Generally speaking, most mods should be compatible.
If you notice __odd movement speeds__ or jump heights of players, you should check for mods that also modify player physics. Use a compatibility mod like [player_monoids]( or [playerphysics]( to get rid of this problem. This requires the conflicting mod to also support the chosen compatibility layer.
Mods that __modify the sky__ (including skybox, moon, sun, stars and clouds) are sadly not fully compatible because they conflict with Climate API's sky system. You should deactivate the sky features in either mod. You can do this here using the ``Override the skybox`` setting. If you're a mod maker then you can also optionally depend on climate_api and use ``climate_api.skybox.add_layer(playername, layer_name, options)`` to register your skybox change in a compatible way. Note that you need __at least Minetest v5.2.0__ for skybox changes to have any effect.
Conflicting skybox changes include the ``weather`` mod included in vanilla __Minetest Game__. You will want to disable that mod in order to use the more advanced cloud system introduced by Climate API. Head to ``Settings → All Settings → Games → Minetest Game`` and set ``Enable weather`` to ``Disabled``. This setting will only exist if you are using Minetest Game v5.2.0 or higher.
The following mods have been created specifically with Climate API in mind:
- [Regional Weather]( My own weather pack for climate based weather effects
- [Moon Phases]( Complements weather effects with dynamic sky changes and a full moon cycle
- [Sailing Kit]( (Fork): Uses Climate API's new wind system to sail across the sea.
The following mods complement Climate API particularly well:
- [Lightning]( Adds to heavy rain by enabling additional lightning effects
- [Ambience]( Plays some nice ambient sound effects based on where you are.
## Chat Commands
- ``/weather``: Display information on current weather effects. This command will show you current temperature and humidity, active weather presets and currently playing effects
- ``/weather_settings``: Display current mod configuration in the chat
- ``/weather_influences``: Display all different factors and how they affect you in this moment.
- ``/weather_status``: Display a list of all installed weather presets and whether they have been forced on, turned off, or are running normally (auto).
- ``/grant <playername> weather``: Enable a specified player to modify the current weather.
- ``/set_heat <value>``: Override the base heat value used to calculate local climate. Positive numbers will increase temperature by X degrees Fahrenheit, whereas negative values will lower it.
- ``/set_humidity <value>``: Override the base humidity value used to calculate local climate. Positive numbers will increase humidity by X percent, whereas negative values will lower it.
- ``/set_wind <x> <z>``: Override wind speed and direction. Higher absolute values result in stronger wind. The sign indicates direction.
- ``/set_weather <weather> <on|off|auto>``: Set a weather preset to always be applied (on), disable it completely (off), or reset it to be applied automatically (auto). Turning presets on manually might result in partially missing effects (like no sound if you enable sandstorms but no storms). Use ``/weather_status`` for a full list of installed weather presets. The prefix is important.
## Configuration Options
You can find all mod configuration options in your Minetest launcher.
Go to ``Settings → All Settings → Mods → climate_api`` to change them.
Individual weather packs may provide additional configuration options in their respective mod configuration section.
### Performance
- ``Update speed of weather effects`` (default 1.0):
This value regulates how often weather presets are recalculated.
Higher values will result in smoother transitions between effects as well as faster response times to traveling players.
Lower values will significantly increase overall performance at the cost of rougher looking effects.
- ``Multiplicator for used particles`` (default 1.0):
This value regulated how many particles will be spawned.
A value of 1 will use the recommended amount of particles.
Lower values can possible increase performance.
- ``Dynamically modify nodes`` (default true):
If set to true, weather packs are allowed to register node update handlers.
These can be used to dynamically place snow layers, melt ice, or hydrate soil.