ground effect added

This commit is contained in:
Alexsandro Percy 2022-02-25 19:00:38 -03:00
parent e63ba8409b
commit d0b8ba9ea8

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@ -115,6 +115,35 @@ function airutils.detect_player_api(player)
return 0 return 0
end end
local function get_nodedef_field(nodename, fieldname)
if not minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] then
return nil
return minetest.registered_nodes[nodename][fieldname]
function airutils.eval_vertical_interception(initial_pos, end_pos)
local ret_y = nil
local cast = minetest.raycast(initial_pos, end_pos, true, true)
local thing = cast:next()
while thing do
if thing.type == "node" then
local pos = thing.intersection_point
if pos then
local nodename = minetest.get_node(thing.under).name
local drawtype = get_nodedef_field(nodename, "drawtype")
if drawtype ~= "plantlike" then
ret_y = pos.y
thing = cast:next()
return ret_y
--lift --lift
local function pitchroll2pitchyaw(aoa,roll) local function pitchroll2pitchyaw(aoa,roll)
if roll == 0.0 then return aoa,0 end if roll == 0.0 then return aoa,0 end
@ -127,7 +156,61 @@ local function pitchroll2pitchyaw(aoa,roll)
return pitch,yaw return pitch,yaw
end end
function airutils.getLiftAccel(self, velocity, accel, longit_speed, roll, curr_pos, lift, max_height) function lerp(a, b, c)
return a + (b - a) * c
function quadBezier(t, p0, p1, p2)
local l1 = lerp(p0, p1, t)
local l2 = lerp(p1, p2, t)
local quad = lerp(l1, l2, t)
return quad
function airutils.get_ground_effect_lift(self, curr_pos, lift, wingspan)
local half_wingspan = wingspan/2
local initial_pos = {x=curr_pos.x, y=curr_pos.y, z=curr_pos.z} --lets make my own table to avoid interferences
if self._last_ground_effect_eval == nil then self._last_ground_effect_eval = 0 end
self._last_ground_effect_eval = self._last_ground_effect_eval + self.dtime --dtime cames from mobkit
local ground_distance = wingspan
if self._last_ground_effect_eval >= 0.4 then
--self._last_ground_effect_eval = 0
local ground_y = airutils.eval_vertical_interception(initial_pos, {x=initial_pos.x, y=initial_pos.y - half_wingspan, z=initial_pos.z})
if ground_y then
ground_distance = curr_pos.y - ground_y
--smooth the curve
local distance_factor = ((ground_distance) * 1) / (wingspan)
local effect_factor = quadBezier(distance_factor, 0, wingspan, 0)
if effect_factor < 0 then effect_factor = 0 end
if effect_factor > 0 then
effect_factor = math.abs( half_wingspan - effect_factor )
local lift_factor = ((effect_factor) * 1) / (half_wingspan) --agora isso é um percentual
local max_extra_lift_percent = 0.5 * lift --e aqui o maximo extra de sustentação
local extra_lift = max_extra_lift_percent * lift_factor
return extra_lift
-- velocity: velocity table
-- accel: current acceleration
-- longit_speed: the vehicle speed
-- roll: roll angle
-- curr_pos: current position
-- lift: lift factor (very simplified)
-- max_height: the max ceilling for the airplane
-- wingspan: for ground effect calculation
function airutils.getLiftAccel(self, velocity, accel, longit_speed, roll, curr_pos, lift, max_height, wingspan)
wingspan = wingspan or 10
local ground_effect_extra_lift = airutils.get_ground_effect_lift(self, curr_pos, lift, wingspan)
--minetest.chat_send_all('lift: '.. lift ..' - extra lift: '.. ground_effect_extra_lift)
lift = lift + ground_effect_extra_lift
--lift calculations --lift calculations
----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
max_height = max_height or 20000 max_height = max_height or 20000