From 4e42bf6a992a4aa5b74382897468ce9f77c54e12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lunovox Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 19:33:22 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] --- locale/ | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/locale/ b/locale/ index 00f84ab..ac3ed3c 100644 --- a/locale/ +++ b/locale/ @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ -# TRANSLATES +# HOW TO TRANSLATE -To generate file '**template.pot**', did use terminal command: +To generate the '**template.pot**' file (if it does not exist), use the terminal command: ````bash cd computing xgettext -n *.lua -L Lua --force-po --keyword=modComputing.translate --from-code=UTF-8 -o ./locale/template.pot ```` ----- +--------------------------------------------- -### Cria arquivo .po a partir de um arquivo de templante .pot +### Create '.po' file to translate (if it does not exist) from '.pot' template file. Sintaxe: ```bash @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ Example to brasilian portuguese language (pt_BR): ```bash msginit --no-translator --no-wrap --locale=pt_BR.UTF-8 --output-file=./locale/pt_BR.po --input=./locale/template.pot ``` ----- +--------------------------------------------- -### Atualiza arquivo ,po a partir de um arquivo de templante .pot +### Update '.po' file to translate from '.pot' template file. Sintaxe: ```bash @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Example to brasilian portuguese language (pt_BR): ```bash msgmerge --sort-output --no-wrap --update --backup=off ./locale/pt_BR.po ./locale/template.pot ``` ----- +--------------------------------------------- To edit '**.po**' files to your language use app poedit.: @@ -44,22 +44,33 @@ poedit ./locale/pt_BR.po * See others locales used: ca;cs;da;de;dv;eo;es;et;fr;hu;id;it;ja;jbo;kn;lt;ms;nb;nl;pl;pt;pt_BR;ro;ru;sl;sr_Cyrl;sv;sw;tr;uk ----- +--------------------------------------------- ## Convert '.po' file to '.tr' file. -### COMMAND SAMPLE: TRANSLATE TO BRASILIAN PORTUGUESSE +The '.tr' file is used as translations up to version '5.9.1'. Only from version '5.10' was support for translation via '.po' file implemented. + ```` cd ./locale/ lua po2tr.lua "computing" "pt_BR.po" mv "" "" cat | less ```` ----- +--------------------------------------------- -### TO ENABLE YOUR LANGUAGE IN MINETEST +### TO ENABLE YOUR LANGUAGE IN MINETEST/LUANTI -* To enable the translate to brasilian portuguese language, write ```language = pt_BR``` in file "minetest.conf". Or write the command ```/set -n language pt_BR``` in game chat, and run again the minetest game. +* For Sample: To enable the translate to brasilian portuguese language, write ```language = pt_BR``` in file "minetest.conf". Or write the command ```/set -n language pt_BR``` in game chat, and run again the minetest game. + +--------------------------------------------- + +## SUBMITTING YOUR TRANSLATION + +If you understand any language other than English, please consider submitting your language translation '.po' file to ''! + +![](../screenshot.png) + +--------------------------------------------- > See more: *