airutils.gravity = -9.8 local abs = math.abs local pi = math.pi local floor = math.floor local ceil = math.ceil local random = math.random local sqrt = math.sqrt local max = math.max local min = math.min local tan = math.tan local pow = math.pow local sign = function(x) return (x<0) and -1 or 1 end function airutils.rot_to_dir(rot) -- keep rot within <-pi/2,pi/2> local dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir(rot.y) dir.y = dir.y+tan(rot.x)*vector.length(dir) return vector.normalize(dir) end function airutils.dir_to_rot(v,rot) rot = rot or {x=0,y=0,z=0} return {x = (v.x==0 and v.y==0 and v.z==0) and rot.x or math.atan2(v.y,vector.length({x=v.x,y=0,z=v.z})), y = (v.x==0 and v.z==0) and rot.y or minetest.dir_to_yaw(v), z=rot.z} end function airutils.pos_shift(pos,vec) -- vec components can be omitted e.g. vec={y=1} vec.x=vec.x or 0 vec.y=vec.y or 0 vec.z=vec.z or 0 return {x=pos.x+vec.x, y=pos.y+vec.y, z=pos.z+vec.z} end function airutils.get_stand_pos(thing) -- thing can be luaentity or objectref. local pos = {} local colbox = {} if type(thing) == 'table' then pos = thing.object:get_pos() if not thing.object:get_properties() then return false end colbox = thing.object:get_properties().collisionbox elseif type(thing) == 'userdata' then pos = thing:get_pos() if not thing:get_properties() then return false end colbox = thing:get_properties().collisionbox else return false end return airutils.pos_shift(pos,{y=colbox[2]+0.01}), pos end function airutils.get_node_pos(pos) return { x=floor(pos.x+0.5), y=floor(pos.y+0.5), z=floor(pos.z+0.5), } end function airutils.nodeatpos(pos) if pos == nil then return end local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if node then return minetest.registered_nodes[] end end function airutils.minmax(v,m) return min(abs(v),m)*sign(v) end function airutils.set_acceleration(thing,vec,limit) limit = limit or 100 if type(thing) == 'table' then thing=thing.object end vec.x=airutils.minmax(vec.x,limit) vec.y=airutils.minmax(vec.y,limit) vec.z=airutils.minmax(vec.z,limit) thing:set_acceleration(vec) end function airutils.actfunc(self, staticdata, dtime_s) self.logic = self.logic or self.brainfunc self.physics = self.physics or airutils.physics self.lqueue = {} self.hqueue = {} self.nearby_objects = {} self.nearby_players = {} self.pos_history = {} self.path_dir = 1 self.time_total = 0 self.water_drag = self.water_drag or 1 local sdata = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) if sdata then for k,v in pairs(sdata) do self[k] = v end end if self.textures==nil then local prop_tex = self.object:get_properties().textures if prop_tex then self.textures=prop_tex end end if not self.memory then -- this is the initial activation self.memory = {} -- texture variation if #self.textures > 1 then self.texture_no = random(#self.textures) end end if self.timeout and ((self.timeout>0 and dtime_s > self.timeout and next(self.memory)==nil) or (self.timeout<0 and dtime_s > abs(self.timeout))) then self.object:remove() end -- apply texture if self.textures and self.texture_no then local props = {} props.textures = {self.textures[self.texture_no]} self.object:set_properties(props) end --hp self.max_hp = self.max_hp or 10 self.hp = self.hp or self.max_hp --armor if type(self.armor_groups) ~= 'table' then self.armor_groups={} end self.armor_groups.immortal = 1 self.object:set_armor_groups(self.armor_groups) self.buoyancy = self.buoyancy or 0 self.oxygen = self.oxygen or self.lung_capacity self.lastvelocity = {x=0,y=0,z=0} end function airutils.get_box_height(self) if type(self) == 'table' then self = self.object end local colbox = self:get_properties().collisionbox local height = 0.1 if colbox then height = colbox[5]-colbox[2] end return height > 0 and height or 0.1 end function airutils.stepfunc(self,dtime,colinfo) self.dtime = min(dtime,0.2) self.colinfo = colinfo self.height = airutils.get_box_height(self) -- physics comes first local vel = self.object:get_velocity() if colinfo then self.isonground = colinfo.touching_ground else if self.lastvelocity.y==0 and vel.y==0 then self.isonground = true else self.isonground = false end end self:physics() if self.logic then if self.view_range then self:sensefunc() end self:logic() --execute_queues(self) end self.lastvelocity = self.object:get_velocity() self.time_total=self.time_total+self.dtime end