local GSCYCLE = 0.05 local RECALCCYCLE = 1 weather_mod.weathers = {} function weather_mod.register_effect(name, config, override) -- TODO: check and sanitize weather_mod.weathers[name] = { config = config, override = override, sound_handles = {}, sound_volumes = {} } end -- from https://stackoverflow.com/a/29133654 local function merge(a, b) if type(a) == 'table' and type(b) == 'table' then for k,v in pairs(b) do if type(v)=='table' and type(a[k] or false)=='table' then merge(a[k],v) else a[k]=v end end end return a end local function build_effect_config(weather, climate) local config = weather.config local override = weather.override if type(override) == "nil" then return config end local dynamic_config = override(climate) return merge(config, dynamic_config) end local function get_texture(particles) if type(particles.textures) == "nil" or next(particles.textures) == nil then return particles.texture end return particles.textures[math.random(#particles.textures)] end local function spawn_particles(player, particles, wind) local ppos = player:getpos() local wind_pos = vector.multiply(weather_mod.state.wind,-1) local wind_speed = vector.length(weather_mod.state.wind) local texture = get_texture(particles) local minp = vector.add(vector.add(ppos, particles.min_pos),wind_pos) local maxp = vector.add(vector.add(ppos, particles.max_pos),wind_pos) local vel = vector.new({ x=weather_mod.state.wind.x, y=-particles.falling_speed, z=weather_mod.state.wind.z }) local acc = vector.new({x=0, y=0, z=0}) local exp = particles.exptime local vertical = math.abs(vector.normalize(vel).y) >= 0.6 minetest.add_particlespawner({ amount=particles.amount, time=0.5, minpos=minp, maxpos=maxp, minvel=vel, maxvel=vel, minacc=acc, maxacc=acc, minexptime=exp, maxexptime=exp, minsize=particles.size, maxsize=particles.size, collisiondetection=true, collision_removal=true, vertical=vertical, texture=texture, player=player:get_player_name() }) end local function handle_weather_effects(player) local ppos = player:getpos() local climate = weather_mod.get_climate(ppos) local active_effects = weather_mod.get_effects(climate) local environment_flags = {} local sounds = {} for _, effect in ipairs(active_effects) do local weather = weather_mod.weathers[effect] local config = build_effect_config(weather, climate) local outdoors = weather_mod.is_outdoors(player) if type(config.particles) ~= "nil" and outdoors then spawn_particles(player, config.particles, wind) end if type(config.sound) ~= "nil" and outdoors then sounds[effect] = config.sound end if type(config.environment) ~= "nil" and outdoors then for flag, value in pairs(config.environment) do if value ~= false then environment_flags[flag] = value end end end end weather_mod.handle_sounds(player, sounds) weather_mod.handle_events(player, environment_flags) end local timer = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) timer = timer + dtime if timer < GSCYCLE then return end for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do handle_weather_effects(player) if timer >= RECALCCYCLE then weather_mod.set_clouds(player) end end timer = 0 end)