--------------- -- Song Bird -- --------------- local follows = {} minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if name:match(":seed_") or name:match("_seed") then table.insert(follows, name) end end end) local random = math.random local function clamp(val, min, max) if val < min then val = min elseif max < val then val = max end return val end creatura.register_mob("animalia:bird", { -- Stats max_health = 5, armor_groups = {fleshy = 200}, damage = 0, speed = 4, tracking_range = 16, despawn_after = 100, -- Entity Physics stepheight = 1.1, max_fall = 100, turn_rate = 6, boid_seperation = 0.4, -- Visuals mesh = "animalia_bird.b3d", hitbox = { width = 0.15, height = 0.3 }, visual_size = {x = 7, y = 7}, textures = { "animalia_bird_cardinal.png", "animalia_bird_eastern_blue.png", "animalia_bird_goldfinch.png" }, animations = { stand = {range = {x = 1, y = 40}, speed = 10, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, walk = {range = {x = 50, y = 70}, speed = 30, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, fly = {range = {x = 120, y = 140}, speed = 80, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true} }, -- Misc catch_with_net = true, catch_with_lasso = false, sounds = { cardinal = { name = "animalia_cardinal", gain = 0.5, distance = 63, variations = 3 }, eastern_blue = { name = "animalia_eastern_blue", gain = 0.5, distance = 63, variations = 3 }, goldfinch = { name = "animalia_goldfinch", gain = 0.5, distance = 63, variations = 3 }, }, follow = follows, -- Function utility_stack = { { utility = "animalia:boid_wander", get_score = function(self) return 0.1, {self, true} end }, { utility = "animalia:aerial_flock", get_score = function(self) if not self.is_landed then return 0.11, {self, 1} else local pos = self.object:get_pos() if self.in_liquid then self.stamina = self:memorize("stamina", 30) self.is_landed = false return 0.15, {self, 0.5} end local player = creatura.get_nearby_player(self) if player and player:get_pos() then local dist = vector.distance(pos, player:get_pos()) self.is_landed = false return (16 - dist) * 0.1, {self, 0.5} end end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:land", get_score = function(self) if self.is_landed and not self.touching_ground and not self.in_liquid then return 0.12, {self} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:return_to_nest", get_score = function(self) if not self.home_position then return 0 end local player = self._nearby_player if player and player:get_pos() then local pos = self.object:get_pos() local dist = vector.distance(pos, player:get_pos()) if dist < 3 then return 0 end end if not animalia.is_day then return 0.6, {self} end return 0 end } }, activate_func = function(self) animalia.initialize_api(self) animalia.initialize_lasso(self) self._tp2home = self:recall("_tp2home") or nil self.home_position = self:recall("home_position") or nil if self._tp2home and self.home_position then self.object:set_pos(self.home_position) end self.is_landed = self:recall("is_landed") or false self.stamina = self:recall("stamina") or 40 if not self.home_position then local pos = self.object:get_pos() local nests = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(vector.add(pos, 4), vector.subtract(pos, 4), {"animalia:nest_song_bird"}) if nests[1] and minetest.get_natural_light(nests[1]) > 0 then self.home_position = self:memorize("home_position", nests[1]) end end end, step_func = function(self) animalia.step_timers(self) animalia.do_growth(self, 60) animalia.update_lasso_effects(self) if animalia.is_day and self:timer(random(10,15)) then if self.texture_no == 1 then self:play_sound("cardinal") elseif self.texture_no == 2 then self:play_sound("eastern_blue") else self:play_sound("goldfinch") end end if self._anim == "fly" then local vel_y = self.object:get_velocity().y local rot = self.object:get_rotation() self.object:set_rotation({ x = clamp(vel_y * 0.25, -0.75, 0.75), y = rot.y, z = rot.z }) end if self.stamina > 0 then if not self.is_landed then self.stamina = self:memorize("stamina", self.stamina - self.dtime) else self.stamina = self:memorize("stamina", self.stamina + self.dtime) end if self.stamina > 25 and self.is_landed then self.is_landed = self:memorize("is_landed", false) end else self.stamina = self:memorize("stamina", self.stamina + self.dtime) self.is_landed = self:memorize("is_landed", true) end if not self.is_landed or not self.touching_ground then self.speed = 4 else self.speed = 1 end end, death_func = function(self) if self:get_utility() ~= "animalia:die" then self:initiate_utility("animalia:die", self) end end, deactivate_func = function(self) if self:get_utility() and self:get_utility() == "animalia:return_to_nest" then local pos = self.home_position local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if node and node.name == "animalia:nest_song_bird" and minetest.get_natural_light(pos) > 0 then self:memorize("_tp2home", true) end end end, on_rightclick = function(self, clicker) if animalia.feed(self, clicker, false, false) then return end if animalia.set_nametag(self, clicker) then return end animalia.add_libri_page(self, clicker, {name = "bird", form = "pg_bird;Birds"}) end, on_punch = function(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction, damage) creatura.basic_punch_func(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction, damage) end }) creatura.register_spawn_egg("animalia:bird", "ae2f2f", "f3ac1c")