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synced 2025-03-21 17:11:30 +00:00
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234 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const rl = @import("raylib");
const world = @import("world.zig");
const nso = @import("niotso.zig");
const clap = @import("clap");
const dbg = std.debug;
const GameScreen = enum {
cas, // Create-A-Sim
map, // city screen
lot, // world view
//We start that NorthWest so it is easy to determine the flip
const CardinalDirection = enum {
NorthWest, // 0, sprite 1
NorthEast, // 1, sprite 1 flip
SouthEast, // 2, sprite 2
SouthWest, // 3, sprite 2 flip
const Rotations = enum {
left, // 0
right, // 1
const RotationManager = struct {
Direction: CardinalDirection,
pub fn init(self: RotationManager) RotationManager {
return self;
pub fn rotate(self: *RotationManager, rotation: Rotations) void {
//rotate the direction by 90 degrees
var direction_index = @as(i8, @intFromEnum(self.Direction));
switch (rotation) {
.left => {
direction_index = direction_index - 1;
.right => {
direction_index = direction_index + 1;
// Circle around if out of bounds
if (direction_index < 0) {
self.Direction = CardinalDirection.SouthWest;
} else if (direction_index > 3) {
self.Direction = CardinalDirection.NorthWest;
} else {
self.Direction = @as(CardinalDirection, @enumFromInt(direction_index));
dbg.print("Orientation: {any}\n", .{self.Direction});
/// Still in the proof of concept phase, don't mind the mess
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
const screen_width = 800;
const screen_height = 600;
rl.initWindow(screen_width, screen_height, "My Simulation");
defer rl.closeWindow();
var current_screen: GameScreen = .login;
var frame_counter: i32 = 0;
// NOTE: jip
// I don't think we can get away with using the built-in camera
// We need pixel perfect isometric camera
var lot_camera = rl.Camera3D{
.position = rl.Vector3.init(-90.0, 20.0, 90.0),
.target = rl.Vector3.init(0, 0.0, 0),
.up = rl.Vector3.init(0, 1.0, 0),
.fovy = 10,
.projection = rl.CameraProjection.camera_orthographic,
var city_camera = rl.Camera3D{
.position = rl.Vector3.init(18.0, 21.0, 18),
.target = rl.Vector3.init(0, 0, 0),
.up = rl.Vector3.init(0, 1.0, 0),
.fovy = 45,
.projection = rl.CameraProjection.camera_perspective,
const floorLevel = rl.Vector3.init(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
const itemStatic = rl.Vector3.init(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
const itemStaticSize = rl.Vector2.init(2.0, 2.0);
var rotation_manager = RotationManager.init(.{
.Direction = CardinalDirection.SouthEast,
const logo = rl.Texture.init("resources/logo.png");
const splash = rl.Texture.init("resources/tsosplash.png");
const chair1 = rl.Texture.init("resources/items/dorm/chair/chair_1.png");
const chair1_rect = rl.Rectangle.init(0, 0, @as(f32, @floatFromInt(-chair1.width)), @as(f32, @floatFromInt(chair1.height)));
const chair2 = rl.Texture.init("resources/items/dorm/chair/chair_2.png");
const chair2_rect = rl.Rectangle.init(0, 0, @as(f32, @floatFromInt(-chair2.width)), @as(f32, @floatFromInt(chair2.height)));
const city = rl.loadImage("resources/cities/city_0100/elevation.png");
// const city_texture = rl.Texture.init("resources/cities/city_0100/vertexcolor.png");
// TODO: figure out a better way to unload all images and textures.
defer {
const mesh = rl.genMeshHeightmap(city, rl.Vector3.init(16, 8, 16));
const model = rl.loadModelFromMesh(mesh);
// model.materials[0].maps[rl.MATERIAL_MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = city_texture;
while (!rl.windowShouldClose()) {
// Update
// ------------------
switch (current_screen) {
// Skip straight to lot view until city server is complete
.login => {
frame_counter += 1;
if (frame_counter > 120) current_screen = .lot;
// TODO: Write CAS (Create-A-Sim) screen
.cas => {},
.map => {},
.lot => {
const zoom_increment = 5;
// rotate with keyboard
if (rl.isKeyPressed(rl.KeyboardKey.key_s)) {
if (lot_camera.fovy == 10) {
lot_camera.fovy += zoom_increment;
dbg.print("Zoom level: {d}\n", .{
} else if (rl.isKeyPressed(rl.KeyboardKey.key_w)) {
if (lot_camera.fovy == 15) {
lot_camera.fovy -= zoom_increment;
dbg.print("Zoom level: {d}\n", .{
// roate with scrollwheel
const mouse_wheel_y = std.math.clamp(-rl.getMouseWheelMove(), -1, 1) * zoom_increment;
if (mouse_wheel_y != 0) {
const zoom_min = 10;
const zoom_max = 25;
lot_camera.fovy = std.math.clamp(lot_camera.fovy + mouse_wheel_y, zoom_min, zoom_max);
dbg.print("Zoom level: {d}\n", .{
if (rl.isKeyPressed(rl.KeyboardKey.key_a)) {
lot_camera.position = rl.Vector3.init(-90.0, 20.0, 90.0);
dbg.print("rotate left\n", .{});
} else if (rl.isKeyPressed(rl.KeyboardKey.key_d)) {
lot_camera.position = rl.Vector3.init(90.0, 20.0, 90.0);
dbg.print("rotate right\n", .{});
// camera.update(rl.CameraMode.camera_custom);
// ------------------
// Draw
defer rl.endDrawing();
switch (current_screen) {
// Mockup loading screen, skips straight to world
.login => {
// Splash screen
rl.drawTexture(splash, 0, 0, rl.Color.white);
rl.drawTexture(logo, screen_width / 2.0 - 240, 30, rl.Color.white);
// Loading text
rl.drawText("Reticulating splines...", 20, screen_height - 30, 20, rl.Color.white);
// Skip this for now
.cas => {},
.map => {
defer city_camera.end();
rl.drawModel(model, floorLevel, 1.0, rl.Color.green);
// Low view (i.e. world)
.lot => {
defer lot_camera.end();
rl.drawPlane(floorLevel, rl.Vector2.init(64, 64), rl.Color.dark_green);
switch (rotation_manager.Direction) {
.NorthWest => {
rl.drawBillboardRec(lot_camera, chair1, chair1_rect, itemStatic, itemStaticSize, rl.Color.white);
.NorthEast => {
rl.drawBillboard(lot_camera, chair1, itemStatic, 2.0, rl.Color.white);
.SouthEast => {
rl.drawBillboard(lot_camera, chair2, itemStatic, 2.0, rl.Color.white);
.SouthWest => {
rl.drawBillboardRec(lot_camera, chair2, chair2_rect, itemStatic, itemStaticSize, rl.Color.white);
// rl.drawGrid(64, 1.0);
rl.drawFPS(10, 10);