* [Stable Versions] : There are several versions in different stages of completion. Usually recommended for servers because they are more secure.
* [Git Repository] : It is the version currently under construction. There may be some stability if used on servers. It is only recommended for testers and mod developers.
## **Inernacionalization:**
### **Available Languages:**
* English [Defaul, Concluded: 100%]
* Português (Concluded: 99%)
### **Translate this mod to your Language:**
See more details in file: [locale/README.md]
## **Settings:**
In **minetest.conf** file:
You don't need to do any of these presets mentioned below to make this mod work. But it's worth knowing the configuration values in case you want to directly change the ````minetest.conf```` file.
| Settings | Descryption |
| :-- | :-- |
| ````airboat.debug = <boolean>```` | If show debug info of this mod. Only util to developers. Default: ````false````. |
## **Special Privileges:**
| Privilege | Descryption |
| :--: | :-- |
| ````valet_parking```` | Allows you to pilot another owner's Airboat. (Suitable only for "Police Officer" Players.) |