local min = math.min local abs = math.abs function ap_airship.physics(self) local friction = 0.996 local vel=self.object:get_velocity() -- dumb friction if self.isonground and not self.isinliquid then --minetest.chat_send_all("with friction") vel = {x=vel.x*friction, y=vel.y, z=vel.z*friction} self.object:set_velocity(vel) end -- bounciness if self.springiness and self.springiness > 0 then local vnew = vector.new(vel) if not self.collided then -- ugly workaround for inconsistent collisions for _,k in ipairs({'y','z','x'}) do if vel[k]==0 and abs(self.lastvelocity[k])> 0.1 then vnew[k]=-self.lastvelocity[k]*self.springiness end end end if not vector.equals(vel,vnew) then self.collided = true else if self.collided then vnew = vector.new(self.lastvelocity) end self.collided = false end --minetest.chat_send_all("vnew") self.object:set_velocity(vnew) end --[[else self.object:set_pos(self.object:get_pos()) if not self.isonground then --minetest.chat_send_all("test") self.object:set_velocity(vel) end end]]-- --buoyancy local surface = nil local surfnodename = nil local spos = airutils.get_stand_pos(self) spos.y = spos.y+0.01 -- get surface height local snodepos = airutils.get_node_pos(spos) local surfnode = airutils.nodeatpos(spos) while surfnode and (surfnode.drawtype == 'liquid' or surfnode.drawtype == 'flowingliquid') do surfnodename = surfnode.name surface = snodepos.y +0.5 if surface > spos.y+self.height then break end snodepos.y = snodepos.y+1 surfnode = airutils.nodeatpos(snodepos) end local new_velocity = nil local accell = {x=0, y=0, z=0} self.water_drag = 0.1 self.object:move_to(self.object:get_pos()) local time_correction = (self.dtime/ap_airship.ideal_step) if time_correction < 1 then time_correction = 1 end local y_accel = self._baloon_buoyancy*time_correction --minetest.chat_send_all(y_accel) local max_y_acell = 0.3 if y_accel > max_y_acell then y_accel = max_y_acell end if y_accel < (-1*max_y_acell) then y_accel = -1*max_y_acell end self.isinliquid = false if self._baloon_buoyancy == 0 then local velocity = vector.new(vel) velocity.y = velocity.y - (velocity.y/100) self.object:set_velocity(velocity) end --minetest.chat_send_all("_baloon_buoyancy: "..self._baloon_buoyancy.." - dtime: "..self.dtime.." - ideal: "..ap_airship.ideal_step) airutils.set_acceleration(self.object,{x=0,y=y_accel,z=0}) end