dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "lib_planes" .. DIR_DELIM .. "global_definitions.lua") function engineSoundPlay(self, increment, base) increment = increment or 0.0 --sound if self.sound_handle then minetest.sound_stop(self.sound_handle) end if self.object then local base_pitch = base local pitch_adjust = base_pitch + increment self.sound_handle = minetest.sound_play({name = self._engine_sound}, {object = self.object, gain = 2.0, pitch = pitch_adjust, max_hear_distance = 32, loop = true,}) end end local function engine_set_sound_and_animation(self, is_flying, newpitch, newroll) is_flying = is_flying or false if self._engine_running then --engine running if self._snd_last_roll ~= newroll or self._snd_last_pitch ~= newpitch then local increment = 0.0 self._snd_last_roll = newroll self._snd_last_pitch = newpitch if newroll ~= 0.0 or newpitch ~= 0.0 then increment = 0.1 else increment = 0.0 end engineSoundPlay(self, increment, 0.9) end self.object:set_animation_frame_speed(100) else if is_flying then --autorotation here if self._snd_last_roll ~= newroll or self._snd_last_pitch ~= newpitch then local increment = 0.0 self._snd_last_roll = newroll self._snd_last_pitch = newpitch if newroll ~= 0.0 or newpitch ~= 0.0 then increment = 0.1 else increment = 0.0 end engineSoundPlay(self, increment, 0.6) end self.object:set_animation_frame_speed(70) else --stop all if self.sound_handle then self._snd_last_roll = nil self._snd_last_pitch = nil minetest.sound_stop(self.sound_handle) self.sound_handle = nil self.object:set_animation_frame_speed(0) end end end end function airutils.logic_heli(self) local velocity = self.object:get_velocity() local curr_pos = self.object:get_pos() self._curr_pos = curr_pos --shared self._last_accel = self.object:get_acceleration() self._last_time_command = self._last_time_command + self.dtime if self._last_time_command > 1 then self._last_time_command = 1 end local player = nil if self.driver_name then player = minetest.get_player_by_name(self.driver_name) end local co_pilot = nil if self.co_pilot and self._have_copilot then co_pilot = minetest.get_player_by_name(self.co_pilot) end --test collision airutils.testImpact(self, velocity, curr_pos) local ctrl = nil if player then ctrl = player:get_player_control() --------------------- -- change the driver --------------------- if co_pilot and self._have_copilot and self._last_time_command >= 1 then if self._command_is_given == true then if ctrl.sneak or ctrl.jump or ctrl.up or ctrl.down or ctrl.right or ctrl.left then self._last_time_command = 0 --take the control airutils.transfer_control(self, false) end else if ctrl.sneak == true and ctrl.jump == true then self._last_time_command = 0 --trasnfer the control to student airutils.transfer_control(self, true) end end end end if not self.object:get_acceleration() then return end local accel_y = self.object:get_acceleration().y local rotation = self.object:get_rotation() local yaw = rotation.y local newyaw=yaw local pitch = rotation.x local roll = rotation.z local hull_direction = airutils.rot_to_dir(rotation) --minetest.yaw_to_dir(yaw) local nhdir = {x=hull_direction.z,y=0,z=-hull_direction.x} -- lateral unit vector local longit_speed =,hull_direction) self._longit_speed = longit_speed local longit_drag = vector.multiply(hull_direction,longit_speed* longit_speed*self._longit_drag_factor*-1*airutils.sign(longit_speed)) local later_speed =,nhdir) --minetest.chat_send_all('later_speed: '.. later_speed) local later_drag = vector.multiply(nhdir,later_speed*later_speed* self._later_drag_factor*-1*airutils.sign(later_speed)) local accel = vector.add(longit_drag,later_drag) local stop = false local node_bellow = airutils.nodeatpos(airutils.pos_shift(curr_pos,{y=-1.3})) local is_flying = true if self.colinfo then is_flying = (not self.colinfo.touching_ground) and (self.isinliquid == false) end --if self.isonground then is_flying = false end --if is_flying then minetest.chat_send_all('is flying') end local is_attached = airutils.checkAttach(self, player) if self._indicated_speed == nil then self._indicated_speed = 0 end if not is_attached then -- for some engine error the player can be detached from the machine, so lets set him attached again airutils.checkattachBug(self) end if self._custom_step_additional_function then self._custom_step_additional_function(self) end --landing light if self._have_landing_lights then airutils.landing_lights_operate(self) end --smoke and fire if self._engine_running then local curr_health_percent = (self.hp_max * 100)/self._max_plane_hp if curr_health_percent < 20 then airutils.add_smoke_trail(self, 2) elseif curr_health_percent < 50 then airutils.add_smoke_trail(self, 1) end else if self._smoke_spawner and not self._smoke_semaphore then self._smoke_semaphore = 1 --to set it only one time minetest.after(5, function() if self._smoke_spawner then minetest.delete_particlespawner(self._smoke_spawner) self._smoke_spawner = nil self._smoke_semaphore = nil end end) end end if (math.abs(velocity.x) < 0.1 and math.abs(velocity.z) < 0.1) and is_flying == false and is_attached == false and self._engine_running == false then if self._ground_friction then if not self.isinliquid then self.object:set_velocity({x=0,y=airutils.gravity*self.dtime,z=0}) end end engine_set_sound_and_animation(self, false, 0, 0) return end --adjust climb indicator local y_velocity = 0 if self._engine_running or is_flying then y_velocity = velocity.y end local climb_rate = y_velocity if climb_rate > 5 then climb_rate = 5 end if climb_rate < -5 then climb_rate = -5 end -- pitch and roll local newroll = 0 local newpitch = 0 if ctrl and is_flying then local command_angle = math.rad(self._tilt_angle or 0) if ctrl.up then newpitch = -command_angle end if ctrl.down then newpitch = command_angle end if ctrl.left then newroll = -command_angle end if ctrl.right then newroll = command_angle end end -- new yaw if math.abs(self._rudder_angle)>1.5 then local turn_rate = math.rad(self._yaw_turn_rate) local yaw_turn = self.dtime * math.rad(self._rudder_angle) * turn_rate * 4 newyaw = yaw + yaw_turn end --------------------------------- -- end roll local pilot = player if self._have_copilot then if self._command_is_given and co_pilot then pilot = co_pilot else self._command_is_given = false end end ------------------------------------------------------ --accell calculation block ------------------------------------------------------ if is_attached or co_pilot then accel, stop = airutils.heli_control(self, self.dtime, hull_direction, longit_speed, longit_drag, nhdir, later_speed, later_drag, accel, pilot, is_flying) end --end accell --get disconnected players airutils.rescueConnectionFailedPassengers(self) if accel == nil then accel = {x=0,y=0,z=0} end --lift calculation accel.y = accel_y --lets apply some bob in water if self.isinliquid then local bob = airutils.minmax(,hull_direction),0.02) -- vertical bobbing if bob < 0 then bob = 0 end accel.y = accel.y + bob local max_pitch = 6 local ref_speed = longit_speed * 20 if ref_speed < 0 then ref_speed = 0 end local h_vel_compensation = ((ref_speed * 100)/max_pitch)/100 if h_vel_compensation < 0 then h_vel_compensation = 0 end if h_vel_compensation > max_pitch then h_vel_compensation = max_pitch end --minetest.chat_send_all(h_vel_compensation) newpitch = newpitch + (velocity.y * math.rad(max_pitch - h_vel_compensation)) end local ceiling = 5000 local blade_speed = self._rotor_speed or 15 local limit = (self._max_speed) if self._engine_running == false then if is_flying then blade_speed = self._rotor_idle_speed or 12 if math.abs(longit_speed) > 0.5 then blade_speed = self._rotor_idle_speed + (self._rotor_speed - self._rotor_idle_speed) / 2 end else blade_speed = 0.001 --to avoid division by 0 end end local new_accel = airutils.getLiftAccel(self, {x=0, y=velocity.y, z=blade_speed}, {x=0, y=accel.y, z=blade_speed/self.dtime}, blade_speed, roll, curr_pos, self._lift, ceiling, self._wing_span) local y_accell = new_accel.y new_accel = new_accel.y = y_accell if velocity.y > limit then new_accel.y = 0 end --it isn't a rocket :/ --wind effects if airutils.wind and is_flying == true then local wind = airutils.get_wind(curr_pos, 0.1) new_accel = vector.add(new_accel, wind) end if stop ~= true then --maybe == nil self._last_accell = new_accel self.object:move_to(curr_pos) --airutils.set_acceleration(self.object, new_accel) local limit = self._climb_speed --if new_accel.y > limit then new_accel.y = limit end --it isn't a rocket :/ else if stop == true then self._last_accell = --self.object:get_acceleration() self.object:set_acceleration({x=0,y=0,z=0}) self.object:set_velocity({x=0,y=0,z=0}) end end if self.wheels then if is_flying == false then --isn't flying? --animate wheels local min_speed_animation = 0.1 if math.abs(velocity.x) > min_speed_animation or math.abs(velocity.z) > min_speed_animation then self.wheels:set_animation_frame_speed(longit_speed * 10) else self.wheels:set_animation_frame_speed(0) end else --stop wheels self.wheels:set_animation_frame_speed(0) end end ------------------------------------------------------ -- end accell ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ -- sound and animation ------------------------------------------------------ engine_set_sound_and_animation(self, is_flying, newpitch, newroll) ------------------------------------------------------ --GAUGES --minetest.chat_send_all('rate '.. climb_rate) local climb_angle = airutils.get_gauge_angle(climb_rate) self._climb_rate = climb_rate local indicated_speed = longit_speed * 0.9 if indicated_speed < 0 then indicated_speed = 0 end self._indicated_speed = indicated_speed local speed_angle = airutils.get_gauge_angle(indicated_speed, -45) --adjust power indicator local fixed_power = 60 if self._engine_running == false then fixed_power = 0 end local power_indicator_angle = airutils.get_gauge_angle(fixed_power/10) + 90 local fuel_in_percent = (self._energy * 1)/self._max_fuel local energy_indicator_angle = (180*fuel_in_percent)-180 --(airutils.get_gauge_angle((self._max_fuel - self._energy)*2)) - 90 if is_attached then if self._show_hud then airutils.update_hud(player, climb_angle, speed_angle, power_indicator_angle, energy_indicator_angle) else airutils.remove_hud(player) end end if is_flying == false then newyaw = yaw end if player and self._use_camera_relocation then --minetest.chat_send_all(dump(newroll)) local new_eye_offset = airutils.camera_reposition(player, newpitch, newroll) player:set_eye_offset(new_eye_offset, {x = 0, y = 1, z = -30}) end --apply rotations self.object:set_rotation({x=newpitch,y=newyaw,z=newroll}) --end -- calculate energy consumption -- airutils.consumptionCalc(self, accel) --saves last velocity for collision detection (abrupt stop) self._last_accel = new_accel self._last_vel = self.object:get_velocity() self._last_longit_speed = longit_speed self._yaw = newyaw self._roll = newroll self._pitch = newpitch end