---------- -- Mice -- ---------- local vec_add, vec_sub = vector.add, vector.subtract local function find_chest(self) local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local nodes = minetest.find_nodes_with_meta(vec_sub(pos, 6), vec_add(pos, 6)) or {} local pos2 for _, node_pos in ipairs(nodes) do local meta = minetest.get_meta(node_pos) if meta:get_string("owner") == "" then local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type = "node", pos = node_pos}) if inv and inv:get_list("main") then pos2 = node_pos end end end return pos2 end local function take_food_from_chest(self, pos) local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type = "node", pos = pos}) if inv and inv:get_list("main") then for i, stack in ipairs(inv:get_list("main")) do local item_name = stack:get_name() local def = minetest.registered_items[item_name] for group in pairs(def.groups) do if group:match("food_") then stack:take_item() inv:set_stack("main", i, stack) animalia.add_food_particle(self, item_name) return true end end end end end creatura.register_mob("animalia:rat", { -- Engine Props visual_size = {x = 10, y = 10}, mesh = "animalia_rat.b3d", textures = { "animalia_rat_1.png", "animalia_rat_2.png", "animalia_rat_3.png" }, -- Creatura Props max_health = 5, damage = 0, speed = 1, tracking_range = 8, despawn_after = 200, stepheight = 1.1, --sound = {}, hitbox = { width = 0.15, height = 0.3 }, animations = { stand = {range = {x = 1, y = 39}, speed = 20, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, walk = {range = {x = 51, y = 69}, speed = 20, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, run = {range = {x = 81, y = 99}, speed = 45, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, eat = {range = {x = 111, y = 119}, speed = 20, frame_blend = 0.1, loop = false} }, drops = { {name = "animalia:rat_raw", min = 1, max = 1, chance = 1} }, -- Behavior Parameters is_skittish_mob = true, -- Animalia Props flee_puncher = true, catch_with_net = true, catch_with_lasso = false, -- Functions utility_stack = { { utility = "animalia:wander", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) return 0.1, {self} end }, { utility = "animalia:swim_to_land", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) if self.in_liquid then return 0.3, {self} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:walk_to_pos_and_interact", get_score = function(self) -- Eat Crops if math.random(6) < 2 or self:get_utility() == "animalia:walk_to_pos_and_interact" then return 0.2, {self, animalia.find_crop, animalia.eat_crop, "eat"} end -- Steal From Chest if math.random(12) < 2 or self:get_utility() == "animalia:walk_to_pos_and_interact" then return 0.3, {self, find_chest, take_food_from_chest, "eat"} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:flee_from_target", get_score = function(self) local target = creatura.get_nearby_object(self, {"animalia:fox", "animalia:cat"}) if not target then target = creatura.get_nearby_player(self) end if target and target:get_pos() then return 0.6, {self, target} end return 0 end } }, activate_func = function(self) animalia.initialize_api(self) animalia.initialize_lasso(self) end, step_func = function(self) animalia.step_timers(self) animalia.do_growth(self, 60) end, death_func = function(self) if self:get_utility() ~= "animalia:die" then self:initiate_utility("animalia:die", self) end end, on_rightclick = function(self, clicker) if animalia.set_nametag(self, clicker) then return end end, on_punch = animalia.punch }) creatura.register_spawn_item("animalia:rat", { col1 = "605a55", col2 = "ff936f" })