function weather_mod.get_heat(pos) local base = weather_mod.settings.heat; local biome = minetest.get_heat(pos) local height = math.min(math.max(-pos.y / 15, -10), 10) local random = weather_mod.state.heat; return (base + biome + height) * random end function weather_mod.get_humidity(pos) local base = weather_mod.settings.humidity local biome = minetest.get_humidity(pos) local random = weather_mod.state.humidity; return (base + biome) * random end function weather_mod.get_climate(pos) local climate = {pos = pos} climate.heat = weather_mod.get_heat(pos) climate.humidity = weather_mod.get_humidity(pos) climate.windspeed = vector.length(weather_mod.state.wind) return climate end local function is_acceptable_weather_param(value, attr, config) local min = config.conditions["min_" .. attr] or -math.huge local max = config.conditions["max_" .. attr] or math.huge return value > min and value <= max end function weather_mod.get_effects(climate) local forced_weather = weather_mod.state.current_weather if type(forced_weather) ~= nil and forced_weather ~= "auto" then return { forced_weather } end local params = {} params.heat = climate.heat params.humidity = climate.humidity params.windspeed = vector.length(weather_mod.state.wind) params.height = climate.pos.y local effects = {} local attributes = { "heat", "humidity", "windspeed", "height" } for name, effect in pairs(weather_mod.weathers) do if type(effect.config.conditions) == "nil" then table.insert(effects, name) goto continue end for _, attr in ipairs(attributes) do if not is_acceptable_weather_param(params[attr], attr, effect.config) then goto continue end end table.insert(effects, name) ::continue:: end minetest.log(dump2(effects, "effects")) return effects end