Add Context Based Steering, ABM Spawning fixes

This commit is contained in:
ElCeejo 2022-09-24 01:17:10 -07:00
parent 5b4b5e7331
commit 64de7d9ed5
4 changed files with 185 additions and 101 deletions

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@ -121,9 +121,11 @@ function creatura.get_node_height_from_def(name)
local get_node = minetest.get_node
function creatura.get_node_def(node) -- Node can be name or pos
if type(node) == "table" then
node = minetest.get_node(node).name
node = get_node(node).name
local def = minetest.registered_nodes[node] or default_node_def
if def.walkable
@ -133,45 +135,28 @@ function creatura.get_node_def(node) -- Node can be name or pos
return def
function creatura.get_ground_level(pos, max_diff)
local pos2 = pos -- Prevent modifying table that shouldn't be changed
pos2.y = math.floor(pos2.y - 0.49)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos2)
local node_under = minetest.get_node({
x = pos2.x,
y = pos2.y - 1,
z = pos2.z
local walkable = creatura.get_node_def( and not creatura.get_node_def(
if walkable then
return pos2
if not creatura.get_node_def( then
for _ = 1, max_diff do
pos2.y = pos2.y - 1
node = minetest.get_node(pos2)
node_under = minetest.get_node({
x = pos2.x,
y = pos2.y - 1,
z = pos2.z
walkable = creatura.get_node_def( and not creatura.get_node_def(
if walkable then break end
for _ = 1, max_diff do
pos2.y = pos2.y + 1
node = minetest.get_node(pos2)
node_under = minetest.get_node({
x = pos2.x,
y = pos2.y - 1,
z = pos2.z
walkable = creatura.get_node_def( and not creatura.get_node_def(
if walkable then break end
local get_node_def = creatura.get_node_def
function creatura.get_ground_level(pos, range)
range = range or 2
local above = vector.round(pos)
local under = {x = above.x, y = above.y - 1, z = above.z}
if not get_node_def(above).walkable and get_node_def(under).walkable then return above end
if get_node_def(above).walkable then
for i = 1, range do
under = above
above = {x = above.x, y = above.y + 1, z = above.z}
if not get_node_def(above).walkable and get_node_def(under).walkable then return above end
return pos2
if not get_node_def(under).walkable then
for i = 1, range do
above = under
under = {x = under.x, y = under.y - 1, z = under.z}
if not get_node_def(above).walkable and get_node_def(under).walkable then return above end
return above
function creatura.is_pos_moveable(pos, width, height)
@ -192,7 +177,7 @@ function creatura.is_pos_moveable(pos, width, height)
local ray = minetest.raycast(pos3, pos4, false, false)
for pointed_thing in ray do
if pointed_thing.type == "node" then
local name = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under).name
local name = get_node(pointed_thing.under).name
if creatura.get_node_def(name).walkable then
return false

View file

@ -14,25 +14,27 @@ local function diff(a, b) -- Get difference between 2 angles
return atan2(sin(b - a), cos(b - a))
local function clamp(val, min, max)
if val < min then
val = min
elseif max < val then
val = max
local function clamp(val, _min, _max)
if val < _min then
val = _min
elseif _max < val then
val = _max
return val
local vec_add = vector.add
local vec_normal = vector.normalize
local vec_len = vector.length
local vec_dist = vector.distance
local vec_dir = vector.direction
local vec_dot =
local vec_multi = vector.multiply
local vec_add = vector.add
local vec_sub = vector.subtract
local yaw2dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir
local dir2yaw = minetest.dir_to_yaw
--[[local function debugpart(pos, time, tex)
local function debugpart(pos, time, tex)
pos = pos,
texture = tex or "creatura_particle_red.png",
@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ local dir2yaw = minetest.dir_to_yaw
glow = 16,
size = 16
-- Local Utilities --
@ -101,35 +103,50 @@ end]]
return false
function creatura.get_collision_ranged(self, range)
local yaw = self.object:get_yaw()
local pos = self.object:get_pos()
local get_node_def = creatura.get_node_def
local get_node_height = creatura.get_node_height_from_def
function creatura.get_collision_ranged(self, dir, range)
local pos, yaw = self.object:get_pos(), self.object:get_yaw()
if not pos then return end
local width = self.width
local height = self.height
local width = self.width + 0.1
local height = self.height + self.stepheight
pos.y = pos.y + 0.01
local m_dir = vec_normal(yaw2dir(yaw))
m_dir.x, m_dir.z = m_dir.x * 0.5, m_dir.z * 0.5
local ahead = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(m_dir, width + 0.5))
dir = vec_normal(dir or yaw2dir(yaw))
yaw = dir2yaw(dir)
local ahead = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(dir, width))
-- Loop
local cos_yaw = cos(yaw)
local sin_yaw = sin(yaw)
local pos_x, pos_y, pos_z = ahead.x, ahead.y, ahead.z
local dir_x, dir_y, dir_z = dir.x, dir.y, dir.z
local dist
local collision
for i = 0, range or 4 do
pos_x = pos_x + m_dir.x * i
pos_y = pos_y + m_dir.y * i
pos_z = pos_z + m_dir.z * i
pos_x = pos_x + dir_x
pos_y = pos_y + dir_y
pos_z = pos_z + dir_z
local pos2
for x = -width, width, width / ceil(width) do
pos2 = {
x = cos_yaw * ((pos_x + x) - pos_x) + pos_x,
y = pos_y,
z = sin_yaw * ((pos_x + x) - pos_x) + pos_z
for y = 0, height, height / ceil(height) do
local pos2 = {
x = cos(yaw) * ((pos_x + x) - pos_x) + pos_x,
y = pos.y + y,
z = sin(yaw) * ((pos_x + x) - pos_x) + pos_z
if pos2.y - pos.y > (self.stepheight or 1.1)
and creatura.get_node_def(pos2).walkable then
return true, pos2
pos2.y = pos_y + y
local dist2 = vec_dist(pos, pos2)
if not dist
or dist2 < dist then
if pos2.y - pos_y > (self.stepheight or 1.1)
and get_node_def(pos2).walkable then
collision = pos2
dist = dist2
if collision then return true, collision end
return false
@ -144,16 +161,19 @@ function creatura.get_collision(self)
local m_dir = vec_normal(yaw2dir(yaw))
local ahead = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(m_dir, width + 1)) -- 1 node out from edge of box
-- Loop
local cos_yaw = cos(yaw)
local sin_yaw = sin(yaw)
local pos_x, pos_z = ahead.x, ahead.z
for x = -width, width, width / ceil(width) do
local pos2 = {
x = cos_yaw * ((pos_x + x) - pos_x) + pos_x,
y = pos.y,
z = sin_yaw * ((pos_x + x) - pos_x) + pos_z
for y = 0, height, height / ceil(height) do
local pos2 = {
x = cos(yaw) * ((pos_x + x) - pos_x) + pos_x,
y = pos.y + y,
z = sin(yaw) * ((pos_x + x) - pos_x) + pos_z
pos2.y = pos.y + y
if pos2.y - pos.y > (self.stepheight or 1.1)
and creatura.get_node_def(pos2).walkable then
and get_node_def(pos2).walkable then
return true, pos2
@ -179,6 +199,65 @@ local function get_avoidance_dir(self)
local steer_directions = {
vec_normal({x = 1, y = 0, z = 0}),
vec_normal({x = 1, y = 0, z = 1}),
vec_normal({x = 0, y = 0, z = 1}),
vec_normal({x = -1, y = 0, z = 0}),
vec_normal({x = -1, y = 0, z = -1}),
vec_normal({x = 0, y = 0, z = -1}),
vec_normal({x = 1, y = 0, z = -1}),
vec_normal({x = -1, y = 0, z = 1})
function creatura.get_context_steering(self, goal, range)
local pos, vel = self.object:get_pos(), self.object:get_velocity()
if not pos then return end
local heading = vec_normal(vel)
local dir2goal = vec_normal(vec_dir(pos, goal))
local output_dir = {x = 0, y = dir2goal.y, z = 0}
range = range or 8
if range < 2 then range = 2 end
for _, _dir in ipairs(steer_directions) do
local dir = table.copy(_dir)
local score = vec_dot(dir2goal, dir)
local interest = clamp(score, 0, 1)
local danger = 0
if interest >= 0 then
local width = self.width
local height = self.height
local collision
if width <= 0.5
and height <= 1 then
local pos2 = vec_add(pos, dir)
local pos2_name = minetest.get_node(pos2).name
collision = get_node_height(pos2_name) > self.stepheight and pos2
if not collision then
local above = {x = pos2.x, y = pos2.y + 1, z = pos2.z}
collision = get_node_def(above).walkable and pos2
local s_range = range * clamp(interest, 0.5, 1)
_, collision = creatura.get_collision_ranged(self, dir, s_range)
if collision then
local dir2col = vec_dir(pos, collision)
local dist2col = vec_dist(pos, collision) - self.width
local ahead = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(heading, self.width + dist2col))
local avd_force = vec_normal(vec_sub(ahead, collision))
dir.y = avd_force.y / 4
local dot_weight = vec_dot(vec_normal(dir2col), dir)
local dist_weight = (range - dist2col) / range
interest = interest - dot_weight
danger = dist_weight
score = clamp(interest - danger, 0, 1)
output_dir = vector.add(output_dir, vector.multiply(dir, score))
return output_dir
-- Actions --
@ -415,3 +494,26 @@ creatura.register_movement_method("creatura:obstacle_avoidance", function(self)
return func
creatura.register_movement_method("creatura:context_based_steering", function(self)
local steer_to
local steer_timer = 0.25
local function func(_self, goal, speed_factor)
local pos = _self.object:get_pos()
if not pos then return end
if vec_dist(pos, goal) < clamp(self.width, 0.5, 1) then
return true
-- Calculate Movement
steer_timer = (steer_timer > 0 and steer_timer - self.dtime) or 0.25
steer_to = (steer_timer <= 0 and creatura.get_context_steering(self, goal, 2)) or steer_to
local speed = abs(_self.speed or 2) * speed_factor or 0.5
local turn_rate = abs(_self.turn_rate or 5)
-- Apply Movement
_self:turn_to(dir2yaw(steer_to or vec_dir(pos, goal)), turn_rate)
return func

View file

@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ function mob:is_pos_safe(pos)
for i = 1, self.max_fall or 3 do
local fall_pos = {
x = pos.x,
y = floor(mob_pos.y + 0.5) - i,
y = floor(pos.y + 0.5) - i,
z = pos.z
if creatura.get_node_def(fall_pos).walkable then
@ -695,6 +695,8 @@ end
function mob:clear_action()
self._action = {}
self._movement_data.goal = nil
self._movement_data.func = nil
function mob:set_utility(func)
@ -1142,12 +1144,13 @@ function mob:_execute_utilities()
and is_alive then
for i = 1, #self.utility_stack do
local utility = self.utility_stack[i].utility
local util_data = self._utility_data
local get_score = self.utility_stack[i].get_score
local step_delay = self.utility_stack[i].step_delay
local score, args = get_score(self)
if self._utility_data.utility
and utility == self._utility_data.utility
and self._utility_data.score > 0
if util_data.utility
and utility == util_data.utility
and util_data.score > 0
and score <= 0 then
self._utility_data = {
utility = nil,
@ -1155,9 +1158,10 @@ function mob:_execute_utilities()
step_delay = nil,
score = 0
util_data = self._utility_data
if score > 0
and score >= self._utility_data.score
and score >= util_data.score
and score >= loop_data.score then
loop_data = {
utility = utility,

View file

@ -493,23 +493,16 @@ function creatura.register_abm_spawn(mob, def)
local function spawn_func(pos, _, _, aocw)
if spawn_on_load
and random(chance) > 1 then
if spawn_on_load
and not minetest.find_node_near(pos, 1, neighbors) then
if pos.y > max_height
or pos.y < min_height then
if not spawn_in_nodes then
pos = vec_raise(pos, 1)
pos.y = pos.y + 1
if spawn_on_load -- Manual checks for LBMs
and (random(chance) > 1
or not minetest.find_node_near(pos, 1, neighbors)
or pos.y > max_height
or pos.y < min_height) then
local light = minetest.get_node_light(pos) or 7
@ -530,9 +523,7 @@ function creatura.register_abm_spawn(mob, def)
local objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, abr)
for _, object in ipairs(objects) do
local ent = object and object:get_luaentity()
local is_plyr = object and object:is_player()
plyr_found = plyr_found or is_plyr
local ent = object:get_luaentity()
if ent
and == mob then
mob_count = mob_count + 1
@ -540,6 +531,7 @@ function creatura.register_abm_spawn(mob, def)
plyr_found = plyr_found or object:is_player()
if not plyr_found then
@ -550,8 +542,6 @@ function creatura.register_abm_spawn(mob, def)
local mob_width = mob_def.collisionbox[4]
local mob_height = math.max(0, mob_def.collisionbox[5] - mob_def.collisionbox[2])
pos.y = pos.y - 0.49
if not creatura.is_pos_moveable(pos, mob_width, mob_height) then
@ -560,10 +550,11 @@ function creatura.register_abm_spawn(mob, def)
if group_size > 1 then
for _ = 1, group_size do
local offset = math.ceil(mob_width)
local spawn_pos = creatura.get_ground_level({
x = pos.x + random(-mob_width, mob_width),
x = pos.x + random(-offset, offset),
y = pos.y,
z = pos.x + random(-mob_width, mob_width),
z = pos.x + random(-offset, offset),
}, 3)
if not creatura.is_pos_moveable(spawn_pos, mob_width, mob_height) then
spawn_pos = pos
@ -590,10 +581,10 @@ function creatura.register_abm_spawn(mob, def)
"[Creatura] [ABM Spawning] Spawned " .. group_size .. " " .. mob .. " at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
if spawn_on_load then
@ -613,6 +604,8 @@ function creatura.register_abm_spawn(mob, def)
neighbors = neighbors,
interval = interval,
chance = chance,
min_y = min_height,
max_y = max_height,
catch_up = false,
action = function(pos, ...)
spawn_func(pos, ...)