animalia.grassland_biomes = {} animalia.temperate_biomes = {} animalia.boreal_biomes = {} animalia.tropical_biomes = {} local chicken_biomes = {} local pig_biomes = {} local function insert_all(tbl, tbl2) for i = 1, #tbl2 do table.insert(tbl, tbl2[i]) end end minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() for name in pairs(minetest.registered_biomes) do local biome = minetest.registered_biomes[name] if name:find("forest") then local turf = biome.node_top local heat = biome.heat_point or 0 local humidity = biome.humidity_point or 50 if turf then if turf:find("dirt") then if heat >= 40 and humidity >= 60 then table.insert(animalia.tropical_biomes, name) else table.insert(animalia.boreal_biomes, name) end elseif turf:find("grass") then if heat >= 40 then table.insert(animalia.boreal_biomes, name) else table.insert(animalia.temperate_biomes, name) end elseif turf:find("litter") then if heat >= 40 and humidity >= 80 then table.insert(animalia.tropical_biomes, name) else table.insert(animalia.temperate_biomes, name) end elseif turf:find("snow") then table.insert(animalia.temperate_biomes, name) end end else local turf = biome.node_top local heat = biome.heat_point or 0 --local humidity = biome.humidity_point or 50 if turf then if turf:find("grass") or (turf:find("dirt") and heat < 60) then table.insert(animalia.grassland_biomes, name) end end end end insert_all(chicken_biomes, animalia.grassland_biomes) insert_all(chicken_biomes, animalia.tropical_biomes) insert_all(pig_biomes, animalia.grassland_biomes) insert_all(pig_biomes, animalia.temperate_biomes) insert_all(pig_biomes, animalia.boreal_biomes) end) -- Chicken -- mob_core.register_spawn({ name = "animalia:chicken", min_light = 0, max_light = 15, min_height = -31000, max_height = 31000, min_rad = 24, max_rad = 256, group = 6, optional = { biomes = chicken_biomes } }, animalia.spawn_interval, 4) -- Cat -- local house_nodes = {} minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() for name in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do if minetest.get_item_group(name, "stairs") > 0 or minetest.get_item_group(name, "wood") > 0 then table.insert(house_nodes, name) end end end) mob_core.register_spawn({ name = "animalia:cat", nodes = house_nodes, min_light = 0, max_light = 15, min_height = -31000, max_height = 31000, min_rad = 24, max_rad = 256, group = 0, }, animalia.spawn_interval, 6) -- Cow -- mob_core.register_spawn({ name = "animalia:cow", min_light = 0, max_light = 15, min_height = -31000, max_height = 31000, group = 3, optional = { biomes = animalia.grassland_biomes } }, animalia.spawn_interval, 2) -- Horse -- mob_core.register_spawn({ name = "animalia:horse", min_light = 0, max_light = 15, min_height = -31000, max_height = 31000, group = 6, optional = { biomes = animalia.grassland_biomes } }, animalia.spawn_interval, 16) -- Pig -- mob_core.register_spawn({ name = "animalia:pig", nodes = {"default:dirt_with_grass"}, min_light = 0, max_light = 15, min_height = -31000, max_height = 31000, group = 3, optional = { biomes = pig_biomes } }, animalia.spawn_interval, 4) -- Reindeer -- mob_core.register_spawn({ name = "animalia:reindeer", min_light = 0, max_light = 15, min_height = -31000, max_height = 31000, group = 6, optional = { biomes = animalia.temperate_biomes } }, animalia.spawn_interval, 4) -- Sheep -- mob_core.register_spawn({ name = "animalia:sheep", min_light = 0, max_light = 15, min_height = -31000, max_height = 31000, min_rad = 24, max_rad = 256, group = 6, optional = { biomes = animalia.grassland_biomes } }, animalia.spawn_interval, 4) -- Turkey -- mob_core.register_spawn({ name = "animalia:turkey", min_light = 0, max_light = 15, min_height = -31000, max_height = 31000, min_rad = 24, max_rad = 256, group = 6, optional = { biomes = animalia.temperate_biomes } }, animalia.spawn_interval, 6) -- Wolf -- mob_core.register_spawn({ name = "animalia:wolf", min_light = 0, max_light = 15, min_height = -31000, max_height = 31000, group = 4, optional = { biomes = animalia.temperate_biomes } }, animalia.spawn_interval, 4) --------------------- -- Mapgen Spawning -- --------------------- animalia.chunks_since_last_spawn = 0 local chunk_spawn_add_int = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("chunk_spawn_add_int")) or 64 animalia.spawn_queue = {} minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp) animalia.chunks_since_last_spawn = animalia.chunks_since_last_spawn + 1 local heightmap = minetest.get_mapgen_object("heightmap") if not heightmap then return end local pos = { x = minp.x + math.floor((maxp.x - minp.x) / 2), y = minp.y, z = minp.z + math.floor((maxp.z - minp.z) / 2) } local hm_i = (pos.x - minp.x + 1) + (((pos.z - minp.z)) * 80) pos.y = heightmap[hm_i] if animalia.chunks_since_last_spawn > chunk_spawn_add_int and pos.y > 0 then local heightmap = minetest.get_mapgen_object("heightmap") if not heightmap then return end local center = { x = math.floor(minp.x + ((maxp.x - minp.x) * 0.5) + 0.5), y = minp.y, z = math.floor(minp.z + ((maxp.z - minp.z) * 0.5) + 0.5), } local light = minetest.get_natural_light(center) while center.y < maxp.y and light < 10 do center.y = center.y + 1 light = minetest.get_natural_light(center) end local spawnable_mobs = {} for i = 1, #animalia.mobs do local spawn_def = mob_core.registered_spawns[animalia.mobs[i]].def if spawn_def.optional and mob_core.find_val(spawn_def.optional.biomes, mob_core.get_biome_name(center)) and (#animalia.spawn_queue < 1 or animalia.spawn_queue[#animalia.spawn_queue].mob ~= animalia.mobs[i]) then table.insert(spawnable_mobs, animalia.mobs[i]) end end table.insert(animalia.spawn_queue, {pos = center, mob = spawnable_mobs[math.random(#spawnable_mobs)]}) animalia.chunks_since_last_spawn = 0 end end) local chunk_spawn_queue_int = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("chunk_spawn_queue_int")) or 16 local function spawn_queued() local queue = animalia.spawn_queue if #queue > 0 then for i = #queue, 1, -1 do if queue[i].mob then local def = mob_core.registered_spawns[queue[i].mob].def mob_core.spawn_at_pos( queue[i].pos,, def.nodes or nil, or 1, def.optional or nil ) end table.remove(animalia.spawn_queue, i) end end minetest.after(chunk_spawn_queue_int, spawn_queued) end minetest.after(chunk_spawn_queue_int, spawn_queued)