improved sounds for copter

This commit is contained in:
Alexsandro Percy 2024-01-25 19:37:13 -03:00
parent 50001c1993
commit 0f631153e4
3 changed files with 34 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -1,20 +1,44 @@
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "lib_planes" .. DIR_DELIM .. "global_definitions.lua")
local function engine_set_sound_and_animation(self, is_flying)
function engineSoundPlay(self, increment)
increment = increment or 0.0
if self.sound_handle then minetest.sound_stop(self.sound_handle) end
if self.object then
local pitch_adjust = 0.9 + increment
self.sound_handle = minetest.sound_play({name = self._engine_sound},
{object = self.object, gain = 2.0,
pitch = pitch_adjust,
max_hear_distance = 32,
loop = true,})
local function engine_set_sound_and_animation(self, is_flying, newpitch, newroll)
is_flying = is_flying or false
--minetest.chat_send_all('test1 ' .. dump(self._engine_running) )
if self._engine_running or is_flying then
if self._snd_last_roll ~= newroll or self._snd_last_pitch ~= newpitch then
local increment = 0.0
self._snd_last_roll = newroll
self._snd_last_pitch = newpitch
if newroll ~= 0.0 or newpitch ~= 0.0 then increment = 0.1 else increment = 0.0 end
engineSoundPlay(self, increment)
if self.sound_handle == nil then
--[[if self.sound_handle == nil then
self.sound_handle = minetest.sound_play({name = self._engine_sound},
{object = self.object, gain = 2.0,
pitch = 1.0,
max_hear_distance = 32,
loop = true,})
if self.sound_handle then
self._snd_last_roll = nil
self._snd_last_pitch = nil
self.sound_handle = nil
@ -22,36 +46,6 @@ local function engine_set_sound_and_animation(self, is_flying)
local function ground_pitch(self, longit_speed, curr_pitch)
local newpitch = curr_pitch
if self._last_longit_speed == nil then self._last_longit_speed = 0 end
-- Estado atual do sistema
if self._current_value == nil then self._current_value = 0 end -- Valor atual do sistema
if self._last_error == nil then self._last_error = 0 end -- Último erro registrado
-- adjust pitch at ground
if math.abs(longit_speed) < self._tail_lift_max_speed then
local speed_range = self._tail_lift_max_speed - self._tail_lift_min_speed
local percentage = 1-((math.abs(longit_speed) - self._tail_lift_min_speed)/speed_range)
if percentage > 1 then percentage = 1 end
if percentage < 0 then percentage = 0 end
local angle = self._tail_angle * percentage
local rad_angle = math.rad(angle)
if newpitch < rad_angle then newpitch = rad_angle end --ja aproveita o pitch atual se ja estiver cerrto
--[[self._current_value = curr_pitch
local kp = (longit_speed - self._tail_lift_min_speed)/10
local output, last_error = airutils.pid_controller(self._current_value, rad_angle, self._last_error, self.dtime, kp)
self._last_error = last_error
newpitch = output]]--
if newpitch > math.rad(self._tail_angle) then newpitch = math.rad(self._tail_angle) end --não queremos arrastar o cauda no chão
return newpitch
function airutils.logic_heli(self)
local velocity = self.object:get_velocity()
local curr_pos = self.object:get_pos()
@ -300,12 +294,10 @@ function airutils.logic_heli(self)
-- sound and animation
engine_set_sound_and_animation(self, is_flying)
engine_set_sound_and_animation(self, is_flying, newpitch, newroll)
--self.object:get_luaentity() --hack way to fix jitter on climb
--minetest.chat_send_all('rate '.. climb_rate)
local climb_angle = airutils.get_gauge_angle(climb_rate)

sounds/airutils_heli_snd.ogg Executable file

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
remixed from
Author Carlfnf
Licence CC0