--global constants airutils.ideal_step = 0.02 --[[airutils.rudder_limit = 30 airutils.elevator_limit = 40]]-- dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "lib_planes" .. DIR_DELIM .. "utilities.lua") local S = airutils.S function airutils.powerAdjust(self,dtime,factor,dir,max_power) local max = max_power or 100 local add_factor = factor/2 add_factor = add_factor * (dtime/airutils.ideal_step) --adjusting the command speed by dtime if dir == 1 then if self._power_lever < max then self._power_lever = self._power_lever + add_factor end if self._power_lever > max then self._power_lever = max end end if dir == -1 then if self._power_lever > 0 then self._power_lever = self._power_lever - add_factor if self._power_lever < 0 then self._power_lever = 0 end end if self._power_lever <= 0 then self._power_lever = 0 end end end function airutils.control(self, dtime, hull_direction, longit_speed, longit_drag, later_speed, later_drag, accel, player, is_flying) --if self.driver_name == nil then return end local retval_accel = accel local stop = false local ctrl = nil -- player control if player then ctrl = player:get_player_control() if ctrl.aux1 and self._last_time_command > 0.5 then self._last_time_command = 0 end ---------------------------------- -- flap operation ---------------------------------- if ctrl.aux1 and ctrl.sneak and self._last_time_command >= 0.3 and self._wing_angle_extra_flaps then self._last_time_command = 0 airutils.flap_operate(self, player) end self._acceleration = 0 if self._engine_running then --engine acceleration calc local engineacc = (self._power_lever * self._max_engine_acc) / 100; local factor = 1 --increase power lever if ctrl.jump then airutils.powerAdjust(self, dtime, factor, 1) end --decrease power lever if ctrl.sneak then airutils.powerAdjust(self, dtime, factor, -1) if self._power_lever <= 0 and is_flying == false then --break if longit_speed > 0 then engineacc = -1 if (longit_speed + engineacc) < 0 then engineacc = longit_speed * -1 end end if longit_speed < 0 then engineacc = 1 if (longit_speed + engineacc) > 0 then engineacc = longit_speed * -1 end end if math.abs(longit_speed) < 0.2 then stop = true end end end --do not exceed local max_speed = self._max_speed if longit_speed > max_speed then engineacc = engineacc - (longit_speed-max_speed) if engineacc < 0 then engineacc = 0 end end self._acceleration = engineacc else local paddleacc = 0 if longit_speed < 1.0 then if ctrl.jump then paddleacc = 0.5 end end if longit_speed > -1.0 then if ctrl.sneak then paddleacc = -0.5 end end self._acceleration = paddleacc end local hull_acc = vector.multiply(hull_direction,self._acceleration) retval_accel=vector.add(retval_accel,hull_acc) --pitch local pitch_cmd = 0 if self._yaw_by_mouse == true then airutils.set_pitch_by_mouse(self, player) else if ctrl.up then pitch_cmd = 1 elseif ctrl.down then pitch_cmd = -1 end airutils.set_pitch(self, pitch_cmd, dtime) end -- yaw local yaw_cmd = 0 if self._yaw_by_mouse == true then local rot_y = math.deg(player:get_look_horizontal()) airutils.set_yaw_by_mouse(self, rot_y) else if ctrl.right then yaw_cmd = 1 elseif ctrl.left then yaw_cmd = -1 end airutils.set_yaw(self, yaw_cmd, dtime) end --I'm desperate, center all! if ctrl.right and ctrl.left then self._elevator_angle = 0 self._rudder_angle = 0 end if ctrl.up and ctrl.down and self._last_time_command > 0.5 then self._last_time_command = 0 local name = player:get_player_name() if self._yaw_by_mouse == true then minetest.chat_send_player(name, core.colorize('#0000ff', S(" >>> Mouse control disabled."))) self._yaw_by_mouse = false else minetest.chat_send_player(name, core.colorize('#0000ff', S(" >>> Mouse control enabled."))) self._yaw_by_mouse = true end end end if longit_speed > 0 then if ctrl then if not (ctrl.right or ctrl.left) then airutils.rudder_auto_correction(self, longit_speed, dtime) end else airutils.rudder_auto_correction(self, longit_speed, dtime) end if airutils.elevator_auto_correction then self._elevator_angle = airutils.elevator_auto_correction(self, longit_speed, self.dtime, self._max_speed, self._elevator_angle, self._elevator_limit, airutils.ideal_step, 100) end end return retval_accel, stop end function airutils.set_pitch_by_mouse(self, player) local vehicle_rot = self.object:get_rotation() local rot_x = player:get_look_vertical()-vehicle_rot.x self._elevator_angle = -(rot_x * self._elevator_limit)*(self._pitch_intensity*10) if self._elevator_angle > self._elevator_limit then self._elevator_angle = self._elevator_limit end if self._elevator_angle < -self._elevator_limit then self._elevator_angle = -self._elevator_limit end end function airutils.set_pitch(self, dir, dtime) local pitch_factor = self._pitch_intensity or 0.6 local multiplier = pitch_factor*(dtime/airutils.ideal_step) if dir == -1 then --minetest.chat_send_all("cabrando") self._elevator_angle = math.max(self._elevator_angle-multiplier,-self._elevator_limit) elseif dir == 1 then --minetest.chat_send_all("picando") self._elevator_angle = math.min(self._elevator_angle+multiplier,self._elevator_limit) end end function airutils.set_autopilot_pitch(self, dir, dtime) local pitch_factor = 0.05 local multiplier = pitch_factor*(dtime/airutils.ideal_step) if dir == -1 then --minetest.chat_send_all("cabrando") self._elevator_angle = math.max(self._elevator_angle-multiplier,-self._elevator_limit) elseif dir == 1 then --minetest.chat_send_all("picando") self._elevator_angle = math.min(self._elevator_angle+multiplier,self._elevator_limit) end end function airutils.set_yaw_by_mouse(self, dir) local rotation = self.object:get_rotation() local rot_y = math.deg(rotation.y) local total = math.abs(math.floor(rot_y/360)) if rot_y < 0 then rot_y = rot_y + (360*total) end if rot_y > 360 then rot_y = rot_y - (360*total) end if rot_y >= 270 and dir <= 90 then dir = dir + 360 end if rot_y <= 90 and dir >= 270 then dir = dir - 360 end local intensity = self._yaw_intensity / 10 local command = (rot_y - dir) * intensity if command < -90 then command = -90 elseif command > 90 then command = 90 end --minetest.chat_send_all("rotation y: "..rot_y.." - dir: "..dir.." - command: "..command) self._rudder_angle = (-command * self._rudder_limit)/90 end function airutils.set_yaw(self, dir, dtime) local yaw_factor = self._yaw_intensity or 25 if dir == 1 then self._rudder_angle = math.max(self._rudder_angle-(yaw_factor*dtime),-self._rudder_limit) elseif dir == -1 then self._rudder_angle = math.min(self._rudder_angle+(yaw_factor*dtime),self._rudder_limit) end end function airutils.rudder_auto_correction(self, longit_speed, dtime) local factor = 1 if self._rudder_angle > 0 then factor = -1 end local correction = (self._rudder_limit*(longit_speed/1000)) * factor * (dtime/airutils.ideal_step) local before_correction = self._rudder_angle local new_rudder_angle = self._rudder_angle + correction if math.sign(before_correction) ~= math.sign(new_rudder_angle) then self._rudder_angle = 0 else self._rudder_angle = new_rudder_angle end end function airutils.autopilot(self, dtime, hull_direction, longit_speed, accel, curr_pos) local retval_accel = accel if not self._have_auto_pilot then return end local min_attack_angle = self._wing_angle_of_attack or 1.0 local flap = self._wing_angle_extra_flaps or 2 local max_attack_angle = min_attack_angle + flap --1.8 --climb local velocity = self.object:get_velocity() local climb_rate = velocity.y * 1.5 if climb_rate > 5 then climb_rate = 5 end if climb_rate < -5 then climb_rate = -5 end self._acceleration = 0 local climb_rate_min = 0.2 local factor = math.abs(climb_rate * 0.1) if self._engine_running then --engine acceleration calc local engineacc = (self._power_lever * self._max_engine_acc) / 100; --self.engine:set_animation_frame_speed(60 + self._power_lever) --increase power lever if climb_rate > climb_rate_min then airutils.powerAdjust(self, dtime, factor, -1) end --decrease power lever if climb_rate < 0 then airutils.powerAdjust(self, dtime, factor, 1) end --do not exceed local max_speed = self._max_speed if longit_speed > max_speed then engineacc = 0 if engineacc < 0 then engineacc = 0 end end self._acceleration = engineacc end local hull_acc = vector.multiply(hull_direction,self._acceleration) retval_accel=vector.add(retval_accel,hull_acc) --decrease power lever if climb_rate < 0 then airutils.set_autopilot_pitch(self, -1, dtime) --core.chat_send_all("cabrando: "..dump(climb_rate)) elseif climb_rate > climb_rate_min then airutils.set_autopilot_pitch(self, 1, dtime) --core.chat_send_all("picando: "..dump(climb_rate)) end --pitch --[[if self._angle_of_attack > max_attack_angle then airutils.set_autopilot_pitch(self, -1, dtime) elseif self._angle_of_attack < min_attack_angle then airutils.set_autopilot_pitch(self, 1, dtime) end]]-- -- yaw airutils.set_yaw(self, 0, dtime) if longit_speed > (self._min_speed or 0) then airutils.rudder_auto_correction(self, longit_speed, dtime) if airutils.elevator_auto_correction then --self._elevator_angle = airutils.elevator_auto_correction(self, longit_speed, self.dtime, self._max_speed, self._elevator_angle, self._elevator_limit, airutils.ideal_step, 500) end end return retval_accel end