Tony Bark 22191ce648 Removed NioTSO client and server
- NioTSO client isn't needed because we're using RayLib
- Added FreeSO's API server to handle most backend operations
2024-05-01 02:55:43 -04:00

232 lines
8 KiB
Executable file

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace FSO.Common.Rendering.Emoji
public class EmojiProvider
public EmojiDictionary Dict;
public EmojiCache Cache;
public Random DictRand = new Random();
public Dictionary<string, string> TranslateShortcuts = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ "i", "eye" },
{ "you", "point_right" },
{ "your", "point_right" },
{ "you're", "point_right" },
{ "me", "relieved: :point_left" },
{ "i'm", "relieved: :point_left" },
{ "us", "couple" },
{ "we", "couple" },
{ "our", "couple" },
{ "what", "woman_shrugging" },
{ "be", "b" },
{ "to", "two" },
{ "and", "symbols" },
{ "that", "point_up" },
{ "for", "four" },
{ "not", "exclamation" },
{ "this", "point_up" },
{ "but", "exclamation" },
{ "his", "man" },
{ "her", "woman" },
{ "him", "man" },
{ "he", "man" },
{ "she", "woman" },
{ "from", "postbox" },
{ "they", "family_man_woman_girl_boy" },
{ "them", "family_man_woman_girl_boy" },
{ "or", "thinking" },
{ "an", "a" },
{ "will", "thinking" },
{ "my", "relieved: :point_left" },
{ "all", "rainbow_flag" },
{ "would", "tree" },
{ "so", "woman_shrugging" },
{ "out", "outbox_tray" },
{ "if", "thinking" },
{ "about", "arrows_counterclockwise" },
{ "who", "thinking: :family_man_woman_girl_boy" },
{ "get", "gift" },
{ "which", "woman_shrugging" },
{ "go", "door" },
{ "when", "watch" },
{ "make", "toolbox" },
{ "know", "brain" },
{ "take", "takeout_box" },
{ "into", "arrow_heading_down" },
{ "year", "calendar" },
{ "because", "woman_shrugging" },
{ "hmm", "thinking" },
{ "yo", "wave" },
{ "hey", "wave" },
{ "sup", "wave" },
public EmojiProvider(GraphicsDevice gd)
Dict = new EmojiDictionary();
Cache = new EmojiCache(gd);
public string EmojiFromName(string name)
string result;
if (Dict.NameToEmojis.TryGetValue(name, out result))
return result;
return null;
private string StripPunctuation(string word, out string punctuation)
for (int i=word.Length-1; i>=0; i--)
if (!char.IsPunctuation(word[i]))
punctuation = word.Substring(i + 1);
return word.Substring(0, i + 1);
punctuation = "";
return word;
public string SearchForWordHit(string word)
string direct;
if (TranslateShortcuts.TryGetValue(word, out direct))
return ":" + direct + ":";
if (Dict.NameToEmojis.TryGetValue(word, out direct))
return ":" + word + ":";
List<string> options;
if (Dict.KeywordToCandidates.TryGetValue(word, out options))
return ":" + options[DictRand.Next(options.Count)] + ":";
return null;
public string TranslateWordToEmoji(string word)
string punctuation;
var lower = StripPunctuation(word.ToLowerInvariant(), out punctuation);
string result;
result = SearchForWordHit(lower);
if (result != null) return result + ' ' + punctuation;
if (lower.EndsWith("s"))
result = SearchForWordHit(lower.Substring(0, lower.Length-1));
if (result != null) return result + ' ' + punctuation;
if (lower.EndsWith("ing"))
result = SearchForWordHit(lower.Substring(0, lower.Length - 3));
if (result != null) return result + ' ' + punctuation;
return word.Substring(0, lower.Length) + punctuation;
public Tuple<Texture2D, Rectangle> GetEmoji(string id)
var rect = Cache.GetEmoji(id);
return new Tuple<Texture2D, Rectangle>(Cache.EmojiTex, rect);
public string EmojiToBB(string input)
//search through the string for emojis to turn to BBcode
int index = 0;
int lastColon = -1;
var result = new StringBuilder();
while (true)
var nColon = input.IndexOf(':', index);
if (nColon == -1) break;
if (lastColon == -1) result.Append(input.Substring(index, nColon - index)); //add up to the colon
//is the string between the two colons an emoji?
var emoji = EmojiFromName(input.Substring(lastColon + 1, nColon - (lastColon + 1)));
if (emoji == null)
result.Append(":"+input.Substring(index, nColon - index)); //add up to the colon (include the last colon we skipped)
} else
result.Append("[emoji=" + emoji + "] ");
lastColon = -1;
index = nColon + 1;
index = nColon + 1;
lastColon = nColon;
result.Append(((lastColon == -1) ? "" : ":") + input.Substring(index));
return result.ToString();
public string EmojiTranslate(string input)
//search for replacement candidates for each word in input
var words = input.Split(' ');
for (int i=0; i<words.Length; i++)
var word = words[i];
if (word == "") continue;
if (word.Length > 2 && word.StartsWith(":") && word.EndsWith(":"))
//is this already an emoji? if so, skip it
var existing = EmojiFromName(word.Substring(1, word.Length-2));
if (existing == null) continue;
words[i] = TranslateWordToEmoji(word);
return String.Join(" ", words);
public string EmojiOnly(string input, int mode)
if (mode == 2) return EmojiTranslate(input);
//search through the string for emojis to keep
int index = 0;
int lastColon = -1;
var result = new StringBuilder();
while (true)
var nColon = input.IndexOf(':', index);
if (nColon == -1) break;
//is the string between the two colons an emoji?
var name = input.Substring(lastColon + 1, nColon - (lastColon + 1));
var emoji = EmojiFromName(name);
if (emoji == null)
result.Append(":" + name + ": ");
lastColon = -1;
index = nColon + 1;
index = nColon + 1;
lastColon = nColon;
//result.Append(((lastColon == -1) ? "" : ":"));
return result.ToString();