Context.Connection.Query("UPDATE fso_avatars SET "
+ "motive_data = @motive_data, "
+ "skilllock = @skilllock, "
+ "lock_mechanical = @lock_mechanical, "
+ "lock_cooking = @lock_cooking, "
+ "lock_charisma = @lock_charisma, "
+ "lock_logic = @lock_logic, "
+ "lock_body = @lock_body, "
+ "lock_creativity = @lock_creativity, "
+ "skill_mechanical = @skill_mechanical, "
+ "skill_cooking = @skill_cooking, "
+ "skill_charisma = @skill_charisma, "
+ "skill_logic = @skill_logic, "
+ "skill_body = @skill_body, "
+ "skill_creativity = @skill_creativity, "
+ "body = @body, "
+ "body_swimwear = @body_swimwear, "
+ "body_sleepwear = @body_sleepwear, "
+ "body_current = @body_current, "
+ "current_job = @current_job, "
+ "is_ghost = @is_ghost, "
+ "ticker_death = @ticker_death, "
+ "ticker_gardener = @ticker_gardener, "
+ "ticker_maid = @ticker_maid, "
+ "ticker_repairman = @ticker_repairman WHERE avatar_id = @avatar_id", avatar);
private static string[] LockNames = new string[]
public int GetOtherLocks(uint avatar_id, string except)
string columns = "(";
foreach (var l in LockNames)
if (l == except) continue;
columns += l;
columns += " + ";
columns += "0) AS Sum";
return Context.Connection.Query<int>("SELECT "+columns+" FROM fso_avatars WHERE avatar_id = @id", new { id = avatar_id }).FirstOrDefault();
//budget and transactions
public int GetBudget(uint avatar_id)
return Context.Connection.Query<int>("SELECT budget FROM fso_avatars WHERE avatar_id = @id", new { id = avatar_id }).FirstOrDefault();
public DbTransactionResult Transaction(uint source_id, uint dest_id, int amount, short reason)
return Transaction(source_id, dest_id, amount, reason, null);
public DbTransactionResult Transaction(uint source_id, uint dest_id, int amount, short reason, Func<bool> transactionInject)
var t = Context.Connection.BeginTransaction();
var srcObj = (source_id >= 16777216);
var dstObj = (dest_id >= 16777216);
var success = true;
try {
int srcRes, dstRes;
if (source_id != uint.MaxValue)
if (srcObj)
srcRes = Context.Connection.Execute("UPDATE fso_objects SET budget = budget - @amount WHERE object_id = @source_id;",
new { source_id = source_id, amount = amount });
srcRes = Context.Connection.Execute("UPDATE fso_avatars SET budget = budget - @amount WHERE avatar_id = @source_id;",
new { source_id = source_id, amount = amount });
if (srcRes == 0) throw new Exception("Source avatar/object does not exist!");
if (dest_id != uint.MaxValue)
if (dstObj)
dstRes = Context.Connection.Execute("UPDATE fso_objects SET budget = budget + @amount WHERE object_id = @dest_id;",
new { dest_id = dest_id, amount = amount });
dstRes = Context.Connection.Execute("UPDATE fso_avatars SET budget = budget + @amount WHERE avatar_id = @dest_id;",
new { dest_id = dest_id, amount = amount });
if (dstRes == 0) throw new Exception("Dest avatar/object does not exist!");
if (transactionInject != null)
if (!transactionInject()) throw new Exception("Transaction Cancelled");
} catch (Exception)
success = false;
if (success && ((reason > 7 && reason != 9) || (source_id != uint.MaxValue && dest_id != uint.MaxValue))) {
var days = (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalDays;
Context.Connection.Execute("INSERT INTO fso_transactions (from_id, to_id, transaction_type, day, value, count) "+
"VALUES (@from_id, @to_id, @transaction_type, @day, @value, @count) " +
"ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = value + @value, count = count+1", new
from_id = (amount>0)?source_id:dest_id,
to_id = (amount>0)?dest_id:source_id,
transaction_type = reason,
day = (int)days,
value = Math.Abs(amount),
count = 1
var result = Context.Connection.Query<DbTransactionResult>("SELECT a1.budget AS source_budget, a2.budget AS dest_budget "
+ "FROM"
+ "(SELECT budget, count(budget) FROM " + (srcObj ? "fso_objects" : "fso_avatars") + " WHERE " + (srcObj ? "object_id" : "avatar_id") + " = @source_id) a1,"
+ "(SELECT budget, count(budget) FROM " + (dstObj ? "fso_objects" : "fso_avatars") + " WHERE " + (dstObj ? "object_id" : "avatar_id") + " = @avatar_id) a2; ",
new { avatar_id = dest_id, source_id = source_id }).FirstOrDefault();
if (result != null)
result.amount = amount;
result.success = success;
return result;
public DbTransactionResult TestTransaction(uint source_id, uint dest_id, int amount, short reason)
var success = true;
var srcObj = (source_id >= 16777216);
var dstObj = (dest_id >= 16777216);
int? srcVal, dstVal;
if (srcObj)
srcVal = Context.Connection.Query<int?>("SELECT budget FROM fso_objects WHERE object_id = @source_id;",
new { source_id = source_id }).FirstOrDefault();
srcVal = Context.Connection.Query<int?>("SELECT budget FROM fso_avatars WHERE avatar_id = @source_id;",
new { source_id = source_id }).FirstOrDefault();
if (source_id != uint.MaxValue)
if (srcVal == null) throw new Exception("Source avatar/object does not exist!");
if (srcVal.Value - amount < 0) throw new Exception("Source does not have enough money!");
if (dstObj)
dstVal = Context.Connection.Query<int?>("SELECT budget FROM fso_objects WHERE object_id = @dest_id;",
new { dest_id = dest_id }).FirstOrDefault();
dstVal = Context.Connection.Query<int?>("SELECT budget FROM fso_avatars WHERE avatar_id = @dest_id;",
new { dest_id = dest_id }).FirstOrDefault();
if (dest_id != uint.MaxValue)
if (dstVal == null) throw new Exception("Dest avatar/object does not exist!");
if (dstVal.Value + amount < 0) throw new Exception("Destination does not have enough money! (transaction accidentally debits)");
catch (Exception)
success = false;
var result = Context.Connection.Query<DbTransactionResult>("SELECT a1.budget AS source_budget, a2.budget AS dest_budget "
+ "FROM"
+ "(SELECT budget, count(budget) FROM "+(srcObj?"fso_objects":"fso_avatars")+" WHERE "+(srcObj?"object_id":"avatar_id")+" = @source_id) a1,"
+ "(SELECT budget, count(budget) FROM " + (dstObj ? "fso_objects" : "fso_avatars") + " WHERE " + (dstObj ? "object_id" : "avatar_id") + " = @avatar_id) a2; ",
new { avatar_id = dest_id, source_id = source_id }).FirstOrDefault();
if (result != null)
result.amount = amount;
result.success = success;
return result;
public DbJobLevel GetCurrentJobLevel(uint avatar_id)
return Context.Connection.Query<DbJobLevel>("SELECT * FROM fso_avatars a JOIN fso_joblevels b "
+ "ON a.avatar_id = b.avatar_id AND a.current_job = b.job_type WHERE a.avatar_id = @id",
new { id = avatar_id }).FirstOrDefault();
public List<DbJobLevel> GetJobLevels(uint avatar_id)
return Context.Connection.Query<DbJobLevel>("SELECT * FROM fso_avatars a JOIN fso_joblevels b ON a.avatar_id = b.avatar_id WHERE a.avatar_id = @id", new { id = avatar_id }).ToList();
public void UpdateAvatarJobLevel(DbJobLevel jobLevel)
Context.Connection.Query<DbJobLevel>("INSERT INTO fso_joblevels (avatar_id, job_type, job_experience, job_level, job_sickdays, job_statusflags) "
+ "VALUES (@avatar_id, @job_type, @job_experience, @job_level, @job_sickdays, @job_statusflags) "
+ "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE job_experience=VALUES(`job_experience`), job_level=VALUES(`job_level`), "
+" job_sickdays=VALUES(`job_sickdays`), job_statusflags=VALUES(`job_statusflags`); ", jobLevel);
public List<DbAvatarSummary> GetSummaryByUserId(uint user_id)
return Context.Connection.Query<DbAvatarSummary>(
@"SELECT a.avatar_id,
l.name as lot_name,
l.location as lot_location
FROM fso_avatars a
LEFT OUTER JOIN fso_roommates r on r.avatar_id = a.avatar_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN fso_lots l on l.lot_id = r.lot_id AND r.is_pending = 0
WHERE a.user_id = @user_id
ORDER BY a.date ASC", new { user_id = user_id }).ToList();