improved lift code

This commit is contained in:
Alexsandro Percy 2023-07-06 19:55:09 -03:00
parent df04f66d25
commit 3770d2fb9e

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@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ function airutils.getLiftAccel(self, velocity, accel, longit_speed, roll, curr_p
local angle_of_attack = math.rad(self._angle_of_attack + wing_config)
--local acc = 0.8
local daoa = deg(angle_of_attack)
--to decrease the lift coefficient at hight altitudes
local curr_percent_height = (100 - ((curr_pos.y * 100) / max_height))/100
@ -297,8 +298,9 @@ function airutils.getLiftAccel(self, velocity, accel, longit_speed, roll, curr_p
local cross = vector.cross(velocity,hdir)
local lift_dir = vector.normalize(vector.cross(cross,hdir))
local lift_coefficient = (0.24*abs(daoa)*(1/(0.025*daoa+3))^4*math.sign(angle_of_attack))
local lift_coefficient = (0.24*abs(daoa)*(1/(0.025*daoa+3))^4*math.sign(daoa))
local lift_val = math.abs((lift*(vector.length(velocity)^2)*lift_coefficient)*curr_percent_height)
if lift_val < 1 then lift_val = 1 end -- hipotetical aerodinamic wing will have no "lift" for down
--minetest.chat_send_all('lift: '.. lift_val)
local lift_acc = vector.multiply(lift_dir,lift_val)