
159 lines
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* lsyscache.h
* Convenience routines for common queries in the system catalog cache.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2011, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/include/utils/lsyscache.h
#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "nodes/pg_list.h"
/* Result list element for get_op_btree_interpretation */
typedef struct OpBtreeInterpretation
Oid opfamily_id; /* btree opfamily containing operator */
int strategy; /* its strategy number */
Oid oplefttype; /* declared left input datatype */
Oid oprighttype; /* declared right input datatype */
} OpBtreeInterpretation;
/* I/O function selector for get_type_io_data */
typedef enum IOFuncSelector
} IOFuncSelector;
/* Hook for plugins to get control in get_attavgwidth() */
typedef int32 (*get_attavgwidth_hook_type) (Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum);
extern PGDLLIMPORT get_attavgwidth_hook_type get_attavgwidth_hook;
extern bool op_in_opfamily(Oid opno, Oid opfamily);
extern int get_op_opfamily_strategy(Oid opno, Oid opfamily);
extern Oid get_op_opfamily_sortfamily(Oid opno, Oid opfamily);
extern void get_op_opfamily_properties(Oid opno, Oid opfamily, bool ordering_op,
int *strategy,
Oid *lefttype,
Oid *righttype);
extern Oid get_opfamily_member(Oid opfamily, Oid lefttype, Oid righttype,
int16 strategy);
extern bool get_ordering_op_properties(Oid opno,
Oid *opfamily, Oid *opcintype, int16 *strategy);
extern bool get_compare_function_for_ordering_op(Oid opno,
Oid *cmpfunc, bool *reverse);
extern Oid get_equality_op_for_ordering_op(Oid opno, bool *reverse);
extern Oid get_ordering_op_for_equality_op(Oid opno, bool use_lhs_type);
extern List *get_mergejoin_opfamilies(Oid opno);
extern bool get_compatible_hash_operators(Oid opno,
Oid *lhs_opno, Oid *rhs_opno);
extern bool get_op_hash_functions(Oid opno,
RegProcedure *lhs_procno, RegProcedure *rhs_procno);
extern List *get_op_btree_interpretation(Oid opno);
extern bool equality_ops_are_compatible(Oid opno1, Oid opno2);
extern Oid get_opfamily_proc(Oid opfamily, Oid lefttype, Oid righttype,
int16 procnum);
extern char *get_attname(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum);
extern char *get_relid_attribute_name(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum);
extern AttrNumber get_attnum(Oid relid, const char *attname);
extern Oid get_atttype(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum);
extern int32 get_atttypmod(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum);
extern void get_atttypetypmodcoll(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum,
Oid *typid, int32 *typmod, Oid *collid);
extern char *get_collation_name(Oid colloid);
extern char *get_constraint_name(Oid conoid);
extern Oid get_opclass_family(Oid opclass);
extern Oid get_opclass_input_type(Oid opclass);
extern RegProcedure get_opcode(Oid opno);
extern char *get_opname(Oid opno);
extern void op_input_types(Oid opno, Oid *lefttype, Oid *righttype);
extern bool op_mergejoinable(Oid opno, Oid inputtype);
extern bool op_hashjoinable(Oid opno, Oid inputtype);
extern bool op_strict(Oid opno);
extern char op_volatile(Oid opno);
extern Oid get_commutator(Oid opno);
extern Oid get_negator(Oid opno);
extern RegProcedure get_oprrest(Oid opno);
extern RegProcedure get_oprjoin(Oid opno);
extern char *get_func_name(Oid funcid);
extern Oid get_func_namespace(Oid funcid);
extern Oid get_func_rettype(Oid funcid);
extern int get_func_nargs(Oid funcid);
extern Oid get_func_signature(Oid funcid, Oid **argtypes, int *nargs);
extern bool get_func_retset(Oid funcid);
extern bool func_strict(Oid funcid);
extern char func_volatile(Oid funcid);
extern float4 get_func_cost(Oid funcid);
extern float4 get_func_rows(Oid funcid);
extern Oid get_relname_relid(const char *relname, Oid relnamespace);
extern char *get_rel_name(Oid relid);
extern Oid get_rel_namespace(Oid relid);
extern Oid get_rel_type_id(Oid relid);
extern char get_rel_relkind(Oid relid);
extern Oid get_rel_tablespace(Oid relid);
extern bool get_typisdefined(Oid typid);
extern int16 get_typlen(Oid typid);
extern bool get_typbyval(Oid typid);
extern void get_typlenbyval(Oid typid, int16 *typlen, bool *typbyval);
extern void get_typlenbyvalalign(Oid typid, int16 *typlen, bool *typbyval,
char *typalign);
extern Oid getTypeIOParam(HeapTuple typeTuple);
extern void get_type_io_data(Oid typid,
IOFuncSelector which_func,
int16 *typlen,
bool *typbyval,
char *typalign,
char *typdelim,
Oid *typioparam,
Oid *func);
extern char get_typstorage(Oid typid);
extern Node *get_typdefault(Oid typid);
extern char get_typtype(Oid typid);
extern bool type_is_rowtype(Oid typid);
extern bool type_is_enum(Oid typid);
extern void get_type_category_preferred(Oid typid,
char *typcategory,
bool *typispreferred);
extern Oid get_typ_typrelid(Oid typid);
extern Oid get_element_type(Oid typid);
extern Oid get_array_type(Oid typid);
extern Oid get_base_element_type(Oid typid);
extern void getTypeInputInfo(Oid type, Oid *typInput, Oid *typIOParam);
extern void getTypeOutputInfo(Oid type, Oid *typOutput, bool *typIsVarlena);
extern void getTypeBinaryInputInfo(Oid type, Oid *typReceive, Oid *typIOParam);
extern void getTypeBinaryOutputInfo(Oid type, Oid *typSend, bool *typIsVarlena);
extern Oid get_typmodin(Oid typid);
extern Oid get_typcollation(Oid typid);
extern bool type_is_collatable(Oid typid);
extern Oid getBaseType(Oid typid);
extern Oid getBaseTypeAndTypmod(Oid typid, int32 *typmod);
extern int32 get_typavgwidth(Oid typid, int32 typmod);
extern int32 get_attavgwidth(Oid relid, AttrNumber attnum);
extern bool get_attstatsslot(HeapTuple statstuple,
Oid atttype, int32 atttypmod,
int reqkind, Oid reqop,
Oid *actualop,
Datum **values, int *nvalues,
float4 **numbers, int *nnumbers);
extern void free_attstatsslot(Oid atttype,
Datum *values, int nvalues,
float4 *numbers, int nnumbers);
extern char *get_namespace_name(Oid nspid);
#define type_is_array(typid) (get_element_type(typid) != InvalidOid)
/* type_is_array_domain accepts both plain arrays and domains over arrays */
#define type_is_array_domain(typid) (get_base_element_type(typid) != InvalidOid)
#define TypeIsToastable(typid) (get_typstorage(typid) != 'p')
#endif /* LSYSCACHE_H */