/* iff.h - Copyright (c) 2012 Fatbag Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef read_uint32be #define read_int32be(x) (signed)(((x)[0]<<(8*3)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*2)) | ((x)[2]<<(8*1)) | ((x)[3]<<(8*0))) #define read_int24be(x) (signed)(((x)[0]<<(8*2)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*1)) | ((x)[2]<<(8*0))) #define read_int16be(x) (signed)(((x)[0]<<(8*1)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*0))) #define read_int8be(x) (signed)(((x)[0]<<(8*0))) #define read_int32le(x) (signed)(((x)[0]<<(8*0)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*1)) | ((x)[2]<<(8*2)) | ((x)[3]<<(8*3))) #define read_int24le(x) (signed)(((x)[0]<<(8*0)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*1)) | ((x)[2]<<(8*2))) #define read_int16le(x) (signed)(((x)[0]<<(8*0)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*1))) #define read_int8le(x) (signed)(((x)[0]<<(8*0))) #define read_uint32be(x) (unsigned)(((x)[0]<<(8*3)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*2)) | ((x)[2]<<(8*1)) | ((x)[3]<<(8*0))) #define read_uint24be(x) (unsigned)(((x)[0]<<(8*2)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*1)) | ((x)[2]<<(8*0))) #define read_uint16be(x) (unsigned)(((x)[0]<<(8*1)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*0))) #define read_uint8be(x) (unsigned)(((x)[0]<<(8*0))) #define read_uint32le(x) (unsigned)(((x)[0]<<(8*0)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*1)) | ((x)[2]<<(8*2)) | ((x)[3]<<(8*3))) #define read_uint24le(x) (unsigned)(((x)[0]<<(8*0)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*1)) | ((x)[2]<<(8*2))) #define read_uint16le(x) (unsigned)(((x)[0]<<(8*0)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*1))) #define read_uint8le(x) (unsigned)(((x)[0]<<(8*0))) #endif /* ** IFF file headers */ typedef struct IFFChunk_struct { char Type[5]; uint32_t Size; uint16_t ChunkID; uint16_t Flags; char Label[65]; uint8_t * Data; void * FormattedData; } IFFChunk; typedef struct IFFChunkNode_struct { IFFChunk Chunk; struct IFFChunkNode_struct * PrevChunk; struct IFFChunkNode_struct * NextChunk; } IFFChunkNode; typedef struct IFFFile_struct { uint8_t Header[64]; uint32_t ChunkCount; IFFChunkNode * FirstChunk; IFFChunkNode * LastChunk; IFFChunkNode * ResourceMap; } IFFFile; static const uint8_t Header_IFF[] = "IFF FILE 2.5:TYPE FOLLOWED BY SIZE\0 JAMIE DOORNBOS & MAXIS 1"; /* ** IFF chunk structs */ /* BCON chunk */ typedef struct IFF_BCON_struct { uint8_t ConstantCount; uint8_t Flags; uint16_t * Constants; } IFF_BCON; /* STR# chunk */ enum IFFLanguage { IFFLANG_DEFAULT = 0, IFFLANG_EN_US = 1, IFFLANG_EN_INTERNATIONAL = 2, IFFLANG_FRENCH = 3, IFFLANG_GERMAN = 4, IFFLANG_ITALIAN = 5, IFFLANG_SPANISH = 6, IFFLANG_DUTCH = 7, IFFLANG_DANISH = 8, IFFLANG_SWEDISH = 9, IFFLANG_NORWEGIAN = 10, IFFLANG_FINNISH = 11, IFFLANG_HEBREW = 12, IFFLANG_RUSSIAN = 13, IFFLANG_PORTUGUESE = 14, IFFLANG_JAPANESE = 15, IFFLANG_POLISH = 16, IFFLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED = 17, IFFLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL = 18, IFFLANG_THAI = 19, IFFLANG_KOREAN = 20 }; typedef struct IFFStringPair_struct { uint8_t LanguageSet; char * Key; char * Value; } IFFStringPair; typedef struct IFFStringPairNode_struct { IFFStringPair Pair; struct IFFStringPairNode_struct * PrevPair; struct IFFStringPairNode_struct * NextPair; } IFFStringPairNode; typedef struct IFFLanguageSet_struct { uint16_t PairCount; IFFStringPairNode * FirstPair; IFFStringPairNode * LastPair; } IFFLanguageSet; typedef struct IFF_STR_struct { int16_t Format; IFFLanguageSet LanguageSets[20]; } IFF_STR; /* TRCN chunk */ typedef struct IFFRangePair_struct { uint32_t IsUnused; uint32_t Unknown; char * Key; char * Value; uint8_t Enforced; uint16_t RangeMin; uint16_t RangeMax; } IFFRangePair; typedef struct IFF_TRCN_struct { uint32_t Reserved; uint32_t Version; char MagicNumber[5]; uint32_t EntryCount; IFFRangePair * Entries; } IFF_TRCN; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* ** IFF file functions */ IFFFile * iff_create(); int iff_read_header(IFFFile * IFFFileInfo, const uint8_t * Buffer, unsigned FileSize); IFFChunkNode * iff_add_chunk(IFFFile * IFFFileInfo, int Position); int iff_read_chunk(IFFChunk * ChunkInfo, const uint8_t * Buffer, unsigned MaxChunkSize); int iff_enumerate_chunks(IFFFile * IFFFileInfo, const uint8_t * Buffer, unsigned BufferSize); void iff_delete_chunk(IFFFile * IFFFileInfo, int Position); void iff_delete(IFFFile * IFFFileInfo); /* ** IFF chunk functions */ int iff_parse_chunk(IFFChunk * ChunkInfo, const uint8_t * Buffer); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif