#include #include "../version.h" #include "Resource.h" IDI_TSO ICON "TSO.ico" ID_VERSIONINFO VERSIONINFO FILEVERSION VERSION_A,VERSION_B,VERSION_C,VERSION_D PRODUCTVERSION VERSION_A,VERSION_B,VERSION_C,VERSION_D FILEOS 0x00040000L //Windows 32-bit+ FILETYPE 1 //1 is exe, 2 is dll, and so on. //The list can be found at BEGIN BLOCK "StringFileInfo" BEGIN BLOCK "040904B0" BEGIN VALUE "CompanyName", "Maxis™" VALUE "FileDescription", "The Sims Online" VALUE "FileVersion", VERSIONSTR VALUE "InternalName", "TSO_NIOTSO" VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 2002-2005 Maxis™" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "TSO.exe" VALUE "ProductName", "The Sims Online" VALUE "ProductVersion", VERSIONSTR END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" BEGIN VALUE "Translation", 0x0409, 0x04B0 END END