---------- -- Frog -- ---------- local random = math.random local vec_add = vector.add local vec_dist = vector.distance local vec_sub = vector.subtract local function poison_effect(object) object:punch(object, 1.0, { full_punch_interval = 1.0, damage_groups = {fleshy = 1}, }) end local hitboxes = { {-0.25, 0, -0.25, 0.2, 0.4, 0.25}, {-0.4, 0, -0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.4}, {-0.15, 0, -0.15, 0.15, 0.3, 0.15} } local animations = { { stand = {range = {x = 1, y = 40}, speed = 10, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, float = {range = {x = 90, y = 90}, speed = 1, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, swim = {range = {x = 90, y = 110}, speed = 50, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, walk = {range = {x = 50, y = 80}, speed = 50, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, run = {range = {x = 50, y = 80}, speed = 60, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true} }, { stand = {range = {x = 1, y = 40}, speed = 10, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, walk = {range = {x = 50, y = 79}, speed = 20, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, run = {range = {x = 50, y = 79}, speed = 30, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, warn = {range = {x = 90, y = 129}, speed = 30, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, punch = {range = {x = 140, y = 160}, speed = 30, frame_blend = 0.1, loop = false}, float = {range = {x = 170, y = 209}, speed = 10, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, swim = {range = {x = 220, y = 239}, speed = 20, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true} }, { stand = {range = {x = 1, y = 40}, speed = 10, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, walk = {range = {x = 50, y = 69}, speed = 30, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, run = {range = {x = 50, y = 69}, speed = 40, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, float = {range = {x = 80, y = 119}, speed = 10, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true}, swim = {range = {x = 130, y = 149}, speed = 20, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = true} } } local utility_stacks = { { -- Tree Frog { utility = "animalia:wander", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) return 0.1, {self} end }, { utility = "animalia:aquatic_wander", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) if self.in_liquid then return 0.2, {self} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:eat_bug", get_score = function(self) local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end if random(12) < 2 then local food = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vec_sub(pos, 1.5), vec_add(pos, 1.5), self.follow) if food[1] then return 0.3, {self, food[1]} end end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:breed", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) if self.breeding and animalia.get_nearby_mate(self, self.name) and self.in_liquid then return 1, {self} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:flop", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) if not self.in_liquid and self.growth_scale < 0.8 then return 1, {self} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:flee_from_target", get_score = function(self) if self.in_liquid then return 0 end local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local target = self._puncher or self._target or creatura.get_nearby_player(self) local tgt_pos = target and target:get_pos() local plyr_name = (target and target:is_player() and target:get_player_name()) or "" if tgt_pos then local trust = self.trust[plyr_name] or 0 self._target = target -- stored to memory to avoid calling get_nearby_player again return (10 - (vec_dist(pos, tgt_pos) + trust)) * 0.1, {self, target} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:run_to_pos", get_score = function(self) if self.in_liquid then return 0 end local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local water = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vec_sub(pos, 1.5), vec_add(pos, 1.5), {"group:water"}) if not water[1] then return 0 end local player = self._target local plyr_name = player and player:is_player() and player:get_player_name() if plyr_name then local plyr_pos = player and player:get_pos() local trust = self.trust[plyr_name] or 0 return (10 - (vec_dist(pos, plyr_pos) + trust)) * 0.1, {self, water[1]} end return 0 end } }, { -- Bull Frog { utility = "animalia:wander", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) return 0.1, {self} end }, { utility = "animalia:aquatic_wander", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) if self.in_liquid then return 0.2, {self} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:walk_to_food", get_score = function(self) local cooldown = self.eat_cooldown or 0 if cooldown > 0 then self.eat_cooldown = cooldown - 1 return 0 end local food_item = animalia.get_dropped_food(self) if food_item then return 0.3, {self, food_item} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:warn_attack_target", get_score = function(self) local target = creatura.get_nearby_player(self) or creatura.get_nearby_object(self, "animalia:rat") if target then if target:is_player() then local trust = self.trust[target:get_player_name()] or 0 if trust > 5 then return 0 end end return 0.4, {self, target} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:breed", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) if self.breeding and animalia.get_nearby_mate(self, self.name) and self.in_liquid then return 1, {self} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:flop", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) if not self.in_liquid and self.growth_scale < 0.8 then return 1, {self} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:run_to_pos", get_score = function(self) if self.in_liquid then return 0 end local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local water = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vec_sub(pos, 1.5), vec_add(pos, 1.5), {"group:water"}) if not water[1] then return 0 end local player = self._target local plyr_name = player and player:is_player() and player:get_player_name() if plyr_name then local plyr_pos = player and player:get_pos() local trust = self.trust[plyr_name] or 0 return (10 - (vec_dist(pos, plyr_pos) + trust)) * 0.1, {self, water[1]} end return 0 end } }, { { utility = "animalia:wander", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) return 0.1, {self} end }, { utility = "animalia:aquatic_wander", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) if self.in_liquid then return 0.2, {self} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:breed", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) if self.breeding and animalia.get_nearby_mate(self, self.name) and self.in_liquid then return 1, {self} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:flop", step_delay = 0.25, get_score = function(self) if not self.in_liquid and self.growth_scale < 0.8 then return 1, {self} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:flee_from_target", get_score = function(self) if self.in_liquid then return 0 end local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local target = self._puncher or self._target or creatura.get_nearby_player(self) local tgt_pos = target and target:get_pos() local plyr_name = (target and target:is_player() and target:get_player_name()) or "" if tgt_pos then local trust = self.trust[plyr_name] or 0 self._target = target -- stored to memory to avoid calling get_nearby_player again return (10 - (vec_dist(pos, tgt_pos) + trust)) * 0.1, {self, target} end return 0 end }, { utility = "animalia:run_to_pos", get_score = function(self) if self.in_liquid then return 0 end local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local water = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vec_sub(pos, 1.5), vec_add(pos, 1.5), {"group:water"}) if not water[1] then return 0 end local player = self._target local plyr_name = player and player:is_player() and player:get_player_name() if plyr_name then local plyr_pos = player and player:get_pos() local trust = self.trust[plyr_name] or 0 return (10 - (vec_dist(pos, plyr_pos) + trust)) * 0.1, {self, water[1]} end return 0 end } } } local head_data = { { offset = {x = 0, y = 0.43, z = 0}, pitch_correction = -15, pivot_h = 0.3, pivot_v = 0.3 }, { offset = {x = 0, y = 0.50, z = 0}, pitch_correction = -20, pivot_h = 0.3, pivot_v = 0.3 }, { offset = {x = 0, y = 0.25, z = 0}, pitch_correction = -20, pivot_h = 0.3, pivot_v = 0.3 } } creatura.register_mob("animalia:frog", { -- Engine Props visual_size = {x = 10, y = 10}, meshes = { "animalia_frog.b3d", "animalia_bull_frog.b3d", "animalia_dart_frog.b3d" }, child_mesh = "animalia_tadpole.b3d", mesh_textures = { { "animalia_tree_frog.png" }, { "animalia_bull_frog.png" }, { "animalia_dart_frog_1.png", "animalia_dart_frog_2.png", "animalia_dart_frog_3.png" } }, child_textures = { "animalia_tadpole.png" }, makes_footstep_sound = true, -- Creatura Props max_health = 5, armor_groups = {fleshy = 100}, damage = 2, max_breath = 0, speed = 2, tracking_range = 8, max_boids = 0, despawn_after = 300, max_fall = 0, stepheight = 1.1, sound = {}, hitbox = { width = 0.15, height = 0.3 }, animations = {}, follow = { "animalia:rat_raw" }, drops = {}, fancy_collide = false, bouyancy_multiplier = 0, hydrodynamics_multiplier = 0.3, -- Animalia Props flee_puncher = true, catch_with_net = true, catch_with_lasso = false, head_data = {}, -- Functions utility_stack = {}, on_grown = function(self) local mesh_no = self.mesh_no self.animations = animations[mesh_no] self.utility_stack = utility_stacks[mesh_no] self.head_data = head_data[mesh_no] self.object:set_properties({ collisionbox = hitboxes[mesh_no] }) end, activate_func = function(self) animalia.initialize_api(self) self.trust = self:recall("trust") or {} local mesh_no = self.mesh_no -- Set Species Properties if self.growth_scale >= 0.8 then self.animations = animations[mesh_no] self.utility_stack = utility_stacks[mesh_no] self.object:set_properties({ collisionbox = hitboxes[mesh_no] }) else self.animations = { swim = {range = {x = 1, y = 19}, speed = 20, frame_blend = 0.1, loop = true} } self.utility_stack = utility_stacks[1] end self.head_data = head_data[mesh_no] if mesh_no == 1 then for i = 1, 15 do local frame = 120 + i local anim = {range = {x = frame, y = frame}, speed = 1, frame_blend = 0.3, loop = false} self.animations["tongue_" .. i] = anim end elseif mesh_no == 2 then self.object:set_armor_groups({fleshy = 50}) end end, step_func = function(self) animalia.step_timers(self) animalia.head_tracking(self, 0.2, 0.2) animalia.do_growth(self, 60) if self:timer(random(5, 15)) then self:play_sound("random") end end, death_func = function(self) if self:get_utility() ~= "animalia:die" then self:initiate_utility("animalia:die", self) end end, on_rightclick = function(self, clicker) if self.mesh_no ~= 2 then return end if animalia.feed(self, clicker, false, true) then animalia.add_trust(self, clicker, 1) return end if animalia.set_nametag(self, clicker) then return end end, on_punch = function(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction, damage) creatura.basic_punch_func(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction, damage) local name = puncher:is_player() and puncher:get_player_name() if name then self.trust[name] = 0 self:memorize("trust", self.trust) if self.mesh_no == 3 then animalia.set_player_effect(name, poison_effect, 3) end end end }) creatura.register_spawn_item("animalia:frog", { col1 = "67942e", col2 = "294811" })