local trigger = {} function trigger.get_global_environment() local env = {} for influence, func in pairs(climate_mod.global_influences) do env[influence] = func() end return env end function trigger.get_position_environment(pos) local env = table.copy(climate_mod.global_environment) for influence, func in pairs(climate_mod.influences) do env[influence] = func(pos) end return env end function trigger.get_player_environment(player) local ppos = player:get_pos() if ppos == nil then return end local env = trigger.get_position_environment(ppos) env.player = player return env end function trigger.test_condition(condition, env, goal) local value = env[condition:sub(5)] if condition:sub(1, 4) == "min_" then return value ~= nil and goal <= value elseif condition:sub(1, 4) == "max_" then return value ~= nil and goal > value elseif condition:sub(1, 4) == "has_" then if value == nil then return false end for _, g in ipairs(goal) do if value == g then return true end end return false elseif condition:sub(1, 4) == "not_" then if value == nil then return true end if type(goal) ~= "table" then return value ~= goal end for _, g in ipairs(goal) do if value == g then return false end end return true else value = env[condition] return type(value) == "nil" or goal == value end end local function is_weather_active(player, weather, env) if climate_mod.forced_weather[weather] ~= nil then return climate_mod.forced_weather[weather] end local config = climate_mod.weathers[weather] if type(config.conditions) == "function" then return config.conditions(env) end for condition, goal in pairs(config.conditions) do if not trigger.test_condition(condition, env, goal) then return false end end return true end local function get_weather_effects(player, weather_config, env) local config local effects = {} if type(weather_config.effects) == "function" then config = weather_config.effects(env) else config = weather_config.effects end for effect, value in pairs(config) do if climate_mod.effects[effect] ~= nil then effects[effect] = value end end return effects end function trigger.get_active_effects() local environments = {} local effects = {} climate_mod.current_weather = {} for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local pname = player:get_player_name() local hp = player:get_hp() -- skip weather presets for dead players if hp ~= nil and hp > 0 then local env = trigger.get_player_environment(player) environments[pname] = env for wname, wconfig in pairs(climate_mod.weathers) do if is_weather_active(player, wname, env) then if climate_mod.current_weather[pname] == nil then climate_mod.current_weather[pname] = {} end table.insert(climate_mod.current_weather[pname], wname) local player_effects = get_weather_effects(player, wconfig, env) for effect, value in pairs(player_effects) do if type(effects[effect]) == "nil" then effects[effect] = {} end if type(effects[effect][pname]) == "nil" then effects[effect][pname] = {} end effects[effect][pname][wname] = value end end end end end return effects end function trigger.call_handlers(name, effect, prev_effect) if effect == nil then effect = {} end if prev_effect == nil then prev_effect = {} end local starts = {} local has_starts = false local ticks = {current = {}, prev = {}} local has_ticks = false local stops = {} local has_stops = false for player, sources in pairs(effect) do if type(prev_effect[player]) ~= "nil" then has_ticks = true ticks.current[player] = sources ticks.prev[player] = prev_effect[player] else has_starts = true starts[player] = sources end end for player, sources in pairs(prev_effect) do if type(effect[player]) == "nil" then stops[player] = sources has_stops = true end end if has_starts then for _, handler in ipairs(climate_mod.effects[name]["start"]) do handler(starts) end end if has_ticks then for _, handler in ipairs(climate_mod.effects[name]["tick"]) do handler(ticks.current, ticks.prev) end end -- remaining table lists ending effects if has_stops then for _, handler in ipairs(climate_mod.effects[name]["stop"]) do handler(stops) end end end return trigger