--------------- -- Behaviors -- --------------- -- Math -- local abs = math.abs local atan2 = math.atan2 local ceil = math.ceil local cos = math.cos local min = math.min local max = math.max local pi = math.pi local pi2 = pi * 2 local sin = math.sin local rad = math.rad local random = math.random local function diff(a, b) -- Get difference between 2 angles return atan2(sin(b - a), cos(b - a)) end local function clamp(val, minn, maxn) if val < minn then val = minn elseif maxn < val then val = maxn end return val end -- Vector -- local vec_dir = vector.direction local vec_dist = vector.distance local vec_dot = vector.dot local vec_divide = vector.divide local vec_normal = vector.normalize local vec_round = vector.round local vec_sub = vector.subtract local vec_add = vector.add local vec_multi = vector.multiply local dir2yaw = minetest.dir_to_yaw local yaw2dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir ----------------- -- Local Tools -- ----------------- local farming_enabled = minetest.get_modpath("farming") and farming.registered_plants if farming_enabled then minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do local item_string = name:sub(1, #name - 2) local item_name = item_string:split(":")[2] local growth_stage = tonumber(name:sub(-1)) or 1 if farming.registered_plants[item_string] or farming.registered_plants[item_name] then def.groups.crop = growth_stage end minetest.register_node(":" .. name, def) end end) end local animate_player = {} if minetest.get_modpath("default") and minetest.get_modpath("player_api") then animate_player = player_api.set_animation elseif minetest.get_modpath("mcl_player") then animate_player = mcl_player.player_set_animation end local function add_break_particle(pos) pos = vec_round(pos) local def = creatura.get_node_def(pos) local texture = (def.tiles and def.tiles[1]) or def.inventory_image texture = texture .. "^[resize:8x8" minetest.add_particlespawner({ amount = 6, time = 0.1, minpos = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 0.49, z = pos.z }, maxpos = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 0.49, z = pos.z }, minvel = {x=-1, y=1, z=-1}, maxvel = {x=1, y=2, z=1}, minacc = {x=0, y=-5, z=0}, maxacc = {x=0, y=-9, z=0}, minexptime = 1, maxexptime = 1.5, minsize = 1, maxsize = 2, collisiondetection = true, vertical = false, texture = texture, }) end local function get_group_positions(self) local objects = creatura.get_nearby_objects(self, self.name) local group = {} for _, object in ipairs(objects) do local obj_pos = object and object:get_pos() if obj_pos then table.insert(group, obj_pos) end end return group end local function calc_altitude(self, pos2) local height_half = self.height * 0.5 local center_y = pos2.y + height_half local calc_pos = {x = pos2.x, y = center_y, z = pos2.z} local range = (height_half + 2) local offset = {x = 0, y = range, z = 0} local ceil_pos, floor_pos = vec_add(calc_pos, offset), vec_sub(calc_pos, offset) local ray_up = minetest.raycast(calc_pos, ceil_pos, false, true):next() local ray_down = minetest.raycast(calc_pos, floor_pos, false, true):next() ceil_pos = (ray_up and ray_up.above) or ceil_pos floor_pos = (ray_down and ray_down.above) or floor_pos local dist_up = ceil_pos.y - center_y local dist_down = floor_pos.y - center_y local altitude = (dist_up + dist_down) / 2 return ((calc_pos.y + altitude) - center_y) / range * 2 end local function calc_steering_and_lift(self, pos, pos2, dir, steer_method) local steer_to = creatura.calc_steering(self, pos2, steer_method or creatura.get_context_small) pos2 = vector.add(pos, steer_to) local lift = creatura.get_avoidance_lift(self, pos2, 2) steer_to.y = (lift ~= 0 and lift) or dir.y return steer_to end local function calc_steering_and_lift_aquatic(self, pos, pos2, dir, steer_method) local steer_to = creatura.calc_steering(self, pos2, steer_method or creatura.get_context_small_aquatic) local lift = creatura.get_avoidance_lift_aquatic(self, vector.add(pos, steer_to), 2) steer_to.y = (lift ~= 0 and lift) or dir.y return steer_to end local function get_obstacle(pos, water) local pos2 = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z} local n_def = creatura.get_node_def(pos2) if n_def.walkable or (water and (n_def.groups.liquid or 0) > 0) then pos2.y = pos.y + 1 n_def = creatura.get_node_def(pos2) local col_max = n_def.walkable or (water and (n_def.groups.liquid or 0) > 0) pos2.y = pos.y - 1 local col_min = col_max and (n_def.walkable or (water and (n_def.groups.liquid or 0) > 0)) if col_min then return pos else pos2.y = pos.y + 1 return pos2 end end end function animalia.get_steering_context(self, goal, steer_dir, interest, danger, range) local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end pos = vector.round(pos) local width = self.width or 0.5 local check_pos = vec_add(pos, steer_dir) local collision = get_obstacle(check_pos) local unsafe_pos = not collision and not self:is_pos_safe(check_pos) and check_pos if collision or unsafe_pos then local dir2goal = vec_normal(vec_dir(pos, goal)) local dir2col = vec_normal(vec_dir(pos, collision or unsafe_pos)) local dist2col = vec_dist(pos, collision or unsafe_pos) - width local dot_score = vec_dot(dir2col, dir2goal) local dist_score = (range - dist2col) / range interest = interest - dot_score danger = dist_score end return interest, danger end -------------- -- Movement -- -------------- -- Obstacle Avoidance function animalia.obstacle_avoidance(self, goal, water) local steer_method = water and creatura.get_context_small_aquatic or animalia.get_steering_context local dir = creatura.calc_steering(self, goal, steer_method) local lift_method = water and creatura.get_avoidance_lift_aquatic or creatura.get_avoidance_lift local lift = lift_method(self, vec_add(self.stand_pos, dir), 2) dir.y = (lift ~= 0 and lift) or dir.y return dir end -- Methods creatura.register_movement_method("animalia:fly_wide", function(self) local steer_to local steer_int = 0 self:set_gravity(0) local function func(_self, goal, speed_factor) local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos or not goal then return end if vec_dist(pos, goal) < clamp(self.width, 0.5, 1) then _self:halt() return true end -- Calculate Movement local turn_rate = 2.5 local speed = abs(_self.speed or 2) * speed_factor or 0.5 steer_int = (steer_int > 0 and steer_int - _self.dtime) or 1 / math.max(speed, 1) steer_to = (steer_int <= 0 and creatura.calc_steering(_self, goal)) or steer_to local dir = steer_to or vec_dir(pos, goal) local altitude = calc_altitude(self, vec_add(pos, dir)) dir.y = (altitude ~= 0 and altitude) or dir.y if vector.dot(dir, yaw2dir(_self.object:get_yaw())) > 0.2 then -- Steer faster for major obstacles turn_rate = 5 end -- Apply Movement _self:turn_to(dir2yaw(dir), turn_rate) _self:set_forward_velocity(speed) _self:set_vertical_velocity(speed * dir.y) end return func end) -- Steering Methods creatura.register_movement_method("animalia:steer", function(self) local steer_to local steer_int = 0 local radius = 2 -- Arrival Radius self:set_gravity(-9.8) local function func(_self, goal, speed_factor) -- Vectors local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos or not goal then return end local dist = vector.distance(pos, goal) local dir = vector.direction(pos, goal) -- Movement Params local vel = self.speed * speed_factor local turn_rate = self.turn_rate local mag = math.min(radius - ((radius - dist) / 1), 1) vel = vel * mag -- Steering steer_int = (steer_int > 0 and steer_int - _self.dtime) or 1 / math.max(vel, 1) steer_to = steer_int <= 0 and animalia.obstacle_avoidance(_self, goal) or steer_to -- Apply Movement _self:turn_to(minetest.dir_to_yaw(steer_to or dir), turn_rate) _self:set_forward_velocity(vel) end return func end) creatura.register_movement_method("animalia:steer_no_gravity", function(self) local steer_to local steer_int = 0 local radius = 2 -- Arrival Radius self:set_gravity(0) local function func(_self, goal, speed_factor) -- Vectors local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos or not goal then return end local dist = vector.distance(pos, goal) local dir = vector.direction(pos, goal) -- Movement Params local vel = self.speed * speed_factor local turn_rate = self.turn_rate local mag = min(radius - ((radius - dist) / 1), 1) vel = vel * mag -- Steering steer_int = (steer_int > 0 and steer_int - _self.dtime) or 1 / max(vel, 1) steer_to = steer_int <= 0 and animalia.obstacle_avoidance(_self, goal, _self.max_breath == 0) or steer_to -- Apply Movement _self:turn_to(minetest.dir_to_yaw(steer_to or dir), turn_rate) _self:set_forward_velocity(vel) _self:set_vertical_velocity(dir.y * vel) end return func end) -- Simple Methods creatura.register_movement_method("animalia:move", function(self) local radius = 2 -- Arrival Radius self:set_gravity(-9.8) local function func(_self, goal, speed_factor) -- Vectors local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos or not goal then return end local dist = vector.distance(pos, goal) local dir = vector.direction(pos, goal) -- Movement Params local vel = self.speed * speed_factor local turn_rate = self.turn_rate local mag = math.min(radius - ((radius - dist) / 1), 1) vel = vel * mag -- Apply Movement _self:turn_to(minetest.dir_to_yaw(dir), turn_rate) _self:set_forward_velocity(vel) end return func end) creatura.register_movement_method("animalia:move_no_gravity", function(self) local radius = 2 -- Arrival Radius self:set_gravity(0) local function func(_self, goal, speed_factor) -- Vectors local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos or not goal then return end local dist = vector.distance(pos, goal) local dir = vector.direction(pos, goal) -- Movement Params local vel = self.speed * speed_factor local turn_rate = self.turn_rate local mag = math.min(radius - ((radius - dist) / 1), 1) vel = vel * mag -- Apply Movement _self:turn_to(minetest.dir_to_yaw(dir), turn_rate) _self:set_forward_velocity(vel) _self:set_vertical_velocity(vel * dir.y) end return func end) ------------- -- Actions -- ------------- function animalia.action_walk(self, time, speed, animation, pos2) local timeout = time or 3 local speed_factor = speed or 0.5 local anim = animation or "walk" local wander_radius = 2 local dir = pos2 and vec_dir(self.stand_pos, pos2) local function func(mob) local pos, yaw = mob.object:get_pos(), mob.object:get_yaw() if not pos or not yaw then return true end dir = pos2 and vec_dir(pos, pos2) or minetest.yaw_to_dir(yaw) local wander_point = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(dir, wander_radius + 0.5)) local goal = vec_add(wander_point, vec_multi(minetest.yaw_to_dir(random(pi2)), wander_radius)) local safe = true if mob.max_fall then safe = mob:is_pos_safe(goal) end if timeout <= 0 or not safe or mob:move_to(goal, "animalia:steer", speed_factor) then mob:halt() return true end timeout = timeout - mob.dtime if timeout <= 0 then return true end mob:animate(anim) end self:set_action(func) end function animalia.action_soar(self, pos2, timeout, speed_factor) local timer = timeout or 4 local center = pos2 local function func(_self) local pos, vel = _self.object:get_pos(), _self.object:get_velocity() if not pos then return end timer = timer - _self.dtime if timer <= 0 then return true end if abs(pos.y - pos2.y) < 2 then center.y = center.y - self.dtime * 0.5 else center.y = pos2.y end _self:move_to(center, "animalia:fly_wide", speed_factor or 0.5) local anim if vel.y > 0 then anim = "fly" else anim = "glide" end _self:animate(anim) end self:set_action(func) end function animalia.action_pursue(self, target, timeout, method, speed_factor, anim) local timer = timeout or 4 local goal local function func(_self) local target_alive, line_of_sight, tgt_pos = _self:get_target(target) if not target_alive then return true end goal = goal or tgt_pos timer = timer - _self.dtime self:animate(anim or "walk") local safe = true if _self.max_fall and _self.max_fall > 0 then local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end safe = _self:is_pos_safe(goal) end if line_of_sight and vec_dist(goal, tgt_pos) > 3 then goal = tgt_pos end if timer <= 0 or not safe or _self:move_to(goal, method or "creatura:obstacle_avoidance", speed_factor or 0.5) then return true end end self:set_action(func) end function animalia.action_pursue_glide(self, target, timeout, method, speed_factor, anim) local timer = timeout or 4 local goal local speed_x = speed_factor local function func(_self) local target_alive, line_of_sight, tgt_pos = _self:get_target(target) if not target_alive then return true end goal = goal or tgt_pos timer = timer - _self.dtime self:animate(anim or "walk") if line_of_sight and vec_dist(goal, tgt_pos) > 3 then goal = tgt_pos end local vel = self.object:get_velocity() if vel.y < 0 and speed_x < speed_factor + 0.5 then speed_x = speed_x + self.dtime * 0.5 end if vel.y >= 0 and speed_x > speed_factor then speed_x = speed_x - self.dtime * 0.25 end if timer <= 0 or _self:move_to(goal, method or "animalia:steer_no_gravity", speed_x) then return true end end self:set_action(func) end function animalia.action_flight_attack(self, target, timeout) timeout = timeout or 12 local punch_init = false local timer = timeout local sight_timeout = timeout * 0.5 local cooldown = 0 local speed_x = 0.5 local goal local function func(_self) local pos = _self.stand_pos if timer <= 0 then return true end local target_alive, los, tgt_pos = _self:get_target(target) if not target_alive then return true end if not los then sight_timeout = sight_timeout - self._dtime if sight_timeout <= 0 then return true end else sight_timeout = timeout * 0.5 end local dist = vec_dist(pos, tgt_pos) if dist > 32 then return true end local vel = self.object:get_velocity() if vel.y < 0 and speed_x < 1 then speed_x = speed_x + self.dtime * 0.5 end if vel.y >= 0 and speed_x > 0.5 then speed_x = speed_x - self.dtime end if punch_init then local anim = _self:animate("fly_punch", "fly") if anim == "fly" then punch_init = false end else if speed_x > 0.6 then _self:animate("glide") else _self:animate("fly") end end if cooldown > 0 then goal = goal or _self:get_wander_pos_3d(3, 6, nil, 1) cooldown = cooldown - _self.dtime else goal = nil cooldown = 0 end if goal and _self:move_to(goal, "animalia:steer_no_gravity", speed_x) then goal = nil end if not goal and _self:move_to(tgt_pos, "animalia:steer_no_gravity", speed_x) then if dist < _self.width + 1 then _self:punch_target(target) cooldown = timeout / 3 punch_init = true end end timer = timer - _self.dtime end self:set_action(func) end function animalia.action_dive_attack(self, target, timeout) timeout = timeout or 12 local timer = timeout local width = self.width or 0.5 local punch_init = false local anim local function func(_self) -- Tick down timers timer = timer - _self.dtime if timer <= 0 then return true end -- Get positions local pos = _self.stand_pos local tgt_pos = target and target:get_pos() if not tgt_pos then return true end local dist = vec_dist(pos, tgt_pos) if punch_init then anim = _self:animate("fly_punch", "fly") if anim == "fly" then return true end else anim = _self:animate("fly") end if dist > width + 1 then local method = "animalia:move_no_gravity" if dist > 4 then method = "animalia:steer_no_gravity" end _self:move_to(tgt_pos, method, 1) elseif not punch_init then _self:punch_target(target) punch_init = true end end self:set_action(func) end function animalia.action_wander_fly(self, timer, pos2) local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local goal local steer_to local width = ceil(self.width or 1) * 2 local check_timer = 0.25 timer = timer or 2 pos2 = pos2 or { x = pos.x + random(width, -width), y = pos.y + random(width, -width), z = pos.z + random(width, -width) } local function func(_self) pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local dir = vec_dir(pos, pos2) goal = goal or vector.add(pos, dir) -- Tick down timers timer = timer - _self.dtime check_timer = (check_timer <= 0 and 0.25) or check_timer - _self.dtime -- Calculate movement steer_to = (check_timer > 0 and steer_to) or calc_steering_and_lift(_self, pos, goal, dir) goal = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(steer_to, self.width + 1)) if timer <= 0 or _self:move_to(goal, "animalia:move_no_gravity", 0.5) then _self:halt() return true end _self:animate("fly") end self:set_action(func) end function animalia.action_move_boid(self, pos2, timeout, method, speed_factor, anim, steer_method) steer_method = steer_method or calc_steering_and_lift timeout = timeout or 2 local timer = timeout local check_timer = timeout / 6 local max_fall = (self.max_fall or 0) > 0 and self.max_fall local steer_to local goal local function func(_self) local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local dir = vec_dir(pos, pos2) goal = goal or vector.add(pos, dir) -- Tick down timers timer = timer - _self.dtime check_timer = (check_timer <= 0 and timeout / 6) or check_timer - _self.dtime -- Check if goal is safe local safe = true if max_fall then safe = _self:is_pos_safe(goal) end -- Calculate movement local boid_dir = creatura.get_boid_dir(_self) if boid_dir then boid_dir.y = boid_dir.y + dir.y / 2 goal = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(boid_dir, self.width + 1)) if max_fall then goal = creatura.get_ground_level(goal, 2) end end local median_dir = boid_dir and steer_to and vec_divide(vec_add(boid_dir, steer_to), 2) steer_to = (check_timer > 0 and median_dir) or steer_method(_self, pos, goal, boid_dir or dir) goal = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(steer_to, self.width + 1)) -- Apply movement/end function when goal is met if timer <= 0 or not safe or _self:move_to(goal or pos2, method or "creatura:obstacle_avoidance", speed_factor or 0.5) then return true end _self:animate(anim or "walk") end self:set_action(func) end function animalia.action_float(self, time, anim) local timer = time local function func(_self) _self:set_gravity(-0.14) _self:halt() _self:animate(anim or "foat") timer = timer - _self.dtime if timer <= 0 then return true end end self:set_action(func) end function animalia.action_cling(self, time) local timer = time local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end pos.y = pos.y + 1 if not creatura.get_node_def(pos).walkable then self:forget("home_position") self.home_position = nil return end local function func(_self) _self:set_gravity(0) _self:halt() _self:set_vertical_velocity(1) _self:set_forward_velocity(0) _self:animate("cling") timer = timer - _self.dtime if timer <= 0 then return true end end self:set_action(func) end function animalia.action_punch(self, target) local jump_init = false local punch_init = false local timeout = 2 local is_animated = self.animations["punch"] ~= nil local function func(_self) local tgt_alive, _, tgt_pos = _self:get_target(target) if not tgt_alive and (not punch_init or not is_animated) then return true end local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local dir = vec_dir(pos, tgt_pos) if not jump_init and _self.touching_ground then _self.object:add_velocity({x = dir.x * 3, y = 2, z = dir.z * 3}) jump_init = true end timeout = timeout - _self.dtime if timeout <= 0 then return true end local dist = vec_dist(pos, tgt_pos) if dist < _self.width + 1 and not punch_init then _self:punch_target(target) local knockback = minetest.calculate_knockback( target, self.object, 1.0, {damage_groups = {fleshy = self.damage}}, dir, 2.0, self.damage ) target:add_velocity({x = dir.x * knockback, y = dir.y * knockback, z = dir.z * knockback}) if not is_animated then return true end punch_init = true end if is_animated then if _self:animate("punch", "stand") == "stand" then return true end end end self:set_action(func) end function animalia.action_melee(self, target) local stage = 1 local is_animated = self.animations["punch"] ~= nil local timeout = 1 local function func(mob) local target_pos = target and target:get_pos() if not target_pos then return true end local pos = mob.stand_pos local dist = vec_dist(pos, target_pos) local dir = vec_dir(pos, target_pos) local anim = is_animated and mob:animate("punch", "stand") if stage == 1 then mob.object:add_velocity({x = dir.x * 3, y = 2, z = dir.z * 3}) stage = 2 end if stage == 2 and dist < mob.width + 1 then mob:punch_target(target) local knockback = minetest.calculate_knockback( target, mob.object, 1.0, {damage_groups = {fleshy = mob.damage}}, dir, 2.0, mob.damage ) target:add_velocity({x = dir.x * knockback, y = dir.y * knockback, z = dir.z * knockback}) stage = 3 end if stage == 3 and (not is_animated or anim == "stand") then return true end timeout = timeout - mob.dtime if timeout <= 0 then return true end end self:set_action(func) end function animalia.action_punch_aoe(self, target) local punch_init = false local anim = self.animations["punch_aoe"] local anim_len = (anim.range.y - anim.range.x) / anim.speed local timeout = anim_len local function func(_self) local tgt_alive, _, tgt_pos = _self:get_target(target) if not tgt_alive then return true end local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end _self:halt() _self:animate("punch_aoe") local dist = vec_dist(pos, tgt_pos) timeout = timeout - _self.dtime if not punch_init and dist < _self.width + 1 and timeout < anim_len * 0.5 then _self:punch_target(target) punch_init = true end if timeout <= 0 then _self:animate("stand") return true end end self:set_action(func) end local cling_offsets = { {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0}, -- Ceiling is prioritized {x = 1, y = 0, z = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0, z = 1}, {x = -1, y = 0, z = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0, z = -1} } function animalia.action_idle(self, var, dur, anim) var = var or "stand" dur = dur or 1 anim = anim or "stand" if var == "stand" then self:set_gravity(-9.8) else self:set_gravity(0) end local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local cling_pos if var == "cling" then -- Cling to wall or ceiling for _, v in ipairs(cling_offsets) do cling_pos = vector.add(pos, vector.multiply(v, self.width + 0.5)) if not creatura.get_node_def(cling_pos).walkable then cling_pos = nil else break end end end local function func(ent) if cling_pos then ent.object:set_velocity(vector.direction(pos, cling_pos)) end if ent.in_liquid and var == "float" then ent:set_vertical_velocity(0.5) end dur = dur - ent.dtime if dur <= 0 then return true end ent:animate(anim) end self:set_action(func) end -- Experimental function animalia.action_swim(self, time, speed, animation, pos2) local timeout = time or 3 local speed_factor = speed or 0.5 local anim = animation or "swim" local wander_radius = 2 local dir = pos2 and vec_dir(self.stand_pos, pos2) local function func(mob) local pos, yaw = mob.object:get_pos(), mob.object:get_yaw() if not pos or not yaw then return true end dir = pos2 and vec_dir(pos, pos2) or minetest.yaw_to_dir(yaw) dir.y = random(-10, 10) * 0.1 local wander_point = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(dir, wander_radius + 0.5)) local goal = vec_add(wander_point, vec_multi(minetest.yaw_to_dir(random(pi2)), wander_radius)) if timeout <= 0 or mob:move_to(goal, "animalia:steer_no_gravity", speed_factor) then mob:halt() return true end timeout = timeout - mob.dtime if timeout <= 0 then return true end mob:animate(anim) end self:set_action(func) end --------------- -- Utilities -- --------------- creatura.register_utility("animalia:idle", function(self, timeout, anim) local timer = timeout or 1 local init = false local function func(_self) if not init then creatura.action_idle(_self, timeout, anim) end timer = timer - _self.dtime if timer <= 0 then return true end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:die", function(self) local timer = 1.5 local init = false local function func(_self) if not init then _self:play_sound("death") creatura.action_fallover(_self) init = true end timer = timer - _self.dtime if timer <= 0 then local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end minetest.add_particlespawner({ amount = 8, time = 0.25, minpos = {x = pos.x - 0.1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z - 0.1}, maxpos = {x = pos.x + 0.1, y = pos.y + 0.1, z = pos.z + 0.1}, minacc = {x = 0, y = 2, z = 0}, maxacc = {x = 0, y = 3, z = 0}, minvel = {x = random(-1, 1), y = -0.25, z = random(-1, 1)}, maxvel = {x = random(-2, 2), y = -0.25, z = random(-2, 2)}, minexptime = 0.75, maxexptime = 1, minsize = 4, maxsize = 4, texture = "creatura_smoke_particle.png", animation = { type = 'vertical_frames', aspect_w = 4, aspect_h = 4, length = 1, }, glow = 1 }) creatura.drop_items(_self) _self.object:remove() end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:swim_to_land", function(self) local init = false local tpos = nil local function func(_self) if not init then for i = 1, 359, 15 do local yaw = rad(i) local dir = yaw2dir(yaw) tpos = animalia.find_collision(_self, dir) if tpos then local node = minetest.get_node({x = tpos.x, y = tpos.y + 1, z = tpos.z}) if node.name == "air" then break else tpos = nil end end end init = true end if tpos then local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local yaw = _self.object:get_yaw() local tyaw = minetest.dir_to_yaw(vec_dir(pos, tpos)) if abs(tyaw - yaw) > 0.1 then _self:turn_to(tyaw, 12) end _self:set_gravity(-9.8) _self:set_forward_velocity(_self.speed * 0.66) _self:animate("walk") if vec_dist(pos, tpos) < 1 or (not _self.in_liquid and _self.touching_ground) then return true end else _self.liquid_recovery_cooldown = 5 return true end end self:set_utility(func) end) -- WIP -- Wandering creatura.register_utility("animalia:wander", function(self) local idle_max = 4 local move_chance = 3 local graze_chance = 16 --local iter = 1 local range = self.tracking_range local center local function func(mob) local pos = mob.stand_pos if mob:timer(2) then --iter = iter < 3 and iter + 1 or 1 -- Iterate to 3, then reset to 1 -- Grazing Behavior if mob.is_grazing_mob and random(graze_chance) < 2 then local yaw = mob.object:get_yaw() if not yaw then return true end local turf_pos = { x = pos.x + -sin(yaw) * mob.width, y = pos.y - 0.5, z = pos.z + cos(yaw) * mob.width } if animalia.eat_turf(mob, turf_pos) then add_break_particle(turf_pos) creatura.action_idle(mob, 1, "eat") end end -- Herding Behavior if mob.is_herding_mob then center = animalia.get_average_pos(get_group_positions(mob)) or pos if vec_dist(pos, center) < range / 4 then center = false end end -- Skittish Behavior if mob.is_skittish_mob then local plyr = creatura.get_nearby_player(mob) local plyr_alive, los, plyr_pos = mob:get_target(plyr) if plyr_alive and los then center = vec_add(pos, vec_dir(plyr_pos, pos)) end end end if not mob:get_action() then if random(move_chance) < 2 then animalia.action_walk(mob, 3, 0.2, "walk", center) center = false else creatura.action_idle(mob, random(idle_max), "stand") end end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:aerial_wander", function(self) local function func(_self) if not _self:get_action() then local max_boids = self.max_boids or 0 if max_boids > 0 then local pos2 = _self:get_wander_pos(1, 2) animalia.action_move_boid(_self, pos2, 4, "animalia:move_no_gravity", 1, "fly") else animalia.action_wander_fly(_self, 2) end end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:aquatic_wander_school", function(self) local center = self.object:get_pos() if not center then return end local center_tick = 0 local water_nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vec_sub(center, 4), vec_add(center, 4), {"group:water"}) local steer_method = calc_steering_and_lift_aquatic local function func(_self) if #water_nodes < 1 then if _self.is_aquatic_mob then creatura.action_idle(_self, 1, "flop") else return true end end if #water_nodes < 10 then center_tick = center_tick - 1 if center_tick <= 0 then center_tick = 30 end center = self.object:get_pos() if not center then return end water_nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vec_sub(center, 4), vec_add(center, 4), {"group:water"}) end if not _self:get_action() then if _self.is_aquatic_mob and not _self.in_liquid then creatura.action_idle(_self, 1, "flop") return end local pos2 = water_nodes[random(#water_nodes)] animalia.action_move_boid(_self, pos2, 3, "animalia:move_no_gravity", 1, "swim", steer_method) end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:aquatic_wander", function(self) local center = self.object:get_pos() if not center then return end local center_tick = 0 local move_chance = 3 local idle_duration = 3 local water_nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vec_sub(center, 4), vec_add(center, 4), {"group:water"}) local function func(_self) if #water_nodes < 1 then if _self.is_aquatic_mob then creatura.action_idle(_self, 1, "flop") else return true end end if #water_nodes < 10 then center_tick = center_tick - 1 if center_tick <= 0 then center_tick = 30 end center = self.object:get_pos() if not center then return end water_nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vec_sub(center, 4), vec_add(center, 4), {"group:water"}) end if not _self:get_action() then if _self.is_aquatic_mob and not _self.in_liquid then creatura.action_idle(_self, 1, "flop") return end if random(move_chance) < 2 then creatura.action_move(_self, water_nodes[random(#water_nodes)], 3, "animalia:steer_no_gravity", 0.5, "swim") else animalia.action_float(_self, random(idle_duration), "float") end end end self:set_utility(func) end) -- Environment Interaction creatura.register_utility("animalia:eat_turf", function(self) local action_init = false local function func(_self) local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local yaw = _self.object:get_yaw() local dir = vec_normal(yaw2dir(yaw)) local turf_pos = { x = pos.x + dir.x * _self.width, y = pos.y - 0.5, z = pos.z + dir.z * _self.width } if not _self:get_action() then if action_init then return true end for name, sub_name in pairs(_self.consumable_nodes) do if minetest.get_node(turf_pos).name == name then add_break_particle(turf_pos) minetest.set_node(turf_pos, {name = sub_name}) _self.collected = _self:memorize("collected", false) creatura.action_idle(_self, 1, "eat") action_init = true break end end if not action_init then return true end end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:run_to_pos", function(self, pos2, timeout) timeout = timeout or 3 local function func(_self) local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end if not pos2 then return true end if not _self:get_action() then local anim = (_self.animations["run"] and "run") or "walk" animalia.action_walk(_self, 1, 1, anim, pos2) end timeout = timeout - _self.dtime if timeout <= 0 then return true end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:fly_to_roost", function(self) local home = self.home_position local roost = self.roost_action or creatura.action_idle local is_home = self.is_roost or function(pos, home_pos) if abs(pos.x - home_pos.x) < 0.5 and abs(pos.z - home_pos.z) < 0.5 and abs(pos.y - home_pos.y) < 0.75 then return true end return false end local function func(_self) local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end if not home then return true end if not _self:get_action() then if is_home(pos, home) then roost(_self, 1, "stand") return end creatura.action_move(_self, home, 3, "animalia:steer_no_gravity", 1, "fly") end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:fly_to_land", function(self) local landed = false local function func(_self) if not _self:get_action() then if landed then return true end if _self.touching_ground then creatura.action_idle(_self, 0.5, "stand") landed = true else local pos2 = _self:get_wander_pos_3d(3, 6) if pos2 then local dist2floor = creatura.sensor_floor(_self, 10, true) pos2.y = pos2.y - dist2floor creatura.action_move(_self, pos2, 3, "animalia:move_no_gravity", 0.6, "fly") end end end end self:set_utility(func) end) -- Object Interaction creatura.register_utility("animalia:follow_player", function(self, player, force) local width = self.width local function func(_self) local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local plyr_alive, line_of_sight, plyr_pos = _self:get_target(player) if not plyr_alive or (not _self:follow_wielded_item(player) and not force) then return true end local dist = vec_dist(pos, plyr_pos) if not _self:get_action() then local anim = "walk" local speed = 0.5 if dist > self.tracking_range * 0.5 then anim = "run" speed = 1 end if dist > width + 2 and _self:is_pos_safe(plyr_pos) then if dist > self.tracking_range * 0.5 or not line_of_sight then creatura.action_move(_self, plyr_pos, 4, "creatura:pathfind", speed, anim) else animalia.action_pursue(_self, player, 1, "animalia:steer", speed, anim) end else creatura.action_idle(_self, 1) end end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:flee_from_target", function(self, target, defend) local attention = 5 local defend_cooldown = defend and 0 local function func(_self) local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local tgt_alive, los, tgt_pos = _self:get_target(target) if not tgt_alive then self._puncher = nil return true end attention = not los and attention - _self.dtime or 5 if attention <= 0 then self._puncher = nil return true end local dist = vec_dist(pos, tgt_pos) if dist > _self.tracking_range then self._puncher = nil return true end defend_cooldown = defend and ((defend_cooldown > 0 and defend_cooldown - _self.dtime) or 0) if defend and defend_cooldown <= 0 and dist < _self.width + 1 then animalia.action_punch_aoe(self, target) defend_cooldown = 5 end if not _self:get_action() then local flee_dir = vec_dir(tgt_pos, pos) local pos2 = _self:get_wander_pos(1, 2, flee_dir) local anim = (_self.animations["run"] and "run") or "walk" animalia.action_walk(_self, 1, 1, anim, pos2) end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:horse_taming", function(self) local trust = 5 local player = self.rider local player_props = player and player:get_properties() if not player_props then return end local player_size = player_props.visual_size local mob_size = self.visual_size local adj_size = { x = player_size.x / mob_size.x, y = player_size.y / mob_size.y } if player_size.x ~= adj_size.x then player:set_properties({ visual_size = adj_size }) end local function func(_self) local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end if not player or not creatura.is_alive(player) then return true end -- Increase Taming progress while Players view is aligned with the Horses local yaw, plyr_yaw = _self.object:get_yaw(), player:get_look_horizontal() local yaw_diff = abs(diff(yaw, plyr_yaw)) trust = yaw_diff < pi / 3 and trust + _self.dtime or trust - _self.dtime * 0.5 if trust >= 10 then -- Tame _self.owner = _self:memorize("owner", player:get_player_name()) animalia.protect_from_despawn(_self) animalia.mount(_self, player) animalia.particle_spawner(pos, "creatura_particle_green.png", "float") elseif trust <= 0 then -- Fail animalia.mount(_self, player) animalia.particle_spawner(pos, "creatura_particle_red.png", "float") end -- Actions if not _self:get_action() then if random(3) < 2 then creatura.action_idle(_self, 0.5, "punch_aoe") else animalia.action_walk(_self, 2, 0.75, "run") end end -- Dismount if not player or player:get_player_control().sneak then animalia.mount(_self, player) return true end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:attack_target", function(self, target) local has_attacked = false local has_warned = not self.warn_before_attack local function func(mob) local target_alive, _, target_pos = mob:get_target(target) if not target_alive then return true end local pos = mob.object:get_pos() if not pos then return true end if not mob:get_action() then if has_attacked then return true, 2 end local dist = vec_dist(pos, target_pos) if dist > mob.width + 1 then if not has_warned and dist > mob.width + 2 then local yaw = mob.object:get_yaw() local yaw_to_target = minetest.dir_to_yaw(vec_dir(pos, target_pos)) if abs(diff(yaw, yaw_to_target)) > pi / 2 then animalia.action_pursue(mob, target) else creatura.action_idle(mob, 0.5, "warn") end return else animalia.action_pursue(mob, target, 0.5) end else animalia.action_melee(mob, target) has_attacked = true end end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:breed", function(self) local mate local timer = 0 local function func(mob) mate = mate or animalia.get_nearby_mate(mob, mob.name) if not mate then return true end local pos, target_pos = mob.object:get_pos(), mate and mate:get_pos() if not pos or not target_pos then return true end local dist = vec_dist(pos, target_pos) timer = dist < mob.width + 0.5 and timer + mob.dtime or timer if timer > 2 then local mate_entity = mate:get_luaentity() mob.breeding = mob:memorize("breeding", false) mob.breeding_cooldown = mob:memorize("breeding_cooldown", 300) mate_entity.breeding = mate:memorize("breeding", false) mate_entity.breeding_cooldown = mate:memorize("breeding_cooldown", 300) animalia.particle_spawner(pos, "heart.png", "float") for _ = 1, mob.birth_count or 1 do if mob.add_child then mob:add_child(mate_entity) else local object = minetest.add_entity(pos, mob.name) local ent = object:get_luaentity() ent.growth_scale = 0.7 animalia.initialize_api(ent) animalia.protect_from_despawn(ent) end end end if not mob:get_action() then animalia.action_pursue(mob, mate) end end self:set_utility(func) end) -- Move to/Interact creatura.register_utility("animalia:fly_to_pos_and_interact", function(self, find_node, interact, anim, cooldown) local interact_complete = false local timeout = 8 local pos2 local function func(_self) if not find_node or not interact then return true, cooldown end local pos = _self.object:get_pos() pos2 = pos2 or find_node(_self) if not pos or not pos2 then return true, cooldown end if not _self:get_action() then if interact_complete then return true, cooldown end local dist = vec_dist(pos, pos2) if dist > max(_self.width, 0.5) + 1 then creatura.action_move(_self, pos2, 3, "animalia:move_no_gravity", 1, "fly") else if interact(_self, pos2) then if not _self:get_action() then creatura.action_idle(_self, 1, anim) end interact_complete = true else return true, cooldown end end end timeout = timeout - _self.dtime if timeout <= 0 then return true, cooldown end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:walk_to_pos_and_interact", function(self, find_node, interact, anim, cooldown) local interact_complete = false local timeout = 8 local pos2 local function func(_self) if not find_node or not interact then return true, cooldown end local pos = _self.object:get_pos() pos2 = pos2 or find_node(_self) if not pos or not pos2 then return true, cooldown end if not _self:get_action() then if interact_complete then return true, cooldown end local dist = vec_dist(pos, pos2) if dist > max(_self.width, 0.5) + 1 then creatura.action_move(_self, pos2, 4, "creatura:pathfind") else if interact(_self, pos2) then if not _self:get_action() then creatura.action_idle(_self, 1, anim) end interact_complete = true else return true, cooldown end end end timeout = timeout - _self.dtime if timeout <= 0 then return true, cooldown end end self:set_utility(func) end) -- Hunting Behavior creatura.register_utility("animalia:raptor_hunt", function(self, target) local attack_cooldown = 0 local function func(_self) local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local tgt_alive, los, tgt_pos = _self:get_target(target) if not tgt_alive then return end attack_cooldown = (attack_cooldown > 0 and attack_cooldown - _self.dtime) or 0 if not _self:get_action() then local tgt_overhead = { x = tgt_pos.x, y = tgt_pos.y + 6, z = tgt_pos.z } local dist = vec_dist(pos, tgt_overhead) if dist > 8 then creatura.action_move(_self, tgt_overhead, 2, "animalia:steer_no_gravity", 0.75, "fly") elseif not los or attack_cooldown > 0 then animalia.action_soar(_self, tgt_overhead, 3, 0.5) else animalia.action_dive_attack(_self, target, 6) attack_cooldown = 12 end end end self:set_utility(func) end) -- Domesticated Behavior creatura.register_utility("animalia:stay", function(self) local function func(_self) local order = _self.order or "wander" if order ~= "sit" then return true end if not _self:get_action() then creatura.action_idle(_self, 1, "sit") end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:play_with_player", function(self, player) local play_init = false local width = self.width local function func(_self) local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local plyr_alive, _, plyr_pos = _self:get_target(player) if not plyr_alive or _self.trust_cooldown > 0 then return true end local dist = vec_dist(pos, plyr_pos) if dist < width + 0.5 and not play_init then creatura.action_idle(_self, 0.5, "play") _self.object:add_velocity({x = 0, y = 2, z = 0}) animalia.particle_spawner(pos, "heart.png", "float") animalia.add_trust(_self, player, 1) play_init = true end if not _self:get_action() then if play_init then return true end animalia.action_pursue(_self, player, 1, "creatura:obstacle_avoidance") end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:bother_player", function(self, player) local width = self.width local play_init = false local timeout = 5 local function func(_self) local pos = _self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local plyr_alive, _, plyr_pos = _self:get_target(player) if not plyr_alive then return true end local dist = vec_dist(pos, plyr_pos) if not _self:get_action() then if play_init then return true end if dist > width then animalia.action_pursue(_self, player, 3, "creatura:pathfind", 0.75) else creatura.action_idle(_self, 0.5, "play") play_init = true end end timeout = timeout - _self.dtime if timeout <= 0 then return true end end self:set_utility(func) end) creatura.register_utility("animalia:mount_horse", function(self, player) local player_props = player and player:get_properties() if not player_props then return end local player_size = player_props.visual_size local mob_size = self.visual_size local adj_size = { x = player_size.x / mob_size.x, y = player_size.y / mob_size.y } if player_size.x ~= adj_size.x then player:set_properties({ visual_size = adj_size }) end local function func(_self) if not creatura.is_alive(player) then return true end local anim = "stand" local speed_x = 0 local tyaw = player:get_look_horizontal() local control = player:get_player_control() local vel = _self.object:get_velocity() if not tyaw then return end animate_player(player, "sit", 30) if _self:timer(1) then player_props = player and player:get_properties() if player_props.visual_size.x ~= adj_size.x then player:set_properties({ visual_size = adj_size }) end end if control.up then speed_x = 1 anim = "walk" if control.aux1 then speed_x = 1.5 anim = "run" end end -- Jump Control if control.jump and _self.touching_ground and vel.y < 1 then _self.object:add_velocity({ x = 0, y = _self.jump_power * 2, z = 0 }) elseif not _self.touching_ground then speed_x = speed_x * 0.75 end -- Rear Animation when jumping if not _self.touching_ground and not _self.in_liquid and vel.y > 0 then anim = "rear" end -- Steering local yaw = _self.object:get_yaw() _self.head_tracking = nil animalia.move_head(_self, tyaw, 0) if speed_x > 0 and control.left then tyaw = tyaw + pi * 0.25 end if speed_x > 0 and control.right then tyaw = tyaw - pi * 0.25 end if abs(yaw - tyaw) > 0.1 then _self:turn_to(tyaw, _self.turn_rate) end _self:set_forward_velocity(_self.speed * speed_x) _self:animate(anim) if control.sneak or not _self.rider then animalia.mount(_self, player) return true end end self:set_utility(func) end) -- Misc creatura.register_utility("animalia:flop", function(self) local function func(_self) if _self.in_liquid then return true end if not _self:get_action() then creatura.action_idle(_self, 0.1, "flop") end _self:set_vertical_velocity(0) _self:set_gravity(-9.8) end self:set_utility(func) end) -- Global Utilities animalia.global_utils = { ["basic_follow"] = { utility = "animalia:follow_player", get_score = function(self) local lasso_tgt = self._lassod_to local lasso = type(lasso_tgt) == "string" and minetest.get_player_by_name(lasso_tgt) local force = lasso and lasso ~= false local player = (force and lasso) or creatura.get_nearby_player(self) if player and (self:follow_wielded_item(player) or force) then return 0.4, {self, player, force} end return 0 end }, ["basic_flee"] = { utility = "animalia:flee_from_target", get_score = function(self) local puncher = self._puncher if puncher and puncher:get_pos() then return 0.6, {self, puncher} end self._puncher = nil return 0 end } }