-- Minetest 5.4.1 : airutils airutils = {} airutils.storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() local storage = airutils.storage airutils.colors ={ black='#2b2b2b', blue='#0063b0', brown='#8c5922', cyan='#07B6BC', dark_green='#567a42', dark_grey='#6d6d6d', green='#4ee34c', grey='#9f9f9f', magenta='#ff0098', orange='#ff8b0e', pink='#ff62c6', red='#dc1818', violet='#a437ff', white='#FFFFFF', yellow='#ffe400', } airutils.S = nil if(minetest.get_translator ~= nil) then airutils.S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname()) else airutils.S = function ( s ) return s end end local S = airutils.S local load_blast_damage = storage:get_int("blast_damage") airutils.blast_damage = true -- 1 == true ---- 2 == false if load_blast_damage == 2 then airutils.blast_damage = false end airutils.is_minetest = minetest.get_modpath("player_api") airutils.is_mcl = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_player") airutils.fuel = {['biofuel:biofuel'] = 1,['biofuel:bottle_fuel'] = 1, ['biofuel:phial_fuel'] = 0.25, ['biofuel:fuel_can'] = 10, ['airutils:biofuel'] = 1,} airutils.protect_in_areas = minetest.settings:get_bool('airutils_protect_in_areas') airutils.debug_log = minetest.settings:get_bool('airutils_debug_log') if not minetest.settings:get_bool('airutils_disable_papi') then dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "airutils_papi.lua") end if not minetest.settings:get_bool('airutils_disable_tug') then dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "airutils_tug.lua") end if not minetest.settings:get_bool('airutils_disable_repair') then dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "airutils_repair.lua") end airutils.get_wind = dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM ..'/wind.lua') dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "common_entities.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "airutils_wind.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "inventory_management.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "light.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "physics_lib.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "lib_planes" .. DIR_DELIM .. "init.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "lib_copter" .. DIR_DELIM .. "init.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "texture_management.lua") local is_biofuel_installed = false if biomass then if biomass.convertible_groups then is_biofuel_installed = true end end local enable_internal_bioduel = minetest.settings:get_bool('airutils.force_enable_biofuel') if not is_biofuel_installed or enable_internal_bioduel then dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "airutils_biofuel.lua") end if minetest.get_modpath("player_api") and not minetest.settings:get_bool('airutils.disable_uniforms') then dofile(minetest.get_modpath("airutils") .. DIR_DELIM .. "pilot_skin_manager.lua") end function airutils.remove(pos) local meta = core.get_meta(pos) if meta:get_string("dont_destroy") == "true" then -- when swapping it return end end function airutils.canDig(pos, player) local meta = core.get_meta(pos) return meta:get_string("dont_destroy") ~= "true" and player:get_player_name() == meta:get_string("owner") end function airutils.check_node_below(obj, how_low) local pos_below = obj:get_pos() if pos_below then pos_below.y = pos_below.y - how_low local node_below = minetest.get_node(pos_below).name local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[node_below] local touching_ground = not nodedef or -- unknown nodes are solid nodedef.walkable or false local liquid_below = not touching_ground and nodedef.liquidtype ~= "none" return touching_ground, liquid_below end return nil, nil end function airutils.check_is_under_water(obj) local pos_up = obj:get_pos() pos_up.y = pos_up.y + 0.1 local node_up = minetest.get_node(pos_up).name local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[node_up] local liquid_up = nodedef.liquidtype ~= "none" return liquid_up end function airutils.setText(self, vehicle_name) local properties = self.object:get_properties() local formatted = "" if type(self.hp_max) ~= "number" then self.hp_max = 0.1 end --strange error when hpmax is NaN if self.hp_max then formatted = S(" Current hp: ") .. string.format( "%.2f", self.hp_max ) end if properties then properties.infotext = S("Nice @1 of @2.@3", vehicle_name, self.owner, formatted) self.object:set_properties(properties) end end function airutils.transfer_control(self, status) if not self._have_copilot then return end if status == false then self._command_is_given = false if self.co_pilot then minetest.chat_send_player(self.co_pilot, core.colorize('#ff0000', S(" >>> The captain got the control."))) end if self.driver_name then minetest.chat_send_player(self.driver_name, core.colorize('#00ff00', S(" >>> The control is with you now."))) end else self._command_is_given = true if self.co_pilot then minetest.chat_send_player(self.co_pilot, core.colorize('#00ff00', S(" >>> The control is with you now."))) end if self.driver_name then minetest.chat_send_player(self.driver_name,S(" >>> The control was given.")) end end end --returns 0 for old, 1 for new function airutils.detect_player_api(player) local player_proterties = player:get_properties() --local mesh = "character.b3d" --if player_proterties.mesh == mesh then if minetest.get_modpath("player_api") then local models = player_api.registered_models local character = models[player_proterties.mesh] --minetest.chat_send_all(dump(character)); if character then if character.animations.sit.eye_height then --minetest.chat_send_all(dump(character.animations.sit.eye_height)); if character.animations.sit.eye_height == 0.8 then --minetest.chat_send_all("new model"); return 1 else --minetest.chat_send_all("new height"); return 2 --strange bug with armor ands skins returning 1.47 end else --minetest.chat_send_all("old model"); return 0 end end end return 0 end local function get_nodedef_field(nodename, fieldname) if not minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] then return nil end return minetest.registered_nodes[nodename][fieldname] end --for function airutils.eval_vertical_interception(initial_pos, end_pos) local ret_y = nil local cast = minetest.raycast(initial_pos, end_pos, true, true) local thing = cast:next() while thing do if thing.type == "node" then local pos = thing.intersection_point if pos then local nodename = minetest.get_node(thing.under).name local drawtype = get_nodedef_field(nodename, "drawtype") if drawtype ~= "plantlike" then ret_y = pos.y break end end end thing = cast:next() end return ret_y end --lift local function pitchroll2pitchyaw(aoa,roll) if roll == 0.0 then return aoa,0 end -- assumed vector x=0,y=0,z=1 local p1 = math.tan(aoa) local y = math.cos(roll)*p1 local x = math.sqrt(p1^2-y^2) local pitch = math.atan(y) local yaw=math.atan(x)*math.sign(roll) return pitch,yaw end local function lerp(a, b, c) return a + (b - a) * c end function airutils.quadBezier(t, p0, p1, p2) local l1 = lerp(p0, p1, t) local l2 = lerp(p1, p2, t) local quad = lerp(l1, l2, t) return quad end function airutils.get_ground_effect_lift(self, curr_pos, lift, wingspan) local half_wingspan = wingspan/2 local lower_collision = self.initial_properties.collisionbox[2] if not self._ground_effect_ammount_percent then self._ground_effect_ammount_percent = 0.5 end local initial_pos = {x=curr_pos.x, y=curr_pos.y + lower_collision, z=curr_pos.z} --lets make my own table to avoid interferences if self._extra_lift == nil then self._extra_lift = 0 end if self._last_ground_effect_eval == nil then self._last_ground_effect_eval = 0 end self._last_ground_effect_eval = self._last_ground_effect_eval + self.dtime --dtime cames from airutils local ground_distance = wingspan if self._last_ground_effect_eval >= 0.25 then self._last_ground_effect_eval = 0 self._last_ground_distance = ground_distance local ground_y = airutils.eval_vertical_interception(initial_pos, {x=initial_pos.x, y=initial_pos.y - half_wingspan, z=initial_pos.z}) if ground_y then ground_distance = initial_pos.y - ground_y end --minetest.chat_send_all(dump(ground_distance)) --smooth the curve local distance_factor = ((ground_distance) * 1) / (wingspan) local effect_factor = airutils.quadBezier(distance_factor, 0, wingspan, 0) if effect_factor < 0 then effect_factor = 0 end if effect_factor > 0 then effect_factor = math.abs( half_wingspan - effect_factor ) end local lift_factor = ((effect_factor) * 1) / (half_wingspan) --agora isso é um percentual local max_extra_lift_percent = self._ground_effect_ammount_percent * lift --e aqui o maximo extra de sustentação local extra_lift = max_extra_lift_percent * lift_factor self._extra_lift = extra_lift end return self._extra_lift --return the value stored end -- velocity: velocity table -- accel: current acceleration -- longit_speed: the vehicle speed -- roll: roll angle -- curr_pos: current position -- lift: lift factor (very simplified) -- max_height: the max ceilling for the airplane -- wingspan: for ground effect calculation function airutils.getLiftAccel(self, velocity, accel, longit_speed, roll, curr_pos, in_lift, max_height, wingspan) local new_velocity = vector.new(velocity) if not self._min_collective then --ignore if it is an helicopter --add wind to the lift calcs local wind = airutils.get_wind(curr_pos, 5) local accel_wind = vector.subtract(accel, wind) --why? because I need to fake more speed when against the wind to gain lift local vel_wind = vector.multiply(accel_wind, self.dtime) new_velocity = vector.add(new_velocity, vel_wind) end if longit_speed == nil then longit_speed = 0 end wingspan = wingspan or 10 local lift = in_lift if not airutils.ground_effect_is_disabled then local ground_effect_extra_lift = airutils.get_ground_effect_lift(self, curr_pos, in_lift, wingspan) lift = lift + ground_effect_extra_lift end --lift calculations ----------------------------------------------------------- max_height = max_height or 20000 local wing_config = 0 if self._wing_configuration then wing_config = self._wing_configuration end --flaps! local retval = accel local min_speed = 1; if self._min_speed then min_speed = self._min_speed end min_speed = min_speed / 2 local striped_velocity = vector.new(velocity) local cut_velocity = (min_speed * 1)/longit_speed striped_velocity.x = striped_velocity.x - (striped_velocity.x * cut_velocity) striped_velocity.z = striped_velocity.z - (striped_velocity.z * cut_velocity) local angle_of_attack = math.rad(self._angle_of_attack + wing_config) --local acc = 0.8 local daoa = math.deg(angle_of_attack) --minetest.chat_send_all(dump(daoa)) --to decrease the lift coefficient at hight altitudes local curr_percent_height = (100 - ((curr_pos.y * 100) / max_height))/100 local rotation=self.object:get_rotation() local vrot = airutils.dir_to_rot(velocity,rotation) local hpitch,hyaw = pitchroll2pitchyaw(angle_of_attack,roll) local hrot = {x=vrot.x+hpitch,y=vrot.y-hyaw,z=roll} local hdir = airutils.rot_to_dir(hrot) --(hrot) local cross = vector.cross(velocity,hdir) local lift_dir = vector.normalize(vector.cross(cross,hdir)) local lift_coefficient = (0.24*math.abs(daoa)*(1/(0.025*daoa+3))^4*math.sign(daoa)) local lift_val = math.abs((lift*(vector.length(striped_velocity)^2)*lift_coefficient)*curr_percent_height) if lift_val < 1 then lift_val = 1 end -- hipotetical aerodinamic wing will have no "lift" for down if self._climb_speed then --for helicopters if (velocity.y) > self._climb_speed then lift_val = math.abs(airutils.gravity) end end if airutils.show_lift then minetest.chat_send_player(airutils.show_lift,core.colorize('#ffff00', " >>> lift: "..lift_val)) end local lift_acc = vector.multiply(lift_dir,lift_val) --lift_acc=vector.add(vector.multiply(minetest.yaw_to_dir(rotation.y),acc),lift_acc) retval = vector.add(retval,lift_acc) ----------------------------------------------------------- -- end lift return retval end function airutils.get_plane_pitch(y_velocity, longit_speed, min_speed, angle_of_attack) local v_speed_factor = 0 if longit_speed > 0 then v_speed_factor = (y_velocity * math.rad(2)) end --the pitch for climbing or descenting local min_rotation_speed = min_speed/2 local pitch_by_longit_speed = 0 if longit_speed > min_rotation_speed then --just start the rotation after the rotation speed local scale_pitch_graph = ((longit_speed-min_rotation_speed)*1)/min_rotation_speed --lets use the min rotation speed for reference to when we will start the control work if scale_pitch_graph > 1 then scale_pitch_graph = 1 end --normalize to 100% pitch_by_longit_speed = airutils.quadBezier(scale_pitch_graph, 0, angle_of_attack, angle_of_attack) --here the magic happens using a bezier curve end return math.rad(pitch_by_longit_speed) + v_speed_factor end function airutils.adjust_attack_angle_by_speed(angle_of_attack, min_angle, max_angle, limit, longit_speed, ideal_step, dtime) --coloca em nivel gradualmente local factor = 0 if angle_of_attack > max_angle then factor = -1 end if angle_of_attack < min_angle then factor = 1 end local correction = (limit*(longit_speed/5000)) * factor * (dtime/ideal_step) --minetest.chat_send_all("angle: "..angle_of_attack.." - correction: "..correction) local new_angle_of_attack = angle_of_attack + correction return new_angle_of_attack end function airutils.elevator_auto_correction(self, longit_speed, dtime, max_speed, elevator_angle, elevator_limit, ideal_step, intensity) intensity = intensity or 500 if longit_speed <= 0 then return end local factor = 1 if self._elevator_angle > 0 then factor = -1 end local ref_speed = longit_speed if ref_speed > max_speed then ref_speed = max_speed end local speed_scale = (elevator_limit + (elevator_limit/10)) - ((elevator_limit*ref_speed)/max_speed) local divisor = intensity speed_scale = speed_scale / divisor local correction = speed_scale * factor * (dtime/ideal_step) local before_correction = elevator_angle local new_elevator_angle = elevator_angle + correction if math.sign(before_correction) ~= math.sign(new_elevator_angle) then new_elevator_angle = 0 end return new_elevator_angle end function airutils.set_paint(self, puncher, itmstck, texture_name) local item_name = "" if itmstck then item_name = itmstck:get_name() end if item_name == "automobiles_lib:painter" or item_name == "bike:painter" then --painting with bike painter local meta = itmstck:get_meta() local colstr = meta:get_string("paint_color") --minetest.chat_send_all(dump(colstr)) airutils.paint(self, colstr, texture_name) return true else --painting with dyes local split = string.split(item_name, ":") local color, indx, _ if split[1] then _,indx = split[1]:find('dye') end if indx then --[[for clr,_ in pairs(airutils.colors) do local _,x = split[2]:find(clr) if x then color = clr end end]]-- --lets paint!!!! local color = (item_name:sub(indx+1)):gsub(":", "") local colstr = airutils.colors[color] --minetest.chat_send_all(color ..' '.. dump(colstr)) if colstr then airutils.paint(self, colstr, texture_name) if self._alternate_painting_texture and self._mask_painting_texture then airutils.paint_with_mask(self, colstr, self._alternate_painting_texture, self._mask_painting_texture) end itmstck:set_count(itmstck:get_count()-1) if puncher ~= nil then puncher:set_wielded_item(itmstck) end return true end -- end painting end end return false end --painting function airutils.paint(self, colstr, texture_name) if not self then return end if colstr then self._color = colstr local l_textures = self.initial_properties.textures for _, texture in ipairs(l_textures) do local indx = texture:find(texture_name) if indx then l_textures[_] = texture_name.."^[multiply:".. colstr end end self.object:set_properties({textures=l_textures}) end end function airutils.getAngleFromPositions(origin, destiny) local angle_north = math.deg(math.atan2(destiny.x - origin.x, destiny.z - origin.z)) if angle_north < 0 then angle_north = angle_north + 360 end return angle_north end function airutils.sit(player) --set_animation(frame_range, frame_speed, frame_blend, frame_loop) player:set_animation({x = 81, y = 160},30, 0, true) if minetest.get_modpath("emote") then emote.start(player:get_player_name(), "sit") end end local function get_norm_angle(angle) local new_angle = angle/360 new_angle = (new_angle - math.floor(new_angle))*360 if new_angle < -180 then new_angle = new_angle + 360 end if new_angle > 180 then new_angle = new_angle - 360 end return new_angle end function airutils.normalize_rotations(rotations) return {x = get_norm_angle(rotations.x), y = get_norm_angle(rotations.y), z = get_norm_angle(rotations.z)} end minetest.register_chatcommand("enable_blast_damage", { params = "", description = S("Enable/disable explosion blast damage"), privs = {server=true}, func = function(name, param) local command = param if command == "false" then airutils.blast_damage = false minetest.chat_send_player(name, S(">>> Blast damage by explosion is disabled")) else airutils.blast_damage = true minetest.chat_send_player(name, S(">>> Blast damage by explosion is enabled")) end local save = 2 if airutils.blast_damage == true then save = 1 end storage:set_int("blast_damage", save) end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("transfer_ownership", { params = "", description = S("Transfer the property of a plane to another player"), privs = {interact=true}, func = function(name, param) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local target_player = minetest.get_player_by_name(param) local attached_to = player:get_attach() if attached_to ~= nil then if target_player ~= nil then local seat = attached_to:get_attach() if seat ~= nil then local entity = seat:get_luaentity() if entity then if entity.owner == name or minetest.check_player_privs(name, {protection_bypass=true}) then entity.owner = param minetest.chat_send_player(name,core.colorize('#00ff00', S(" >>> This plane now is property of: ")..param)) else minetest.chat_send_player(name,core.colorize('#ff0000', S(" >>> only the owner or moderators can transfer this airplane"))) end end end else minetest.chat_send_player(name,core.colorize('#ff0000', S(" >>> the target player must be logged in"))) end else minetest.chat_send_player(name,core.colorize('#ff0000', S(" >>> you are not inside a plane to perform the command"))) end end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("eject_from_plane", { params = "", description = S("Ejects from a plane"), privs = {interact = true}, func = function(name, param) local colorstring = core.colorize('#ff0000', S(" >>> you are not inside a plane")) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local attached_to = player:get_attach() if attached_to ~= nil then local seat = attached_to:get_attach() if seat ~= nil then local entity = seat:get_luaentity() if entity then if entity.on_step == airutils.on_step then if entity.driver_name == name then airutils.dettachPlayer(entity, player) elseif entity._passenger == name then local passenger = minetest.get_player_by_name(entity._passenger) airutils.dettach_pax(entity, passenger) end else minetest.chat_send_player(name,colorstring) end end end else minetest.chat_send_player(name,colorstring) end end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("ground_effect", { params = "", description = S("Enables/disables the ground effect (for debug purposes)"), privs = {interact=true}, func = function(name, param) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if minetest.check_player_privs(name, {server=true}) then if param == "on" or param == "" then airutils.ground_effect_is_disabled = nil minetest.chat_send_player(name,core.colorize('#00ff00', S(" >>> Ground effect was turned on."))) elseif param == "off" then airutils.ground_effect_is_disabled = true minetest.chat_send_player(name,core.colorize('#0000ff', S(">>> Ground effect was turned off."))) end else minetest.chat_send_player(name,core.colorize('#ff0000', S(" >>> You need 'server' priv to run this command."))) end end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("show_lift", { params = "", description = S("Enables/disables the lift printing (for debug purposes)"), privs = {interact=true}, func = function(name, param) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if minetest.check_player_privs(name, {server=true}) then if param == "on" or param == "" then airutils.show_lift = name minetest.chat_send_player(name,core.colorize('#0000ff', S(" >>> Lift printing turned on."))) elseif param == "off" then airutils.show_lift = nil minetest.chat_send_player(name,core.colorize('#00ff00', S(" >>> Lift printing turned off."))) end else minetest.chat_send_player(name,core.colorize('#ff0000', S(" >>> You need 'server' priv to run this command."))) end end })