/* hitutils - The Sims HIT (dis)assembler and linker hitdump.c - Copyright (c) 2012 Niotso Project Author(s): Fatbag Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #ifndef min #define min(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)) #endif #ifndef max #define max(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) #endif #ifndef read_int32 #define read_uint32(x) (unsigned)(((x)[0]<<(8*0)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*1)) | ((x)[2]<<(8*2)) | ((x)[3]<<(8*3))) #define read_uint16(x) (unsigned)(((x)[0]<<(8*0)) | ((x)[1]<<(8*1))) #endif enum { hsm, hot, evt, hit, out, filecount }; enum { VERSION_TS1 = 1, VERSION_TSO }; #define OPERAND_BYTES(x) (x) #define OPERAND(x, y) ((y)<<((x)*4+4)) #define UNIMPLEMENTED ((uint32_t)~0) enum operand_t { o_byte = 1, o_dword, o_address, o_variable, o_jump }; typedef struct { const char * Name; uint32_t Operands; } instruction_t; typedef struct { const char * Name; uint32_t Value; } global_t; static const uint8_t HITHeader[] = {'H','I','T','!',0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00,'T','R','A','X'}; static const instruction_t Instructions[] = { {"note", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"note_on", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_variable)}, {"note_off", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_variable)}, {"loadb", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_byte)}, {"loadl", OPERAND_BYTES(5) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_dword)}, {"set", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"call", OPERAND_BYTES(4) | OPERAND(0, o_address)}, {"return", OPERAND_BYTES(0)}, {"wait", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_variable)}, {"callentrypoint", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"wait_samp", OPERAND_BYTES(0)}, {"end", OPERAND_BYTES(0)}, {"jump", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_jump)}, {"test", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_variable)}, {"nop", OPERAND_BYTES(0)}, {"add", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"sub", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"div", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"mul", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"cmp", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"less", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"greater", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"not", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"rand", OPERAND_BYTES(3) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable) | OPERAND(2, o_variable)}, {"abs", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"limit", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"error", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"assert", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"add_to_group", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"remove_from_group", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"get_var", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"loop", OPERAND_BYTES(0)}, {"set_loop", OPERAND_BYTES(0)}, {"callback", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"smart_add", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"smart_remove", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"smart_removeall", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"smart_setcrit", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"smart_choose", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_variable)}, {"and", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"nand", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"or", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"nor", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"xor", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"max", OPERAND_BYTES(5) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_dword)}, {"min", OPERAND_BYTES(5) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_dword)}, {"inc", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_variable)}, {"dec", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_variable)}, {"printreg", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"play_trk", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_variable)}, {"kill_trk", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_variable)}, {"push", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"push_mask", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"push_vars", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"call_mask", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"call_push", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"pop", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"test1", OPERAND_BYTES(0)}, {"test2", OPERAND_BYTES(0)}, {"test3", OPERAND_BYTES(0)}, {"test4", OPERAND_BYTES(0)}, {"ifeq", OPERAND_BYTES(4) | OPERAND(0, o_address)}, {"ifne", OPERAND_BYTES(4) | OPERAND(0, o_address)}, {"ifgt", OPERAND_BYTES(4) | OPERAND(0, o_address)}, {"iflt", OPERAND_BYTES(4) | OPERAND(0, o_address)}, {"ifge", OPERAND_BYTES(4) | OPERAND(0, o_address)}, {"ifle", OPERAND_BYTES(4) | OPERAND(0, o_address)}, {"smart_setlist", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_variable)}, {"seqgroup_kill", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_byte)}, {"seqgroup_wait", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"seqgroup_return", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_byte)}, {"getsrcdatafield", OPERAND_BYTES(3) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable) | OPERAND(2, o_variable)}, {"seqgroup_trkid", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_byte) | OPERAND(1, o_byte)}, {"setll", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"setlt", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"settl", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"waiteq", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"waitne", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"waitgt", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"waitlt", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"waitge", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"waitle", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"duck", OPERAND_BYTES(0)}, {"unduck", OPERAND_BYTES(0)}, {"testx", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"setlg", OPERAND_BYTES(5) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_dword)}, {"setgl", OPERAND_BYTES(5) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_dword)}, {"throw", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"setsrcdatafield", OPERAND_BYTES(3) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable) | OPERAND(2, o_variable)}, {"stop_trk", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_variable)}, {"setchanreg", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"play_note", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"stop_note", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"kill_note", UNIMPLEMENTED}, {"smart_index", OPERAND_BYTES(2) | OPERAND(0, o_variable) | OPERAND(1, o_variable)}, {"note_on_loop", OPERAND_BYTES(1) | OPERAND(0, o_variable)} }; static const char *Registers[] = { "arg0", "arg1", "arg2", "arg3", "arg4", "v1", "v2", "v3", "v4", "v5", "v6", "v7", "v8", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4" }; #define TSOGlobalCount 66 static const global_t TSOGlobals[] = { {"argstype", 0x10}, {"trackdatasource", 0x11}, {"patch", 0x12}, {"priority", 0x13}, {"vol", 0x14}, {"extvol", 0x15}, {"pan", 0x16}, {"pitch", 0x17}, {"paused", 0x18}, {"fxtype", 0x19}, {"fxlevel", 0x1a}, {"duckpri", 0x1b}, {"Is3d", 0x1c}, {"IsHeadRelative", 0x1d}, {"MinDistance", 0x1e}, {"MaxDistance", 0x1f}, {"X", 0x20}, {"Y", 0x21}, {"Z", 0x22}, {"attack", 0x23}, {"decay", 0x24}, {"IsStreamed", 0x25}, {"bufsizemult", 0x26}, {"fade_dest", 0x27}, {"fade_var", 0x28}, {"fade_speed", 0x29}, {"fade_on", 0x2a}, {"Preload", 0x2b}, {"isplaying", 0x2c}, {"whattodowithupdate", 0x2d}, {"tempo", 0x2e}, {"target", 0x2f}, {"ctrlgroup", 0x30}, {"interrupt", 0x31}, {"ispositioned", 0x32}, {"AppObjectId", 0x34}, {"callbackarg", 0x35}, {"pitchrandmin", 0x36}, {"pitchrandmax", 0x37}, {"spl", 0x38}, {"sem", 0x39}, {"starttrackid", 0x3a}, {"endtrackid", 0x3b}, {"startdelay", 0x3c}, {"fadeinspeed", 0x3d}, {"fadeoutspeed", 0x3e}, {"hitlist", 0x3f}, {"SimSpeed", 0x64}, {"test_g1", 0x65}, {"test_g2", 0x66}, {"test_g3", 0x67}, {"test_g4", 0x68}, {"test_g5", 0x69}, {"test_g6", 0x6a}, {"test_g7", 0x6b}, {"test_g8", 0x6c}, {"test_g9", 0x6d}, {"main_songnum", 0x6e}, {"main_musichitlistid", 0x6f}, {"campfire_nexttrack", 0x70}, {"campfire_busy", 0x71}, {"main_duckpri", 0x7b}, {"main_vol", 0x7c}, {"main_fxtype", 0x7d}, {"main_fxlevel", 0x7e}, {"main_pause", 0x7f} }; #define TS1GlobalCount 71 static const global_t TS1Globals[] = { {"priority", 0x11}, {"vol", 0x12}, {"extvol", 0x13}, {"pan", 0x14}, {"pitch", 0x15}, {"paused", 0x16}, {"fxtype", 0x17}, {"fxlevel", 0x18}, {"duckpri", 0x19}, {"Is3d", 0x1a}, {"IsHeadRelative", 0x1b}, {"MinDistance", 0x1c}, {"MaxDistance", 0x1d}, {"X", 0x1e}, {"Y", 0x1f}, {"Z", 0x20}, {"filter_type", 0x21}, {"filter_cutoff", 0x22}, {"filter_level", 0x23}, {"attack", 0x24}, {"decay", 0x25}, {"IsStreamed", 0x26}, {"BufSizeMult", 0x27}, {"fade_dest", 0x28}, {"fade_var", 0x29}, {"fade_speed", 0x2a}, {"Preload", 0x2b}, {"IsLooped", 0x2c}, {"fade_on", 0x2d}, {"isplaying", 0x2e}, {"source", 0x2f}, {"patch", 0x32}, {"WhatToDoWithUpdate", 0x33}, {"tempo", 0x34}, {"target", 0x35}, {"mutegroup", 0x36}, {"interrupt", 0x37}, {"IsPositioned", 0x38}, {"Spl", 0x39}, {"MultipleInstances", 0x3a}, {"AssociatedTrack1", 0x3b}, {"AssociatedTrack2", 0x3c}, {"AssociatedTrack3", 0x3d}, {"AssociatedTrack4", 0x3e}, {"AssociatedTrack5", 0x3f}, {"AssociatedTrack6", 0x40}, {"AssociatedTrack7", 0x41}, {"AssociatedTrack8", 0x42}, {"SimSpeed", 0x64}, {"test_g1", 0x65}, {"test_g2", 0x66}, {"test_g3", 0x67}, {"test_g4", 0x68}, {"test_g5", 0x69}, {"test_g6", 0x6a}, {"test_g7", 0x6b}, {"test_g8", 0x6c}, {"test_g9", 0x6d}, {"main_songnum", 0x6e}, {"main_musichitlistid", 0x6f}, {"campfire_nexttrack", 0x70}, {"campfire_busy", 0x71}, {"main_duckpri", 0x7b}, {"main_vol", 0x7c}, {"main_fxtype", 0x7d}, {"main_fxlevel", 0x7e}, {"main_pause", 0x7f}, }; static __inline const char * find_global(uint32_t x, const global_t * Globals, size_t GlobalCount){ size_t i; for(i=0; iCount == List->Size) List->Entries = realloc(List->Entries, (List->Size <<= 1) * sizeof(address_t)); return memset(List->Entries + List->Count++, 0, sizeof(address_t)); } static __inline address_t * find_address_by_track_id(addresslist_t * List, uint32_t TrackID){ unsigned i; for(i=0; iCount; i++){ if(List->Entries[i].TrackID == TrackID) return List->Entries + i; } return NULL; } static __inline address_t * find_address_by_sound_id(addresslist_t * List, uint32_t SoundID){ unsigned i; for(i=0; iCount; i++){ if(List->Entries[i].SoundID == SoundID) return List->Entries + i; } return NULL; } static __inline address_t * find_address_by_logical_address(addresslist_t * List, uint32_t LogicalAddress){ unsigned i; for(i=0; iCount; i++){ if(List->Entries[i].LogicalAddress == LogicalAddress) return List->Entries + i; } return NULL; } static __inline address_t * find_address_by_name(addresslist_t * List, const char * Name){ unsigned i; for(i=0; iCount; i++){ if(List->Entries[i].Name && !strcmp(List->Entries[i].Name, Name)) return List->Entries + i; } return NULL; } static __inline void read_hit_addresses(uint8_t * Data, size_t Size, addresslist_t * AddressList, uint32_t * SymbolTable){ uint8_t * Start = Data, * TableData; unsigned i, count = 0; if(Size < 32) return; Data += 16; Size -= 16; /* Find the table start */ while(memcmp(Data, "ENTP", 4)){ if(Size < 17) return; Data++; Size--; } TableData = Data; Data += 4; Size -= 4; /* Find the table end */ while(memcmp(Data, "EENT", 4)){ if(Size < 12) return; Data+=8; Size-=8; count++; } *SymbolTable = TableData - Start; if(count == 0) return; TableData += 4; for(i=0; iExported = 1; Address->TrackID = read_uint32(TableData); TableData+=4; Address->LogicalAddress = read_uint32(TableData); TableData+=4; } } static __inline void read_evt_addresses(uint8_t * Data, size_t Size, addresslist_t * AddressList){ if(Size < 13) return; while(1){ uint8_t * Name = Data, * TrackIDPos; address_t * Address; uint32_t TrackID; Data++; Size--; /* End of first field: address name */ while(*Data != ','){ if(Size < 13) return; Data++; Size--; } *Data = '\0'; Data++; Size--; /* End of second field: unneeded */ while(*Data != ','){ if(Size < 11) return; Data++; Size--; } Data++; Size--; TrackIDPos = Data; /* End of third field: Track ID */ while(*Data != ','){ if(Size < 9) return; Data++; Size--; } *Data = '\0'; Data++; Size--; TrackID = atoi((char*)TrackIDPos); Address = find_address_by_track_id(AddressList, TrackID); if(!Address){ Address = add_address(AddressList); Address->Exported = 1; Address->TrackID = TrackID; } Address->Name = (char*)Name; while(*Data != '\n'){ if(Size < 15) return; Data++; Size--; } Data++; Size--; } } static __inline void read_hsm_addresses(uint8_t * Data, size_t Size, addresslist_t * AddressList){ if(Size < 24) return; while(1){ uint8_t * Name, * IDPos; address_t * Address; uint32_t SoundID, LogicalAddress; /* Find the next constant that begins with "tkd_" */ while(memcmp(Data, "\ntkd_", 5)){ if(Size < 25) return; Data++; Size--; } Name = Data += 5; Size -= 5; /* End of tkd constant name */ while(*Data != ' '){ if(Size < 19) return; Data++; Size--; } *Data = '\0'; Data++; Size--; IDPos = Data; /* End of tkd constant value */ while(*Data != ' '){ if(Size < 17) return; Data++; Size--; } *Data = '\0'; Data++; Size--; SoundID = atoi((char*)IDPos); /* End of address constant name */ while(*Data != ' '){ if(Size < 9) return; Data++; Size--; } Data++; Size--; IDPos = Data; /* End of address constant value */ while(*Data != ' '){ if(Size < 7) return; Data++; Size--; } *Data = '\0'; Data++; Data--; LogicalAddress = atoi((char*)IDPos); Address = find_address_by_logical_address(AddressList, LogicalAddress); if(!Address){ Address = find_address_by_name(AddressList, (char*)Name); if(!Address){ Address = add_address(AddressList); Address->Name = (char*)Name; } Address->LogicalAddress = LogicalAddress; } else Address->Name = (char*)Name; Address->SoundID = SoundID; while(*Data != '\n'){ if(Size < 25) return; Data++; Size--; } } } static __inline void read_hot_trackdata(uint8_t * Data, size_t Size, addresslist_t * AddressList){ if(Size < 19) return; while(memcmp(Data, "[TrackData]", 11)){ if(Size < 20) return; Data++; Size--; } Data += 12; Size -= 12; if(*Data == '\n'){ Data++; Size--; } while(1){ uint8_t * IDPos = Data; address_t * Address; uint32_t SoundID, LogicalAddress; /* End of key: Sound ID */ while(*Data != '='){ if(Size < 5) return; Data++; Size--; } *Data = '\0'; SoundID = strtol((char*)IDPos, NULL, 0); Data++; Size--; IDPos = Data; while(*Data != '\n'){ if(Size < 2) return; Data++; Size--; } *Data = '\0'; LogicalAddress = strtol((char*)IDPos, NULL, 0); Data++; Size--; Address = find_address_by_logical_address(AddressList, LogicalAddress); if(!Address){ Address = find_address_by_sound_id(AddressList, SoundID); if(!Address){ Address = add_address(AddressList); Address->SoundID = SoundID; } Address->LogicalAddress = LogicalAddress; } else Address->SoundID = SoundID; if(Size < 8) return; while(*Data == '\r' || *Data == '\n' || *Data == ' ' || *Data == '\t'){ if(Size < 8) return; Data++; Size--; } if(*Data == '[') return; } } static __inline void read_hot_track(uint8_t * Data, size_t Size, addresslist_t * AddressList){ if(Size < 28) return; while(memcmp(Data, "[Track]", 7)){ if(Size < 29) return; Data++; Size--; } Data += 8; Size -= 8; if(*Data == '\n'){ Data++; Size--; } while(1){ uint8_t * IDPos = Data, * Name; address_t * Address; uint32_t TrackID; /* End of key: Track ID */ while(*Data != '='){ if(Size < 20) return; Data++; Size--; } *Data = '\0'; TrackID = strtol((char*)IDPos, NULL, 0); Data++; Size--; /* End of first field: Unknown */ while(*Data != ','){ if(Size < 18) return; Data++; Size--; } Data++; Size--; Name = Data; /* End of second field: Name */ while(*Data != ','){ if(Size < 16) return; Data++; Size--; } *Data = '\0'; Address = find_address_by_name(AddressList, (char*)Name); if(!Address){ Address = find_address_by_track_id(AddressList, TrackID); if(!Address){ Address = add_address(AddressList); Address->TrackID = TrackID; } Address->Name = (char*)Name; } else Address->TrackID = TrackID; Address->Exported = 1; if(Size < 36) return; while(*Data == '\r' || *Data == '\n' || *Data == ' ' || *Data == '\t'){ if(Size < 22) return; Data++; Size--; } if(*Data == '[') return; } } static __inline void read_hot_addresses(uint8_t * Data, size_t Size, addresslist_t * AddressList){ read_hot_trackdata(Data, Size, AddressList); read_hot_track(Data, Size, AddressList); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ unsigned i, addr; int SimsVersion = 0; int overwrite = 0; int ShowAddresses = 0; int length; char *basename; char *path[filecount] = {NULL}; uint8_t *data[filecount-1] = {NULL}; size_t filesize[filecount-1]; FILE * hFile; const global_t * Globals; size_t GlobalCount; uint32_t SymbolTable = 0; uint32_t BaseSoundID = 0, BaseSoundIDSet = 0; /* collected data */ addresslist_t AddressList; /**** ** Parse the command-line arguments */ if(argc == 1 || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")){ printf("Usage: hitdump [-ts1|-tso] [-f] [-a] [-o outfile.txt] [-hsm infile.hsm]\n" " [-hot infile.hot] [-evt infile.evt] infile.hit\n" "Disassemble a HIT binary.\n" "\n" "The HSM, HOT, and EVT files are not strictly necessary but\n" "each help in their own way to provide labels for addresses.\n" "Use -f to force overwriting without confirmation.\n" "Use -a to show addresses (verbose).\n" "\n" "Report bugs to .\n" "hitutils is maintained by the Niotso project.\n" "Home page: \n"); return 0; } for(i=1; i<(unsigned)argc-1; i++){ if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-ts1")) SimsVersion = VERSION_TS1; else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-tso")) SimsVersion = VERSION_TSO; else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-f")) overwrite = 1; else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-a")) ShowAddresses = 1; else if(i != (unsigned)argc-2){ if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-out")) path[out] = argv[++i]; else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-hsm")) path[hsm] = argv[++i]; else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-hot")) path[hot] = argv[++i]; else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-evt")) path[evt] = argv[++i]; else break; } else break; } if(!SimsVersion){ fprintf(stderr, "%sSims version not specified. (Use -ts1 or -tso.)\n", "hitdump: Error: "); return -1; } if(SimsVersion == VERSION_TS1){ Globals = TS1Globals; GlobalCount = TS1GlobalCount; }else{ Globals = TSOGlobals; GlobalCount = TSOGlobalCount; } path[hit] = argv[i]; length = strlen(path[hit]); if(path[out] == NULL){ path[out] = malloc(max(length+1, 5)); strcpy(path[out], path[hit]); strcpy(path[out] + max(length-4, 0), ".txt"); } length = max(length+1-4, 1); basename = malloc(length); memcpy(basename, path[hit], length-1); basename[length-1] = '\0'; /**** ** Read all of the requested files */ for(i=0; iName) fprintf(hFile, "%s", Address->Name); else fprintf(hFile, "%u", LogicalAddress); } if(addr-4 != SymbolTable) fprintf(hFile, "\r\n"); fprintf(hFile, "\r\n" "\t69\r\n" "\t69\r\n" "\t78\r\n" "\t84"); if(addr+4 == filesize[hit]) break; fprintf(hFile, "\r\n]\r\n\r\nBINARY\r\n["); addr += 4; SymbolTable = 0; HadSymbolTable++; } Address = find_address_by_logical_address(&AddressList, addr); if(Address){ if(!HadSymbolTable && addr != 16 && Address->Exported) fprintf(hFile, "\r\n]\r\n\r\nBINARY\r\n["); if(Address->Name) fprintf(hFile, "\r\n%s", Address->Name); } opcode = data[hit][addr]; if(opcode == 0 || opcode > 96){ fprintf(stderr, "%sIllegal opcode 0x%02X at address 0x%08X.\n", "hitdump: Error: ", opcode, addr); return -1; } instruction = Instructions + opcode - 1; operands = instruction->Operands; if(operands == UNIMPLEMENTED){ fprintf(stderr, "%sUnimplemented instruction '%s' at address 0x%08X.\n", "hitdump: Error: ", instruction->Name, addr); return -1; } addr++; if(filesize[hit] - addr < (operands & 15)){ fprintf(stderr, "%sInsufficient operand bytes for '%s' instruction at address 0x%08X (%u of %u supplied).\n", "hitdump: Error: ", instruction->Name, addr, filesize[hit] - addr, instruction->Operands); return -1; } fprintf(hFile, "\r\n\t\t%s", instruction->Name); for(i=0; (operands >>= 4) != 0; i++){ int type = operands & 15; const char *position[] = {"first","second","third","fourth"}; if(type == o_byte){ fprintf(hFile, " #%u", data[hit][addr]); addr += 1; }else if(type == o_dword){ fprintf(hFile, " #%u", read_uint32(data[hit]+addr)); addr += 4; }else if(type == o_address){ int LogicalAddress = read_uint32(data[hit]+addr); Address = find_address_by_logical_address(&AddressList, LogicalAddress); if(Address && Address->Name) fprintf(hFile, " #%s", Address->Name); else fprintf(hFile, " #%u", LogicalAddress); addr += 4; }else if(type == o_variable){ int x = data[hit][addr]; if(x > 16){ const char * Global = find_global(x, Globals, GlobalCount); if(Global == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "%sInvalid %s operand 0x%02X for '%s' instruction at address 0x%08X (expected %s).\n", "hitdump: Error: ", position[i], x, instruction->Name, addr, "argument, register, or global"); return -1; } fprintf(hFile, " %s", Global); } else fprintf(hFile, " %s", Registers[x]); addr += 1; }else if(type == o_jump){ unsigned x = 0; if(filesize[hit]-addr >= 4) x = read_uint32(data[hit]+addr); else if(data[hit][addr] != 0x05 && data[hit][addr] != 0x06){ fprintf(stderr, "%sInsufficient operand bytes for '%s' instruction at address 0x%08X (%u of %u supplied).\n", "hitdump: Error: ", instruction->Name, addr, filesize[hit] - addr, 4); return -1; } if(x >= 16 && x < filesize[hit]){ Address = find_address_by_logical_address(&AddressList, x); if(Address && Address->Name) fprintf(hFile, " #%s", Address->Name); else fprintf(hFile, " #%u", x); addr += 4; }else{ x = data[hit][addr]; if(x > 16){ const char * Global = find_global(x, Globals, GlobalCount); if(Global == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "%sInvalid %s operand 0x%02X for '%s' instruction at address 0x%08X (expected %s).\n", "hitdump: Error: ", position[i], x, instruction->Name, addr, "argument, register, or global"); return -1; } fprintf(hFile, " %s", Global); } else fprintf(hFile, " %s", Registers[x]); addr += (data[hit][addr] != 0x05 && data[hit][addr] != 0x06) ? 4 : 1; } } } } fprintf(hFile, "\r\n]\r\n\r\n"); fclose(hFile); return 0; }