-- -- constants -- local LONGIT_DRAG_FACTOR = 0.13*0.13 local LATER_DRAG_FACTOR = 2.0 local function right_click_function(self, clicker) local message = "" if not clicker or not clicker:is_player() then return end local name = clicker:get_player_name() local touching_ground, liquid_below = airutils.check_node_below(self.object, 2.5) local is_on_ground = self.isinliquid or touching_ground or liquid_below local is_under_water = airutils.check_is_under_water(self.object) --minetest.chat_send_all('passengers: '.. dump(self._passengers)) --========================= -- form to pilot --========================= local is_attached = false local seat = clicker:get_attach() if seat then local plane = seat:get_attach() if plane == self.object then is_attached = true end end --check error after being shot for any other mod if is_attached == false then for i = ap_airship.max_pos,1,-1 do if self._passengers[i] == name then self._passengers[i] = nil --clear the wrong information break end end end --shows pilot formspec if name ~= self.driver_name then local pass_is_attached = ap_airship.check_passenger_is_attached(self, name) if pass_is_attached then local can_bypass = minetest.check_player_privs(clicker, {protection_bypass=true}) if clicker:get_player_control().aux1 == true then --lets see the inventory local is_shared = false if name == self.owner or can_bypass then is_shared = true end for k, v in pairs(self._shared_owners) do if v == name then is_shared = trueright_click_function break end end if is_shared then airutils.show_vehicle_trunk_formspec(self, clicker, ap_airship.trunk_slots) end else ap_airship.pax_formspec(name) end else --first lets clean the boat slots --note that when it happens, the "rescue" function will lost the historic for i = ap_airship.max_pos,1,-1 do if self._passengers[i] ~= nil then local old_player = minetest.get_player_by_name(self._passengers[i]) if not old_player then self._passengers[i] = nil end end end --attach normal passenger --if self._door_closed == false then ap_airship.attach_pax(self, clicker) --end end end end local function right_click_controls(self, clicker) local message = "" if not clicker or not clicker:is_player() then return end local name = clicker:get_player_name() local ship_self = nil local is_attached = false local seat = clicker:get_attach() if seat then ship_attach = seat:get_attach() if ship_attach then ship_self = ship_attach:get_luaentity() is_attached = true end end if is_attached then --minetest.chat_send_all('passengers: '.. dump(ship_self._passengers)) --========================= -- form to pilot --========================= if ship_self.owner == "" then ship_self.owner = name end local can_bypass = minetest.check_player_privs(clicker, {protection_bypass=true}) if ship_self.driver_name ~= nil and ship_self.driver_name ~= "" then --shows pilot formspec if name == ship_self.driver_name then ap_airship.pilot_formspec(name) return end --lets take the control by force if name == ship_self.owner or can_bypass then --require the pilot position now ap_airship.owner_formspec(name) return end else --check if is on owner list local is_shared = false if name == ship_self.owner or can_bypass then is_shared = true end for k, v in pairs(ship_self._shared_owners) do if v == name then is_shared = true break end end --normal user if is_shared == false then ap_airship.pax_formspec(name) else --owners ap_airship.pilot_formspec(name) end end end end local function right_click_cabin(self, clicker) local message = "" if not clicker or not clicker:is_player() then return end local name = clicker:get_player_name() local ship_self = nil local is_attached = false local seat = clicker:get_attach() if seat then ship_attach = seat:get_attach() if ship_attach then ship_self = ship_attach:get_luaentity() is_attached = true end end if is_attached then --shows pax formspec if name == ship_self.driver_name then return else ap_airship.pax_formspec(name) end end end local function right_click_exit(self, clicker) local message = "" if not clicker or not clicker:is_player() then return end local name = clicker:get_player_name() local ship_self = nil local is_attached = false local seat = clicker:get_attach() if seat then ship_attach = seat:get_attach() if ship_attach then ship_self = ship_attach:get_luaentity() is_attached = true end end if is_attached then local ent, obj = airutils.get_attached_entity(ship_self) if ent and obj then local name = clicker:get_player_name() if ent._inv_id and ent._seats then --to check if is one of my puppies local can_enter = false --check first if it is the owner if not ent.driver_name then if ent._needed_licence then local can_fly = minetest.check_player_privs(clicker, ent._needed_licence) if not can_fly then minetest.chat_send_player(name, core.colorize('#ff0000', S(' >>> You need the priv') .. '"'..ent._needed_licence..'" ' .. S('to fly this plane.'))) return end end if ent.owner == name or minetest.check_player_privs(clicker, {protection_bypass=true}) then can_enter = true end else local max_seats = table.getn(ent._seats) local count = 1 for i = 2,max_seats do if ent._passengers[i] then count = count + 1 end end --minetest.chat_send_all("count: "..count.." - seats: "..max_seats) if count < max_seats then can_enter = true end end if can_enter then ap_airship.dettach_pax(ship_self, clicker, "c") airutils.on_rightclick(ent, clicker) end end else ap_airship.pax_formspec(name) end end end local function find_chair_index(self, curr_seat) for i = ap_airship.max_seats,1,-1 do if self._chairs[i] == curr_seat then return i end end return 0 end local function right_click_chair(self, clicker) local message = "" if not clicker or not clicker:is_player() then return end local name = clicker:get_player_name() local ship_self = nil local is_attached = false local seat = clicker:get_attach() if seat then ship_attach = seat:get_attach() if ship_attach then ship_self = ship_attach:get_luaentity() is_attached = true end end if is_attached then local index = ap_airship.get_passenger_seat_index(ship_self, name) if index > 0 then local chair_index = find_chair_index(ship_self, self.object) --minetest.chat_send_all("index: "..chair_index) if ship_self._passenger_is_sit[index] == 0 and chair_index then local dest_pos = ship_self._chairs_pos[chair_index] if dest_pos then dest_pos.y = dest_pos.y ship_self._passengers_base_pos[index] = dest_pos ship_self._passengers_base[index]:set_attach(ship_self.object,'',ship_self._passengers_base_pos[index],{x=0,y=0,z=0}) if math.floor(dest_pos.z) ~= 84 and math.floor(dest_pos.z) ~= 39 then ship_self._passenger_is_sit[index] = 1 else ship_self._passenger_is_sit[index] = 3 end end else ship_self._passenger_is_sit[index] = 0 player_api.set_animation(clicker, "walk", 30) end end end end -- -- entity -- minetest.register_entity('ap_airship:control_interactor',{ initial_properties = { physical = true, collide_with_objects=true, collisionbox = {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, visual = "mesh", mesh = "ap_airship_stand_base.b3d", textures = {"ap_airship_alpha.png",}, }, dist_moved = 0, max_hp = 65535, on_activate = function(self,std) self.sdata = minetest.deserialize(std) or {} self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) if self.sdata.remove then self.object:remove() end end, get_staticdata=function(self) self.sdata.remove=true return minetest.serialize(self.sdata) end, on_punch = function(self, puncher, ttime, toolcaps, dir, damage) --minetest.chat_send_all("punch") if not puncher or not puncher:is_player() then return end end, on_rightclick = right_click_controls, }) minetest.register_entity('ap_airship:cabin_interactor',{ initial_properties = { physical = true, collide_with_objects=true, collisionbox = {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 5, 0.5}, visual = "mesh", mesh = "ap_airship_stand_base.b3d", textures = {"ap_airship_alpha.png",}, }, dist_moved = 0, max_hp = 65535, on_activate = function(self,std) self.sdata = minetest.deserialize(std) or {} self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) if self.sdata.remove then self.object:remove() end end, get_staticdata=function(self) self.sdata.remove=true return minetest.serialize(self.sdata) end, on_punch = function(self, puncher, ttime, toolcaps, dir, damage) --minetest.chat_send_all("punch") if not puncher or not puncher:is_player() then return end end, on_rightclick = right_click_cabin, }) minetest.register_entity('ap_airship:exit_interactor',{ initial_properties = { physical = true, collide_with_objects=true, collisionbox = {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 3, 0.5}, visual = "mesh", mesh = "ap_airship_stand_base.b3d", textures = {"ap_airship_alpha.png",}, }, dist_moved = 0, max_hp = 65535, on_activate = function(self,std) self.sdata = minetest.deserialize(std) or {} self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) if self.sdata.remove then self.object:remove() end end, get_staticdata=function(self) self.sdata.remove=true return minetest.serialize(self.sdata) end, on_punch = function(self, puncher, ttime, toolcaps, dir, damage) --minetest.chat_send_all("punch") if not puncher or not puncher:is_player() then return end end, on_rightclick = right_click_exit, }) -- and item just to run the sit function minetest.register_entity('ap_airship:chair_interactor',{ initial_properties = { physical = false, collide_with_objects=true, collisionbox = {-0.3, 0, -0.3, 0.3, 1, 0.3}, pointable=true, visual = "mesh", mesh = "ap_airship_stand_base.b3d", textures = {"ap_airship_alpha.png",}, }, dist_moved = 0, on_activate = function(self,std) self.sdata = minetest.deserialize(std) or {} self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) if self.sdata.remove then self.object:remove() end end, get_staticdata=function(self) self.sdata.remove=true return minetest.serialize(self.sdata) end, on_rightclick = right_click_chair, }) minetest.register_entity('ap_airship:ent_collider',{ initial_properties = { physical = true, collide_with_objects=true, collisionbox = {-2, 0, -2, 2, 3, 2}, visual = "mesh", mesh = "ap_airship_stand_base.b3d", textures = {"ap_airship_alpha.png",}, pointable=false, }, dist_moved = 0, max_hp = 65535, on_activate = function(self,std) self.sdata = minetest.deserialize(std) or {} self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) if self.sdata.remove then self.object:remove() end end, get_staticdata=function(self) self.sdata.remove=true return minetest.serialize(self.sdata) end, on_punch = function(self, puncher, ttime, toolcaps, dir, damage) --minetest.chat_send_all("punch") if not puncher or not puncher:is_player() then return end end, on_step = function(self,dtime,colinfo) self.dtime = math.min(dtime,0.2) self.colinfo = colinfo if colinfo then self.isonground = colinfo.touching_ground --inetest.chat_send_all("touching ground: "..self.isonground) end end, }) -- -- seat pivot -- minetest.register_entity('ap_airship:stand_base',{ initial_properties = { physical = true, collide_with_objects=false, collisionbox = {-2, -2, -2, 2, 0, 2}, pointable=false, visual = "mesh", mesh = "ap_airship_stand_base.b3d", textures = {"ap_airship_alpha.png",}, }, dist_moved = 0, on_activate = function(self,std) self.sdata = minetest.deserialize(std) or {} self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) if self.sdata.remove then self.object:remove() end end, get_staticdata=function(self) self.sdata.remove=true return minetest.serialize(self.sdata) end, }) minetest.register_entity("ap_airship:airship", { initial_properties = { physical = true, collide_with_objects = true, --true, collisionbox = {-10, -4.1, -10, 10, 15, 10}, --{-1,0,-1, 1,0.3,1}, selectionbox = {-2, -4.1, -2, 2, 0, 2}, visual = "mesh", backface_culling = false, mesh = "ap_airship_mesh.b3d", textures = ap_airship.textures_copy(), }, textures = {}, driver_name = nil, sound_handle = nil, static_save = true, infotext = "A nice airship", lastvelocity = vector.new(), hp = 50, color = "blue", color2 = "white", logo = "ap_airship_alpha_logo.png", timeout = 0; buoyancy = 0.15, max_hp = 50, anchored = true, physics = ap_airship.physics, hull_integrity = nil, owner = "", _vehicle_custom_data = {}, _shared_owners = {}, _engine_running = false, _power_lever = 0, _last_applied_power = 0, _at_control = false, _rudder_angle = 0, _baloon_buoyancy = 0, _show_hud = true, _energy = 1.0,--0.001, _boiler_pressure = 1.0, --min 155 max 310 _is_going_up = false, --to tell the boiler to lose pressure _chairs={}, --chairs obj ids _chairs_pos={}, _passengers = {}, --passengers list _passengers_base = {}, --obj ids _passenger_is_sit = {}, -- 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 ==> stand, 0, 90, 180, 270 --the sit rotation _passengers_base_pos = ap_airship.copy_vector({}), _passengers_locked = false, _disconnection_check_time = 0, _inv = nil, _inv_id = "", _rescue_plane = false, _name_color = 0, _name_hor_aligment = 3.0, _simple_attach_pos = {x=0,y=-35,z=-70}, _simple_attach_ent_list = {"albatros_d5:albatros_d5","sopwith_f1_camel:sopwith_f1_camel","supercub:supercub"}, item = "ap_airship:airship", get_staticdata = function(self) -- unloaded/unloads ... is now saved return minetest.serialize({ stored_baloon_buoyancy = self._baloon_buoyancy, stored_energy = self._energy, stored_owner = self.owner, stored_shared_owners = self._shared_owners, stored_hp = self.hp, stored_color = self.color, stored_color2 = self.color2, stored_logo = self.logo, stored_anchor = self.anchored, stored_hull_integrity = self.hull_integrity, stored_item = self.item, stored_inv_id = self._inv_id, stored_passengers = self._passengers, --passengers list stored_passengers_locked = self._passengers_locked, stored_vehicle_custom_data = self._vehicle_custom_data or {}, stored_ship_name = self._ship_name, stored_rescue_plane = self._rescue_plane, remove = self._remove or false, }) end, on_deactivate = function(self) airutils.save_inventory(self) if self.sound_handle then minetest.sound_stop(self.sound_handle) end if self.sound_handle_engine then minetest.sound_stop(self.sound_handle_engine) end end, on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s) --minetest.chat_send_all('passengers: '.. dump(self._passengers)) if staticdata ~= "" and staticdata ~= nil then local data = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) or {} self._baloon_buoyancy = data.stored_baloon_buoyancy or 0 self._energy = data.stored_energy or 0 self.owner = data.stored_owner or "" self._shared_owners = data.stored_shared_owners or {} self.hp = data.stored_hp or 50 self.color = data.stored_color or "blue" self.color2 = data.stored_color2 or "white" self.logo = data.stored_logo or "ap_airship_alpha_logo.png" self.anchored = data.stored_anchor or false self.buoyancy = data.stored_buoyancy or 0.15 self.hull_integrity = data.stored_hull_integrity self.item = data.stored_item self._inv_id = data.stored_inv_id self._passengers = data.stored_passengers or ap_airship.copy_vector({[1]=nil, [2]=nil, [3]=nil, [4]=nil, [5]=nil, [6]=nil, [7]=nil, [8]=nil, [9]=nil, [10]=nil, [11]=nil, [12]=nil}) self._passengers_locked = data.stored_passengers_locked self._ship_name = data.stored_ship_name self._rescue_plane = data.stored_rescue_plane or false self._remove = data.remove or false local custom_data = data.stored_vehicle_custom_data or nil if custom_data then self._vehicle_custom_data = custom_data else -- o macete aqui eh inicializar mesmo que não exista no escopo da entity self._vehicle_custom_data = {} --initialize it end --minetest.debug("loaded: ", self._energy) local properties = self.object:get_properties() properties.infotext = (data.stored_owner or "") .. " nice airship" self.object:set_properties(properties) if self._remove == true then airutils.destroy_inventory(self) self.object:remove() --ap_airship.destroy(self) return end end local colstr = ap_airship.colors[self.color] if not colstr then colstr = "blue" self.color = colstr end ap_airship.paint(self, self.color) ap_airship.paint2(self, self.color2) local pos = self.object:get_pos() --cabin collider self._cabin=minetest.add_entity(pos,'ap_airship:ent_collider') self._cabin:set_attach(self.object,'',{x=0,y=-28,z=118},{x=0,y=0,z=0}) self._cabin2=minetest.add_entity(pos,'ap_airship:ent_collider') self._cabin2:set_attach(self.object,'',{x=0,y=-28,z=158},{x=0,y=0,z=0}) --passengers positions self._passenger_is_sit = ap_airship.copy_vector({}) self._passengers_base = ap_airship.copy_vector({}) self._passengers_base_pos = ap_airship.copy_vector({}) for i = 1,ap_airship.max_pos,1 do self._passenger_is_sit[i] = 0 self._passengers_base_pos[i] = ap_airship.copy_vector(ap_airship.passenger_pos[i]) self._passengers_base[i]=minetest.add_entity(pos,'ap_airship:stand_base') self._passengers_base[i]:set_attach(self.object,'',self._passengers_base_pos[i],{x=0,y=0,z=0}) end --constrols interactors self._control_interactor=minetest.add_entity(pos,'ap_airship:control_interactor') self._control_interactor:set_attach(self.object,'',{x=0,y=-28,z=175},{x=0,y=0,z=0}) self._cabin_interactor=minetest.add_entity(pos,'ap_airship:cabin_interactor') self._cabin_interactor:set_attach(self.object,'',{x=-7,y=-28,z=115},{x=0,y=0,z=0}) self._cabin_interactor=minetest.add_entity(pos,'ap_airship:exit_interactor') self._cabin_interactor:set_attach(self.object,'',{x=0,y=0,z=-120},{x=0,y=0,z=0}) --chairs self._chairs_pos = ap_airship.copy_vector({ [1]={x=-8.17622,y=-29,z=147}, [2]={x=8.17622,y=-29,z=147}, [3]={x=-8.17622,y=-29,z=135}, [4]={x=8.17622,y=-29,z=135}, [5]={x=8.17622,y=-29,z=123}, [6]={x=20.176,y=0,z=84.2029}, [7]={x=10.176,y=0,z=84.2029}, [8]={x=20.176,y=0,z=63.005}, [9]={x=10.176,y=0,z=63.005}, [10]={x=-20.176,y=0,z=84.2029}, [11]={x=-10.176,y=0,z=84.2029}, [12]={x=-20.176,y=0,z=63.005}, [13]={x=-10.176,y=0,z=63.005}, [14]={x=20.176,y=0,z=39.2029}, [15]={x=10.176,y=0,z=39.2029}, [16]={x=20.176,y=0,z=18.005}, [17]={x=10.176,y=0,z=18.005}, [18]={x=-20.176,y=0,z=39.2029}, [19]={x=-10.176,y=0,z=39.2029}, [20]={x=-20.176,y=0,z=18.005}, [21]={x=-10.176,y=0,z=18.005},}) self._chairs = ap_airship.copy_vector({[1]=nil, [2]=nil, [3]=nil, [4]=nil, [5]=nil, [6]=nil, [7]=nil, [8]=nil, [9]=nil, [10]=nil, [11]=nil, [12]=nil, [13]=nil, [14]=nil, [15]=nil, [16]=nil, [17]=nil, [18]=nil, [19]=nil, [20]=nil, [21]=nil}) for i = 1,ap_airship.max_seats,1 do self._chairs[i] = minetest.add_entity(pos,'ap_airship:chair_interactor') self._chairs[i]:set_attach(self.object,'',self._chairs_pos[i],{x=0,y=0,z=0}) end --animation load - stoped self.object:set_animation({x = 1, y = 47}, 0, 0, true) self.object:set_bone_position("low_rudder_a", {x=0,y=0,z=-40}, {x=-5.35,y=0,z=0}) airutils.actfunc(self, staticdata, dtime_s) self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type = "detached", name = self._inv_id}) -- if the game was closed the inventories have to be made anew, instead of just reattached if not inv then airutils.create_inventory(self, ap_airship.trunk_slots) else self.inv = inv end ap_airship.engine_step(self, 0) airutils.restore_external_attach(self) end, on_step = function(self,dtime,colinfo) self.dtime = math.min(dtime,0.2) self.colinfo = colinfo self.height = airutils.get_box_height(self) -- physics comes first local vel = self.object:get_velocity() if colinfo then self.isonground = colinfo.touching_ground end self:physics() if self.logic then self:logic() end self.lastvelocity = self.object:get_velocity() self.time_total=(self.time_total or 0)+self.dtime end, logic = function(self) local accel_y = self.object:get_acceleration().y local rotation = self.object:get_rotation() local yaw = rotation.y local newyaw=yaw local pitch = rotation.x local newpitch = pitch local roll = rotation.z local hull_direction = minetest.yaw_to_dir(yaw) local nhdir = {x=hull_direction.z,y=0,z=-hull_direction.x} -- lateral unit vector local velocity = self.object:get_velocity() local curr_pos = self.object:get_pos() local wind_speed = airutils.get_wind(curr_pos, 0.15) local longit_speed = ap_airship.dot(velocity,hull_direction) self._longit_speed = longit_speed --for anchor verify local relative_longit_speed = ap_airship.dot(vector.add(velocity, wind_speed), hull_direction) self._relative_longit_speed = relative_longit_speed local longit_drag = vector.multiply(hull_direction,relative_longit_speed* relative_longit_speed*LONGIT_DRAG_FACTOR*-1*ap_airship.sign(relative_longit_speed)) local later_speed = ap_airship.dot(velocity,nhdir) local later_drag = vector.multiply(nhdir,later_speed*later_speed* LATER_DRAG_FACTOR*-1*ap_airship.sign(later_speed)) local accel = vector.add(longit_drag,later_drag) self._last_pos = curr_pos self.object:move_to(curr_pos) --minetest.chat_send_all(self._energy) --local node_bellow = airutils.nodeatpos(airutils.pos_shift(curr_pos,{y=-2.8})) --[[local is_flying = true if node_bellow and node_bellow.drawtype ~= 'airlike' then is_flying = false end]]-- local is_attached = false local player = nil if self.driver_name then player = minetest.get_player_by_name(self.driver_name) if player then is_attached = ap_airship.checkAttach(self, player) end end if self.owner == "" then return end --[[if relative_longit_speed == 0 and is_flying == false and is_attached == false and self._engine_running == false then self.object:move_to(curr_pos) --self.object:set_acceleration({x=0,y=airutils.gravity,z=0}) return end]]-- --detect collision ap_airship.testDamage(self, velocity, curr_pos) accel = ap_airship.control(self, self.dtime, hull_direction, relative_longit_speed, accel) or velocity --get disconnected players ap_airship.rescueConnectionFailedPassengers(self) local turn_rate = math.rad(9) newyaw = yaw + self.dtime*(1 - 1 / (math.abs(relative_longit_speed) + 1)) * self._rudder_angle / 30 * turn_rate * ap_airship.sign(relative_longit_speed) ap_airship.engine_step(self, accel) --roll adjust --------------------------------- local sdir = minetest.yaw_to_dir(newyaw) local snormal = {x=sdir.z,y=0,z=-sdir.x} -- rightside, dot is negative local prsr = ap_airship.dot(snormal,nhdir) local rollfactor = -4 local newroll = 0 if self._last_roll ~= nil then newroll = self._last_roll end --oscilation when stoped if relative_longit_speed == 0 then local time_correction = (self.dtime/ap_airship.ideal_step) --stoped if self._roll_state == nil then self._roll_state = math.floor(math.random(-1,1)) if self._roll_state == 0 then self._roll_state = 1 end self._last_roll = newroll end if math.deg(newroll) >= 1 and self._roll_state == 1 then self._roll_state = -1 end if math.deg(newroll) <= -1 and self._roll_state == -1 then self._roll_state = 1 end local roll_factor = (self._roll_state * 0.005) * time_correction self._last_roll = self._last_roll + math.rad(roll_factor) else --in movement self._roll_state = nil newroll = (prsr*math.rad(rollfactor))*later_speed self._last_roll = newroll end --minetest.chat_send_all('newroll: '.. newroll) --------------------------------- -- end roll local wind_yaw = minetest.dir_to_yaw(wind_speed) --minetest.chat_send_all("x: "..wind_speed.x.. " - z: "..wind_speed.z.." - yaw: "..math.deg(wind_yaw).. " - orig: "..wind_yaw) if self.anchored == false and self.isonground == false then accel = vector.add(accel, wind_speed) else accel = vector.new() end accel.y = accel_y newpitch = velocity.y * math.rad(1.5) * (relative_longit_speed/3) local noded = airutils.nodeatpos(airutils.pos_shift(curr_pos,{y=-4.5})) if (noded and noded.drawtype ~= 'airlike') or self.isonground then newpitch = 0 end self.object:set_acceleration(accel) self.object:set_rotation({x=newpitch,y=newyaw,z=newroll}) local compass_angle = newyaw local rem_obj = self.object:get_attach() if rem_obj then compass_angle = rem_obj:get_rotation().y end local N_angle = math.deg(compass_angle) local S_angle = N_angle + 180 self.object:set_bone_position("elevator", {x=0,y=60.5919,z=-284.79}, {x=0,y=newpitch,z=0}) self.object:set_bone_position("rudder", {x=0,y=60.5919,z=-284.79}, {x=0,y=self._rudder_angle-180,z=0}) self.object:set_bone_position("timao", {x=0,y=-22.562,z=176.018}, {x=0,y=0,z=self._rudder_angle*8}) self.object:set_bone_position("compass_axis", {x=0,y=-21.8,z=178.757}, {x=0, y=S_angle, z=0}) noded = airutils.nodeatpos(airutils.pos_shift(curr_pos,{y=-4.5})) if (noded and noded.drawtype ~= 'airlike') or self.isonground then self.object:set_bone_position("door", {x=0,y=-13.1266,z=54.1922}, {x=-28,y=0,z=0}) else self.object:set_bone_position("door", {x=0,y=-13.1266,z=54.1922}, {x=0,y=0,z=0}) if self._rescue_plane then ap_airship.timed_anchor_entity(self, curr_pos, yaw, 3, self.dtime) end end --saves last velocy for collision detection (abrupt stop) self._last_vel = self.object:get_velocity() self._last_accell = accel ap_airship.move_persons(self) end, on_punch = function(self, puncher, ttime, toolcaps, dir, damage) if not puncher or not puncher:is_player() then return end local is_admin = false is_admin = minetest.check_player_privs(puncher, {server=true}) local name = puncher:get_player_name() if self.owner == nil then self.owner = name end if self.driver_name and self.driver_name ~= name then -- do not allow other players to remove the object while there is a driver return end local is_attached = ap_airship.checkAttach(self, puncher) local itmstck=puncher:get_wielded_item() local item_name = "" if itmstck then item_name = itmstck:get_name() end if is_attached == true then --refuel ap_airship.load_fuel(self, puncher) end if self.owner and self.owner ~= name and self.owner ~= "" then if is_admin == false then return end end -- deal with painting or destroying if itmstck then local _,indx = item_name:find('dye:') if indx then --lets paint!!!! local color = item_name:sub(indx+1) local colstr = ap_airship.colors[color] --minetest.chat_send_all(color ..' '.. dump(colstr)) if colstr and (name == self.owner or minetest.check_player_privs(puncher, {protection_bypass=true})) then local ctrl = puncher:get_player_control() if ctrl.aux1 then ap_airship.paint2(self, colstr) else ap_airship.paint(self, colstr) end itmstck:set_count(itmstck:get_count()-1) puncher:set_wielded_item(itmstck) end -- end painting end end if is_attached == false then local i = 0 local has_passengers = false for i = ap_airship.max_pos,1,-1 do if self._passengers[i] ~= nil then has_passengers = true break end end if not has_passengers and toolcaps and toolcaps.damage_groups and toolcaps.groupcaps and toolcaps.groupcaps.choppy then local is_empty = true --[[false local inventory = airutils.get_inventory(self) if inventory then if inventory:is_empty("main") then is_empty = true end end]]-- --airutils.make_sound(self,'hit') if is_empty == true then self.hp = self.hp - 10 minetest.sound_play("ap_airship_collision", { object = self.object, max_hear_distance = 5, gain = 1.0, fade = 0.0, pitch = 1.0, }) end end if self.hp <= 0 then ap_airship.destroy(self, false) end end end, on_rightclick = right_click_function, })