1. Dumping A HIT file is dumped by running this command: $ hitdump -o example.txt example.hit This will disassemble example.hit into example.txt using MakeTrax syntax. * Instructions, arguments, registers, and globals are rewritten using the mnemonics in example.hsm. * The disassembly is split into BINARY[] sections and logical addresses are defined names using the data provided by example.hsm, example.hot, example.evt, and the HIT symbol table. All user-created constants in example.hsm that begin with "tkd_" are interpreted by hitutils as track data. 2. Reassembling A source file is assembled into an intermediate object by running this command: $ hitasm -o example.o example.txt This will assemble example.txt into example.o according to MakeTrax syntax. * Instructions, arguments, and registers are interpreted using the mnemonics in example.hsm. * The logical addresses defined in example.hsm are ignored. 3. Relinking into the game Object files are relinked into the game by running this command: $ hitld -o example.hit example1.o example2.o ... This will link example1.o, example2.o, and so on into example.hit and reconstruct the relocation tables in example.hot and example.hsm. To clarify, the user cannot change the events signaled by objects without changing the SimAntics of each of those objects. The HIT subroutines invoked by those events, however, can be changed or swapped out quite easily. Appendix A. Address labeling strategies In TSO, the HIT symbol table lists the logical address of each exported function, along with the Track File ID associated with it. In TSO, the EVT file lists the name of each exported function, along with the Track File ID associated with it. * The HIT file can be used to locate each exported function for placement in BINARY[] sections. * In the case of tsov2.hit, the HIT and EVT files can be used together to name these exported functions, seeing that the HSM file is not provided. The HOT file lists all addresses that were labelled, along with the Track File ID associated with it, in the TrackData section. Because the HIT symbol table is not included in The Sims 1, the TrackData section can be used instead. The HSM file lists the name of each labelled address, along with its logical address in the HIT file. (This is done with a Ctrl+F for "tkd_").