----------- -- Libri -- ----------- local libri = {} local path = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) local color = minetest.colorize local libri_bg = { "formspec_version[3]", "size[16,10]", "background[-0.7,-0.5;17.5,11.5;animalia_libri_bg.png]" } local libri_btn_next = "image_button[15,9;1,1;animalia_libri_icon_next.png;btn_next;;true;false]" local libri_btn_last = "image_button[1,9;1,1;animalia_libri_icon_last.png;btn_last;;true;false]" local libri_drp_font_scale = "dropdown[17,0;0.75,0.5;drp_font_scale;0.25,0.5,0.75,1;1]" local function correct_string(str) if str then if str:match(":") then str = str:split(":")[2] end return (string.gsub(" " .. str, "%W%l", string.upper):sub(2):gsub("_", " ")) end end local pages = {} local generate_mobs = { ["animalia:bat"] = "Bat", ["animalia:cat"] = "Cat", ["animalia:chicken"] = "Chicken", ["animalia:cow"] = "Cow", ["animalia:owl"] = "Owl", ["animalia:tropical_fish"] = "Tropical Fish", ["animalia:fox"] = "Fox", ["animalia:frog"] = "Frog", ["animalia:horse"] = "Horse", ["animalia:pig"] = "Pig", ["animalia:rat"] = "Rat", ["animalia:reindeer"] = "Reindeer", ["animalia:sheep"] = "Sheep", ["animalia:song_bird"] = "Song Bird", ["animalia:turkey"] = "Turkey", ["animalia:wolf"] = "Wolf", } local spawn_biomes = { ["animalia:bat"] = "cave", ["animalia:cat"] = "urban", ["animalia:chicken"] = "tropical", ["animalia:cow"] = "grassland", ["animalia:owl"] = "temperate", ["animalia:tropical_fish"] = "ocean", ["animalia:fox"] = "boreal", ["animalia:frog"] = "swamp", ["animalia:horse"] = "grassland", ["animalia:pig"] = "temperate", ["animalia:rat"] = "urban", ["animalia:reindeer"] = "boreal", ["animalia:sheep"] = "grassland", ["animalia:song_bird"] = "temperate", ["animalia:turkey"] = "boreal", ["animalia:wolf"] = "boreal", } ----------- -- Pages -- ----------- local function get_spawn_biomes(name) local biome_group = spawn_biomes[name] local biomes = animalia.registered_biome_groups[biome_group].biomes return (#biomes > 0 and biomes) or {"grassland"} end local function can_lasso(name) return tostring(minetest.registered_entities[name].catch_with_lasso or false) end local function can_net(name) return tostring(minetest.registered_entities[name].catch_with_net or false) end local function max_health(name) return minetest.registered_entities[name].max_health or 20 end local function mob_textures(name, mesh_no) local def = minetest.registered_entities[name] local textures = def.textures if def.male_textures or def.female_textures then textures = {unpack(def.male_textures), unpack(def.female_textures)} end if def.mesh_textures then textures = def.mesh_textures[mesh_no or 1] end return textures end local biome_cubes = {} local function generate_page(mob) local name = mob:split(":")[2] local def = minetest.registered_entities[mob] local page = { { -- Info element_type = "label", center_text = true, font_size = 20, offset = {x = 8, y = 1.5}, file = "animalia_libri_" .. name .. ".txt" }, { -- Image element_type = "model", offset = {x = 1.5, y = 1.5}, size = {x = 5, y = 5}, mesh_iter = def.meshes and 1, texture_iter = 1, text = "mesh;" .. def.mesh .. ";" .. mob_textures(mob)[1] .. ";-30,225;false;false;0,0;0" }, { -- Spawn Biome element_type = "image", offset = {x = 0.825, y = 8.15}, size = {x = 1, y = 1}, biome_iter = 1, text = biome_cubes[get_spawn_biomes(mob)[1]] }, { -- Biome Label element_type = "tooltip", offset = {x = 0.825, y = 8.15}, size = {x = 1, y = 1}, biome_iter = 1, text = correct_string(get_spawn_biomes(mob)[1]) }, libri.render_element({ -- Health Icon element_type = "image", offset = {x = 2.535, y = 8.15}, size = {x = 1, y = 1}, text = "animalia_libri_health_fg.png" }), libri.render_element({ -- Health Amount element_type = "label", offset = {x = 3.25, y = 9}, text = "x" .. max_health(mob) / 2 }), libri.render_element({ -- Lasso Icon element_type = "item_image", offset = {x = 4.25, y = 8.15}, size = {x = 1, y = 1}, text = "animalia:lasso" }), libri.render_element({ -- Lasso Indication Icon element_type = "image", offset = {x = 4.75, y = 8.75}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5}, text = "animalia_libri_" .. can_lasso(mob) .. "_icon.png" }), libri.render_element({ -- Net Icon element_type = "item_image", offset = {x = 6, y = 8.15}, size = {x = 1, y = 1}, text = "animalia:net" }), libri.render_element({ -- Net Indication Icon element_type = "image", offset = {x = 6.5, y = 8.75}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5}, text = "animalia_libri_" .. can_net(mob) .. "_icon.png" }), libri.render_element({ -- Styling element_type = "image", offset = {x = -0.7, y = -0.5}, size = {x = 17.5, y = 11.5}, text = "animalia_libri_info_fg.png" }) } pages[mob] = page end minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() -- Register Biome Cubes for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_biomes) do if def.node_top then local tiles = { "unknown_node.png", "unknown_node.png", "unknown_node.png" } local n_def = minetest.registered_nodes[def.node_top] if n_def then local def_tiles = table.copy(n_def.tiles or n_def.textures) for i, tile in ipairs(def_tiles) do if tile.name then def_tiles[i] = tile.name end end tiles = (#def_tiles > 0 and def_tiles) or tiles end biome_cubes[name] = minetest.inventorycube(tiles[1], tiles[3], tiles[3]) else biome_cubes[name] = minetest.inventorycube("unknown_node.png", "unknown_node.png", "unknown_node.png") end end pages = { ["home_1"] = { { -- Info element_type = "label", center_text = true, font_size = 24, offset = {x = 0, y = 1.5}, file = "animalia_libri_home.txt" }, { element_type = "mobs", start_iter = 0, offset = {x = 10.25, y = 1.5} } }, ["home_2"] = { { element_type = "mobs", start_iter = 4, offset = {x = 1.75, y = 1.5} } }, ["home_3"] = { { element_type = "mobs", start_iter = 12, offset = {x = 1.75, y = 1.5} } } } for mob in pairs(generate_mobs) do generate_page(mob) end end) --------- -- API -- --------- local function get_item_list(list, offset_x, offset_y) -- Creates a visual list of items for Libri formspecs local size = 1 / ((#list < 3 and #list) or 3) if size < 0.45 then size = 0.45 end local spacing = size * 0.5 local total_scale = size + spacing local max_horiz = 3 local form = "" for i, item in ipairs(list) do local vert_multi = math.floor((i - 1) / max_horiz) local horz_multi = (total_scale * max_horiz) * vert_multi local pos_x = offset_x + ((total_scale * i) - horz_multi) local pos_y = offset_y + (total_scale * vert_multi ) form = form .. "item_image[" .. pos_x .. "," .. pos_y .. ";" .. size .. "," .. size .. ";" .. item .. "]" end return form end function libri.generate_list(meta, offset, start_iter) local chapters = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("chapters")) or {} local i = 0 local elements = "" local offset_x = offset.x local offset_y = offset.y for mob in pairs(chapters) do if not mob then break end i = i + 1 if i > start_iter then local mob_name = mob:split(":")[2] local offset_txt = offset_x .. "," .. offset_y local element = "button[" .. offset_txt .. ";4,1;btn_" .. mob_name .. ";" .. correct_string(mob_name) .. "]" elements = elements .. element offset_y = offset_y + 2 if offset_y > 7.5 then offset_x = offset_x + 8.5 if offset_x > 10.25 then return elements end offset_y = 1.5 end end end return elements end function libri.render_element(def, meta, playername) local chapters = (meta and minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("chapters"))) or {} local chap_no = 0 for _ in pairs(chapters) do chap_no = chap_no + 1 end local offset_x = def.offset.x local offset_y = def.offset.y local form = "" -- Add text if def.element_type == "label" then local font_size_x = (animalia.libri_font_size[playername] or 1) local font_size = (def.font_size or 16) * font_size_x if def.file then local filename = path .. "/libri/" .. def.file local file = io.open(filename) if file then local text = "" for line in file:lines() do text = text .. line .. "\n" end local total_offset = (offset_x + (0.35 - 0.35 * font_size_x)) .. "," .. offset_y form = form .. "hypertext[" .. total_offset .. ";8,9;text;<global color=#000000 size=".. font_size .. " halign=center>" .. text .. "]" file:close() end else form = form .. "style_type[label;font_size=" .. font_size .. "]" local line = def.text form = form .. "label[" .. offset_x .. "," .. offset_y .. ";" .. color("#000000", line .. "\n") .. "]" end elseif def.element_type == "mobs" then form = form .. libri.generate_list(meta, def.offset, def.start_iter) if chap_no > def.start_iter + 4 then form = form .. libri_btn_next end if def.start_iter > 3 then form = form .. libri_btn_last end else -- Add Images/Interaction local render_element = false if def.unlock_key and #chapters > 0 then for _, chapter in ipairs(chapters) do if chapter and chapter == def.unlock_key then render_element = true break end end elseif not def.unlock_key then render_element = true end if render_element then local offset = def.offset.x .. "," .. def.offset.y local size = def.size.x .. "," .. def.size.y form = form .. def.element_type .. "[" .. offset .. ";" .. size .. ";" .. def.text .. "]" end end return form end local function get_page(key, meta, playername) local form = table.copy(libri_bg) local chapters = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("chapters")) or {} local chap_no = 0 for _ in pairs(chapters) do chap_no = chap_no + 1 end local page = pages[key] for _, element in ipairs(page) do if type(element) == "table" then local element_rendered = libri.render_element(element, meta, playername) table.insert(form, element_rendered) else table.insert(form, element) end end table.insert(form, "style[drp_font_scale;noclip=true]") table.insert(form, libri_drp_font_scale) table.insert(form, "style[drp_font_scale;noclip=true]") local def = minetest.registered_entities[key] if def then if def.follow then table.insert(form, get_item_list(def.follow, 12.45, 8.05)) end if def.drops then local drops = {} for i = 1, #def.drops do table.insert(drops, def.drops[i].name) end table.insert(form, get_item_list(drops, 8, 8.05)) end end return table.concat(form, "") end -- Iterate through Animal textures and Biomes local libri_players = {} local function iterate_libri_images() for page, elements in pairs(pages) do if page ~= "home" then for _, info in ipairs(elements) do if info.texture_iter then local def = minetest.registered_entities[page] local textures = mob_textures(page, info.mesh_iter) local tex_i = info.texture_iter info.texture_iter = (textures[tex_i + 1] and tex_i + 1) or 1 local mesh_i = info.mesh_iter if info.texture_iter < 2 then -- Only iterate mesh if all textures have been shown info.mesh_iter = def.meshes and ((def.meshes[mesh_i + 1] and mesh_i + 1) or 1) textures = mob_textures(page, info.mesh_iter) end local mesh = (info.mesh_iter and def.meshes[info.mesh_iter]) or def.mesh info.text = "mesh;" .. mesh .. ";" .. textures[info.texture_iter] .. ";-30,225;false;false;0,0;0]" end if info.biome_iter then local biome_group = spawn_biomes[page] local registered_groups = animalia.registered_biome_groups if registered_groups[biome_group].biomes[info.biome_iter + 1] then info.biome_iter = info.biome_iter + 1 else info.biome_iter = 1 end local spawn_biome = registered_groups[biome_group].biomes[info.biome_iter] or "grassland" if info.element_type == "image" then info.text = biome_cubes[spawn_biome] else info.text = correct_string(spawn_biome) end end end end end for name, page in pairs(libri_players) do local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if player and spawn_biomes[page] then local meta = player:get_wielded_item():get_meta() minetest.show_formspec(name, "animalia:libri_" .. page:split(":")[2], get_page(page, meta, name)) end end minetest.after(2, iterate_libri_images) end iterate_libri_images() -- Craftitem minetest.register_craftitem("animalia:libri_animalia", { description = "Libri Animalia", inventory_image = "animalia_libri_animalia.png", stack_max = 1, on_place = function(itemstack, player) local meta = itemstack:get_meta() if meta:get_string("pages") ~= "" then meta:set_string("pages", "") end local name = player:get_player_name() minetest.show_formspec(name, "animalia:libri_home_1", get_page("home_1", meta, name)) libri_players[name] = "home_1" end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, player, pointed) local meta = itemstack:get_meta() if meta:get_string("pages") ~= "" then meta:set_string("pages", "") end local chapters = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("chapters")) or {} if pointed and pointed.type == "object" then local ent = pointed.ref and pointed.ref:get_luaentity() if ent and pages[ent.name] and not chapters[ent.name] then chapters[ent.name] = true itemstack:get_meta():set_string("chapters", minetest.serialize(chapters)) player:set_wielded_item(itemstack) end return itemstack end local name = player:get_player_name() minetest.show_formspec(name, "animalia:libri_home_1", get_page("home_1", meta, name)) libri_players[name] = "home_1" end }) minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) local plyr_name = player:get_player_name() local wielded_item = player:get_wielded_item() local meta = wielded_item:get_meta() if formname:match("animalia:libri_") then for page in pairs(pages) do if not page:match("^home") then local name = page:split(":")[2] if fields["btn_" .. name] then minetest.show_formspec(plyr_name, "animalia:libri_" .. name, get_page(page, meta, plyr_name)) libri_players[plyr_name] = page return true end end end if fields.btn_next then local current_no = tonumber(formname:sub(-1)) local page = "home_" .. current_no + 1 if pages[page] then minetest.show_formspec(plyr_name, "animalia:libri_" .. page, get_page(page, meta, plyr_name)) libri_players[plyr_name] = page return true end end if fields.btn_last then local current_no = tonumber(formname:sub(-1)) local page = "home_" .. current_no - 1 if pages[page] then minetest.show_formspec(plyr_name, "animalia:libri_" .. page, get_page(page, meta, plyr_name)) libri_players[plyr_name] = page return true end end if fields.drp_font_scale then animalia.libri_font_size[plyr_name] = fields.drp_font_scale local page = libri_players[plyr_name] if not page then return end minetest.show_formspec(plyr_name, "animalia:libri_" .. page, get_page(page, meta, plyr_name)) end if fields.quit or fields.key_enter then libri_players[plyr_name] = nil end end end)