------------ -- Turkey -- ------------ local clamp_bone_rot = animalia.clamp_bone_rot local interp = animalia.interp local function turkey_logic(self) if self.hp <= 0 then mob_core.on_die(self) return end if self.status ~= "following" then if self.attention_span > 1 then self.attention_span = self.attention_span - self.dtime mobkit.remember(self, "attention_span", self.attention_span) end else self.attention_span = self.attention_span + self.dtime mobkit.remember(self, "attention_span", self.attention_span) end animalia.head_tracking(self, 0.45, 0.25) if mobkit.timer(self, 3) then local prty = mobkit.get_queue_priority(self) local player = mobkit.get_nearby_player(self) mob_core.random_sound(self, 14) if prty < 4 and self.isinliquid then animalia.hq_go_to_land(self, 4) end if prty < 3 and self.breeding then animalia.hq_fowl_breed(self, 3) end if prty == 2 and not self.lasso_player and (not player or not mob_core.follow_holding(self, player)) then mobkit.clear_queue_high(self) end if prty < 2 then if self.caught_with_lasso and self.lasso_player then animalia.hq_follow_player(self, 2, self.lasso_player, true) elseif player then if self.attention_span < 5 then if mob_core.follow_holding(self, player) then animalia.hq_follow_player(self, 2, player) self.attention_span = self.attention_span + 3 end end end end if mobkit.is_queue_empty_high(self) then animalia.hq_wander_group(self, 0, 8) end end end animalia.register_mob("turkey", { -- Stats health = 15, fleshy = 100, view_range = 26, lung_capacity = 10, -- Visual collisionbox = {-0.3, -0.2, -0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3}, visual_size = {x = 7, y = 7}, mesh = "animalia_turkey.b3d", female_textures = {"animalia_turkey_hen.png"}, male_textures = {"animalia_turkey_tom.png"}, child_textures = {"animalia_turkey_chick.png"}, animations = { stand = {range = {x = 0, y = 0}, speed = 1, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, walk = {range = {x = 10, y = 30}, speed = 30, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, run = {range = {x = 40, y = 60}, speed = 45, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, fall = {range = {x = 70, y = 90}, speed = 30, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, }, -- Physics speed = 5, max_fall = 6, -- Attributes sounds = { alter_child_pitch = true, random = { name = "animalia_turkey_idle", gain = 1.0, distance = 8 }, hurt = { name = "animalia_turkey_hurt", gain = 1.0, distance = 8 }, death = { name = "animalia_turkey_death", gain = 1.0, distance = 8 } }, -- Behavior defend_owner = false, follow = { "farming:seed_cotton", "farming:seed_wheat" }, drops = { {name = "animalia:feather", chance = 1, min = 1, max = 2}, {name = "animalia:poultry_raw", chance = 1, min = 2, max = 5} }, -- Functions head_data = { offset = {x = 0, y = 0.15, z = 0}, pitch_correction = 45, pivot_h = 0.45, pivot_v = 0.65 }, physics = animalia.lightweight_physics, logic = turkey_logic, get_staticdata = mobkit.statfunc, on_step = animalia.on_step, on_activate = animalia.on_activate, on_rightclick = function(self, clicker) if animalia.feed_tame(self, clicker, 1, false, true) then return end mob_core.protect(self, clicker, true) mob_core.nametag(self, clicker, true) end, on_punch = function(self, puncher, _, tool_capabilities, dir) mob_core.on_punch_basic(self, puncher, tool_capabilities, dir) animalia.hq_sporadic_flee(self, 10) end, }) mob_core.register_spawn_egg("animalia:turkey", "352b22", "2f2721")