-------------- -- Mob Meta -- -------------- -- Math -- local pi = math.pi local pi2 = pi * 2 local abs = math.abs local floor = math.floor local random = math.random local sin = math.sin local cos = math.cos local atan2 = math.atan2 local function diff(a, b) -- Get difference between 2 angles return atan2(sin(b - a), cos(b - a)) end local vec_dir = vector.direction local vec_dist = vector.distance local vec_multi = vector.multiply local vec_sub = vector.subtract local vec_add = vector.add local vec_normal = vector.normalize local function vec_center(v) return {x = floor(v.x + 0.5), y = floor(v.y + 0.5), z = floor(v.z + 0.5)} end local function vec_raise(v, n) return {x = v.x, y = v.y + n, z = v.z} end local function get_sightline(pos1, pos2) local dir = vec_dir(pos1, pos2) local dist = vec_dist(pos1, pos2) local pos for i = 0, dist do if dist > 0 then pos = { x = pos1.x + dir.x * (i / dist), y = pos1.y + dir.y * (i / dist), z = pos1.z + dir.z * (i / dist) } else pos = pos1 end if creatura.get_node_def(pos).walkable then return false end end return true end -- Local Utilities -- local function is_value_in_table(tbl, val) for _, v in pairs(tbl) do if v == val then return true end end return false end ------------------------- -- Physics/Vitals Tick -- ------------------------- local mob = { max_health = 20, max_breath = 30, fire_resistance = 0.5, fall_resistance = 0, armor_groups = {fleshy = 100}, damage = 2, speed = 4, tracking_range = 16, despawn_after = nil, max_fall = 3, stepheight = 1.1, hitbox = { width = 0.5, height = 1 }, follow = {}, fancy_collide = false, liquid_submergence = 0.25, liquid_drag = 1 } local mob_meta = {__index = mob} function mob:indicate_damage() self._original_texture_mod = self._original_texture_mod or self.object:get_texture_mod() self.object:set_texture_mod(self._original_texture_mod .. "^[colorize:#FF000040") minetest.after(0.2, function() if creatura.is_alive(self) then self.object:set_texture_mod(self._original_texture_mod) end end) end -- Set Movement Data function mob:move(pos, method, speed_factor, anim) self._movement_data.goal = pos self._movement_data.method = method self._movement_data.last_neighbor = nil self._movement_data.gravity = self._movement_data.gravity or -9.8 self._movement_data.speed = (self.speed or 2) * (speed_factor or 1) if anim then self._movement_data.anim = anim end end -- Clear Movement Data function mob:halt() self._movement_data = { goal = nil, method = nil, func = nil, last_neighbor = nil, gravity = self._movement_data.gravity or -9.8, speed = 0 } --self.object:set_velocity({x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}) self._path_data = {} self._tyaw = self.object:get_yaw() or 0 end -- Turn to specified yaw local function interp_rad(a, b, w) local cs = (1 - w) * cos(a) + w * cos(b) local sn = (1 - w) * sin(a) + w * sin(b) return atan2(sn, cs) end local function turn(self, tyaw, rate) rate = rate or 5 local rot = self.object:get_rotation() local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() if not yaw then return end local step = math.min(self.dtime * rate, abs(diff(yaw, tyaw)) % (pi2)) rot.y = interp_rad(yaw, tyaw, step) if rot.y ~= rot.y then return end self.object:set_rotation(rot) end function mob:turn_to(tyaw, rate) if self.step_delay then self._tyaw = tyaw self._movement_data.turn_rate = rate or 5 return end turn(self, tyaw, rate) end function mob:do_turn() if not self.step_delay then return end local tyaw = self._tyaw local rate = self._movement_data.turn_rate or 5 if not tyaw then return end turn(self, self._tyaw, rate) end -- Set Gravity (default of -9.8) function mob:set_gravity(gravity) self._movement_data.gravity = gravity or -9.8 end -- Sets Velocity to desired speed in mobs current look direction function mob:set_forward_velocity(speed) if self.step_delay then self._movement_data.horz_vel = speed else local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local vel = self.object:get_velocity() vel.x = sin(yaw) * -speed vel.z = cos(yaw) * speed self.object:set_velocity(vel) end end -- Sets Velocity on y axis function mob:set_vertical_velocity(speed) if self.step_delay then self._movement_data.vert_vel = speed else local vel = self.object:get_velocity() vel.y = speed self.object:set_velocity(vel) end end function mob:do_velocity() if not self.step_delay then return end local data = self._movement_data or {} local vel = self.object:get_velocity() local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() if not vel or not yaw then return end local horz_vel = data.horz_vel --or (data.gravity >= 0 and 0) local vert_vel = data.vert_vel --or (data.gravity >= 0 and 0) vel.x = (horz_vel and (sin(yaw) * -horz_vel)) or vel.x vel.y = vert_vel or vel.y vel.z = (horz_vel and (cos(yaw) * horz_vel)) or vel.z self.object:set_velocity(vel) end -- Applies knockback in 'dir' function mob:apply_knockback(dir, power) if not dir then return end power = power or 6 local knockback = vec_multi(dir, power) self.object:add_velocity(knockback) end -- Punch 'target' function mob:punch_target(target) -- target:punch(self.object, 1.0, { full_punch_interval = 1.0, damage_groups = {fleshy = self.damage or 5}, }) end -- Apply damage to mob function mob:hurt(health) if self.protected then return end self.hp = self.hp - math.ceil(health) if self.hp < 0 then self.hp = 0 end end -- Add HP to mob function mob:heal(health) if self.protected then return end self.hp = self.hp + math.ceil(health) if self.hp > self.max_health then self.hp = self.max_health end end -- Return position at center of mobs hitbox function mob:get_center_pos() local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end return vec_raise(pos, self.height * 0.5 or 0.5) end -- Return true if position is within box function mob:pos_in_box(pos, size) if not pos then return false end local center = self:get_center_pos() if not center then return false end local width = size or self.width local height = size or (self.height * 0.5) if not size and self.width < 0.5 then width = 0.5 end local edge_a = { x = center.x - width, y = center.y - height, z = center.z - width } local edge_b = { x = center.x + width, y = center.y + height, z = center.z + width } local minp, maxp = vector.sort(edge_a, edge_b) if pos.x >= minp.x and pos.y >= minp.y and pos.z >= minp.z and pos.x <= maxp.x and pos.y <= maxp.y and pos.z <= maxp.z then return true end return false end -- Terrain Navigation -- function mob:get_wander_pos(min_range, max_range, dir) local pos = vec_center(self.object:get_pos()) pos.y = floor(pos.y + 0.5) if creatura.get_node_def(pos).walkable then -- Occurs if small mob is touching a fence local offset = vector.add(pos, vec_multi(vec_dir(pos, self.object:get_pos()), 1.5)) pos.x = floor(offset.x + 0.5) pos.z = floor(offset.z + 0.5) pos = creatura.get_ground_level(pos, 1) end local width = self.width local outset = random(min_range, max_range) if width < 0.6 then width = 0.6 end local move_dir = vec_normal({ x = random(-10, 10) * 0.1, y = 0, z = random(-10, 10) * 0.1 }) local pos2 = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(move_dir, width)) if creatura.get_node_def(pos2).walkable and not dir then for _ = 1, 3 do move_dir = { x = move_dir.z, y = 0, z = move_dir.x * -1 } pos2 = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(move_dir, width)) if not creatura.get_node_def(pos2).walkable then break end end elseif dir then move_dir = dir end for i = 1, outset do local a_pos = vec_add(pos2, vec_multi(move_dir, i)) local b_pos = {x = a_pos.x, y = a_pos.y - 1, z = a_pos.z} if creatura.get_node_def(a_pos).walkable or not creatura.get_node_def(b_pos).walkable then a_pos = creatura.get_ground_level(a_pos, floor(self.stepheight or 1)) end if not creatura.get_node_def(a_pos).walkable then pos2 = a_pos else break end end return pos2 end function mob:get_wander_pos_3d(min_range, max_range, dir, vert_bias) local pos = vec_center(self.object:get_pos()) if creatura.get_node_def(pos).walkable then -- Occurs if small mob is touching a fence local offset = vector.add(pos, vec_multi(vec_dir(pos, self.object:get_pos()), 1.5)) pos.x = floor(offset.x + 0.5) pos.z = floor(offset.z + 0.5) pos = creatura.get_ground_level(pos, 1) end local width = self.width local outset = random(min_range, max_range) if width < 0.6 then width = 0.6 end local move_dir = vec_normal({ x = random(-10, 10) * 0.1, y = vert_bias or random(-10, 10) * 0.1, z = random(-10, 10) * 0.1 }) local pos2 = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(move_dir, width)) if creatura.get_node_def(pos2).walkable and not dir then for _ = 1, 3 do move_dir = { x = move_dir.z, y = move_dir.y, z = move_dir.x * -1 } pos2 = vec_add(pos, vec_multi(move_dir, width)) if not creatura.get_node_def(pos2).walkable then break end end elseif dir then move_dir = dir end for i = 1, outset do local a_pos = vec_add(pos2, vec_multi(move_dir, i)) if creatura.get_node_def(a_pos).walkable then a_pos = creatura.get_ground_level(a_pos, floor(self.stepheight or 1)) end if not creatura.get_node_def(a_pos).walkable then pos2 = a_pos else break end end return pos2 end function mob:is_pos_safe(pos, ignore_liquid) if not pos then return end local n_def = creatura.get_node_def(pos) if minetest.get_item_group(n_def.name, "igniter") > 0 or (not ignore_liquid and (n_def.drawtype == "liquid" or creatura.get_node_def(vec_raise(pos, -1)).drawtype == "liquid")) then return false end local fall_safe = false local fall_pos = {x = pos.x, y = floor(pos.y + 0.5), z = pos.z} if self.max_fall ~= 0 then for _ = 1, self.max_fall or 3 do fall_pos.y = fall_pos.y - 1 if creatura.get_node_def(fall_pos).walkable then fall_safe = true break end end else fall_safe = true end return fall_safe end -- Set mobs animation (if specified animation isn't already playing) function mob:animate(animation, transition) if not animation or not self.animations[animation] then return end -- Handle Transition Data local transition_data = self._anim_transition or {} local parent_anim = transition_data.parent local child_anim = transition_data.child if child_anim and animation == parent_anim and transition == child_anim then local timer = transition_data.timer transition_data.timer = (timer > 0 and timer - self.dtime) or 0 if timer <= 0 then animation = child_anim end else transition_data = {} end self._anim_transition = transition_data -- Set Animation if not self._anim or self._anim ~= animation or (transition and not transition_data.timer) then local anim = self.animations[animation] if anim[2] then anim = anim[random(#anim)] end self.object:set_animation(anim.range, anim.speed, anim.frame_blend, anim.loop) self._anim = animation -- Set Transition Data if transition and (not transition_data.timer or transition_data.timer > 0) then local anim_length = (anim.range.y - anim.range.x) / anim.speed self._anim_transition = { parent = animation, child = transition, timer = anim_length } end end return animation end -- Set texture to variable at 'id' index in 'tbl' or 'textures' function mob:set_texture(id, tbl) local _table = self.textures if tbl then _table = tbl end if not _table or not _table[id] then return end local tex = _table[id] if type(tex) == "table" then self.object:set_properties({ textures = {unpack(tex)} }) else self.object:set_properties({ textures = {tex} }) end return _table[id] end -- Set/reset mesh function mob:set_mesh(id) local mesh = self.mesh if mesh and not self.meshes then self.object:set_properties({ mesh = mesh }) return mesh end local meshes = self.meshes or {} if #meshes > 0 then local mesh_no = id or self.mesh_no or random(#meshes) self.object:set_properties({ mesh = meshes[mesh_no] }) self.mesh_no = mesh_no if self.mesh_textures then self.textures = self.mesh_textures[mesh_no] self.texture_no = random(#self.textures) self:set_texture(self.texture_no, self.textures) end return meshes[mesh_no] end end -- Set scale to base scale times 'x' and update bordering positions function mob:set_scale(x) local def = minetest.registered_entities[self.name] local scale = def.visual_size or {x = 1, y = 1} local box = def.collisionbox local new_box = {} for k, v in ipairs(box) do new_box[k] = v * x end self.object:set_properties({ visual_size = { x = scale.x * x, y = scale.y * x }, collisionbox = new_box }) --self._border = index_box_border(self) end -- Fixes mob scale being changed when attached to a parent function mob:fix_attached_scale(parent) local scale = self:get_visual_size() local parent_size = parent:get_properties().visual_size self.object:set_properties({ visual_size = { x = scale.x / parent_size.x, y = scale.y / parent_size.y }, }) end -- Add sets 'id' to 'val' in permanent data function mob:memorize(id, val) self.perm_data[id] = val return self.perm_data[id] end -- Remove 'id' from permanent data function mob:forget(id) self.perm_data[id] = nil end -- Return value from 'id' in permanent data function mob:recall(id) return self.perm_data[id] end -- Return true on interval specified by 'n' function mob:timer(n) local t1 = floor(self.active_time) local t2 = floor(self.active_time + self.dtime) if t2 > t1 and t2%n == 0 then return true end end -- Play 'sound' from self.sounds function mob:play_sound(sound) local spec = self.sounds and self.sounds[sound] local parameters = {object = self.object} if type(spec) == "table" then local name = spec.name local pitch = 1.0 pitch = pitch - (random(-10, 10) * 0.005) parameters.gain = spec.gain or 1 parameters.max_hear_distance = spec.distance or 8 parameters.fade = spec.fade or 1 parameters.pitch = pitch return minetest.sound_play(name, parameters) end return minetest.sound_play(spec, parameters) end -- Return current collisionbox function mob:get_hitbox() if not self:get_props() then return self.collisionbox end return self:get_props().collisionbox end -- Return height of current collisionbox function mob:get_height() local hitbox = self:get_hitbox() return hitbox[5] - hitbox[2] end -- Return current visual size function mob:get_visual_size() if not self:get_props() then return end return self:get_props().visual_size end local function is_group_in_table(tbl, name) for _, v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == "string" and minetest.get_item_group(name, v:split(":")[2]) > 0 then return true end end return false end function mob:follow_wielded_item(player) if not player or not self.follow then return end local item = player:get_wielded_item() local name = item:get_name() if type(self.follow) == "string" and (name == self.follow or minetest.get_item_group(name, self.follow:split(":")[2]) > 0) then return item, name end if type(self.follow) == "table" and (is_value_in_table(self.follow, name) or is_group_in_table(self.follow, name)) then return item, name end end function mob:follow_item(stack) if not stack or not self.follow then return end local name = stack:get_name() if type(self.follow) == "string" and (name == self.follow or minetest.get_item_group(name, self.follow:split(":")[2]) > 0) then return stack, name end if type(self.follow) == "table" and (is_value_in_table(self.follow, name) or is_group_in_table(self.follow, name)) then return stack, name end end function mob:get_target(target) local alive = creatura.is_alive(target) if not alive then return false, false, nil end if type(target) == "table" then target = target.object end local pos = self:get_center_pos() if not pos then return false, false, nil end local tpos = target:get_pos() tpos.y = floor(tpos.y + 0.5) local line_of_sight = get_sightline(pos, tpos) return true, line_of_sight, tpos end function mob:store_nearby_objects(radius) local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end local track_radius = self.tracking_range or 8 if track_radius < 8 then track_radius = 8 end local objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, radius or track_radius) if #objects < 1 then return end local objs = {} for _, object in ipairs(objects) do if creatura.is_alive(object) and object ~= self.object then local ent = object:get_luaentity() local player = object:is_player() if (ent and not ent._ignore) or player then table.insert(objs, object) end end end self._nearby_objs = objs return objs end function mob:get_props() local props = self.properties or self.object and self.object:get_properties() self.properties = props return props end -- Actions function mob:set_action(func) self._action = func end function mob:get_action() if type(self._action) ~= "table" then return self._action end return nil end function mob:clear_action() self._action = {} self._movement_data.goal = nil self._movement_data.func = nil end function mob:set_utility(func) if not self._utility_data then return end self._utility_data.func = func end function mob:get_utility() if not self._utility_data then return end return self._utility_data.utility end function mob:initiate_utility(utility, ...) local func = creatura.registered_utilities[utility] if not func or not self._utility_data then return end self._utility_data.utility = utility self:clear_action() func(...) end function mob:set_utility_score(n) if not self._utility_data then return end self._utility_data.score = n or 0 end function mob:get_utility_score() return (self._utility_data and self._utility_data.score) or 0 end function mob:try_initiate_utility(utility, score, ...) if self._utility_data and score >= self._utility_data.score then self:initiate_utility(utility, ...) self:set_utility_score(score) end end function mob:clear_utility() self._utility_data = { utility = nil, func = nil, score = 0 } end -- Functions function mob:activate(staticdata, dtime) self:get_props() self.width = self:get_hitbox()[4] or 0.5 self.height = self:get_height() or 1 self._tyaw = self.object:get_yaw() self.last_yaw = self.object:get_yaw() self.in_liquid = false self.is_falling = false self.touching_ground = false -- Backend Data (Should not be modified unless modder knows what they're doing) self._movement_data = { goal = nil, method = nil, func = nil, last_neighbor = nil, gravity = -9.8, speed = 0 } self._path_data = {} self._path = {} self._task = {} self._action = {} local pos = self.object:get_pos() local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if node and minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "liquid") > 0 then self.in_liquid = node.name end -- Staticdata local data = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) if data then local tp for k, v in pairs(data) do tp = type(v) if tp ~= "function" and tp ~= "nil" and tp ~= "userdata" then self[k] = v end end end -- Initialize Stats and Visuals if self.meshes and #self.meshes > 0 then if not self.mesh_no or not self.meshes[self.mesh_no] then self.mesh_no = random(#self.meshes) end self:set_mesh(self.mesh_no) end if not self.textures then local textures = self:get_props().textures if textures then self.textures = textures end end if not self.perm_data then if self.memory then self.perm_data = self.memory else self.perm_data = {} end if #self.textures > 0 then self.texture_no = random(#self.textures) end end self.active_time = self:recall("active_time") or 0 if self:recall("despawn_after") ~= nil then self.despawn_after = self:recall("despawn_after") end self._despawn = self:recall("_despawn") or nil if self._despawn and self.despawn_after and self.object then self.object:remove() return end self._breath = self:recall("_breath") or (self.max_breath or 30) --self._border = index_box_border(self) if self.textures and self.texture_no then if not self.textures[self.texture_no] then self.texture_no = random(#self.textures) end self:set_texture(self.texture_no, self.textures) end self.max_health = self.max_health or 10 self.hp = self.hp or self.max_health if type(self.armor_groups) ~= "table" then self.armor_groups = {} end self.armor_groups.immortal = 1 self.object:set_armor_groups(self.armor_groups) if self.timer and type(self.timer) == "number" then -- fix crash for converted mobs_redo mobs self.timer = function(_self, n) local t1 = floor(_self.active_time) local t2 = floor(_self.active_time + _self.dtime) if t2 > t1 and t2%n == 0 then return true end end end self:store_nearby_objects() if self.activate_func then self:activate_func(self, staticdata, dtime) end end function mob:staticdata() local data = {} data.perm_data = self.perm_data data.hp = self.hp or self.max_health data.texture_no = self.texture_no or random(#self.textures) data.mesh_no = self.mesh_no or (self.meshes and random(#self.meshes)) return minetest.serialize(data) end function mob:on_step(dtime, moveresult) if not self.hp then return end self.last_yaw = self.object:get_yaw() self.stand_pos = self.object:get_pos() if not self.stand_pos then return end self.stand_pos.y = self.stand_pos.y + 0.01 self.stand_node = self.stand_node or minetest.get_node(self.stand_pos) self.dtime = dtime or 0.09 self.moveresult = moveresult or {} self.touching_ground = false if moveresult then self.touching_ground = moveresult.touching_ground end local prop_tick = self._prop_tick or 0 prop_tick = prop_tick - 1 if prop_tick <= 0 then self.stand_node = minetest.get_node(self.stand_pos) prop_tick = 6 end if self:timer(1) then self.width = self:get_hitbox()[4] or 0.5 self.height = self:get_height() or 1 end if self._vitals then self:_vitals() end if self._physics then self:_physics(moveresult) end self._prop_tick = prop_tick if self:timer(10) then self:store_nearby_objects() end -- Reduce expensive calls self:do_velocity() self:do_turn() if self.utility_stack and self._execute_utilities then self:_execute_utilities() end -- Die if self.hp <= 0 and self.death_func then self:death_func() self:halt() return end if self.step_func and self.perm_data then self:step_func(dtime, moveresult) end self.properties = nil self.active_time = self.active_time + dtime self:memorize("active_time", self.active_time) if self.despawn_after then local despawn = math.floor(self.active_time / self.despawn_after) if despawn > 1 then self.object:remove() return end if despawn > 0 and not self._despawn then self._despawn = self:memorize("_despawn", true) end end end function mob:on_deactivate(removal) self._task = {} self._action = {} if self.deactivate_func then self:deactivate_func(removal) end end ---------------- -- Object API -- ---------------- -- Physics local function collision_detection(self) if not creatura.is_alive(self) or self.fancy_collide == false then return end local pos = self.stand_pos local width = self.width + 0.25 local objects = minetest.get_objects_in_area(vec_sub(pos, width), vec_add(pos, width)) if #objects < 2 then return end local pos2 local dir local vel, vel2 for i = 2, #objects do local object = objects[i] if creatura.is_alive(object) and not self.object:get_attach() and not object:get_attach() then if i > 5 then break end pos2 = object:get_pos() dir = vec_dir(pos, pos2) dir.y = 0 if dir.x == 0 and dir.z == 0 then dir = vector.new(random(-1, 1) * random(), 0, random(-1, 1) * random()) end vel = vec_multi(dir, 1.5) vel2 = vec_multi(dir, -2) -- multiplying by -2 accounts for friction self.object:add_velocity(vel2) object:add_velocity(vel) end end end local mob_friction = 7 function mob:_physics() -- Physics creatura.default_water_physics(self) collision_detection(self) -- Cache Environment Info local in_liquid = self.in_liquid local on_ground = self.touching_ground if not in_liquid and not on_ground then self.is_falling = true else self.is_falling = false end local move_data = self._movement_data if not in_liquid --and not move_data.func and move_data.gravity ~= 0 then local vel = self.object:get_velocity() local friction = math.min(self.dtime * mob_friction, 0.5) local nvel = {x = vel.x * (1 - friction), y = vel.y, z = vel.z * (1 - friction)} self.object:set_velocity(nvel) end end -- Movement Control function mob:move_to(goal, method, speed_factor) local get_method = creatura.registered_movement_methods[method] local data = self._movement_data if get_method and not data.func then self._movement_data.func = get_method(self, goal, speed_factor) return self._movement_data.func(self, goal, speed_factor) end if data.func then local move = data.func return move(self, goal, speed_factor) end end -- Execute Actions local function tbl_equals(tbl1, tbl2) local match = true for k, v in pairs(tbl1) do if not tbl2[k] and tbl2[k] ~= v then match = false break end end return match end function mob:_execute_utilities() local is_alive = self.hp > 0 if not self._utility_data then self._utility_data = { utility = nil, func = nil, step_delay = nil, score = 0 } end if not self._util_cooldown then self._util_cooldown = {} end local loop_data = { utility = nil, func = nil, step_delay = nil, score = 0 } if (self:timer(self.util_timer or 1) or not self._utility_data.func) and is_alive then local util_data = self._utility_data local util_stack = self.utility_stack local utility local get_score local cooldown local step_delay local score, args for i = 1, #util_stack do utility = util_stack[i].utility get_score = util_stack[i].get_score cooldown = self._util_cooldown[i] or 0 step_delay = util_stack[i].step_delay score, args = get_score(self) if cooldown > 0 then cooldown = cooldown - (self.util_timer or 1) end if util_data.utility and utility == util_data.utility and util_data.score > 0 and score <= 0 then self._utility_data = { utility = nil, func = nil, step_delay = nil, score = 0 } util_data = self._utility_data end if score > 0 and score >= util_data.score and score >= loop_data.score and cooldown <= 0 then loop_data = { utility = utility, score = score, util_no = i, step_delay = step_delay, args = args } end self._util_cooldown[i] = cooldown end end if loop_data.utility and loop_data.args then if not self._utility_data or not self._utility_data.args then self._utility_data = loop_data else local no_data = not self._utility_data.utility and not self._utility_data.args local same_args = tbl_equals(self._utility_data.args, loop_data.args) local new_util = self._utility_data.utility ~= loop_data.utility or not same_args if no_data or new_util then -- if utilities are different or utilities are the same and args are different set new data self._utility_data = loop_data end end end if self._utility_data.utility then -- If a utility is currently selected local util_data = self._utility_data if not util_data.func then self:initiate_utility(util_data.utility, unpack(util_data.args)) end local func = util_data.func if util_data.step_delay and self.hp > 0 then self.step_delay = util_data.step_delay else self.step_delay = nil self._step_delay = 0 end local step_delay = self.step_delay and (self._step_delay or 0) if not func then return end if step_delay then if step_delay > 0 then self._step_delay = step_delay - self.dtime return else self._step_delay = self.step_delay end end local dtime = self.dtime self.dtime = dtime + (self.step_delay or 0) if self.horz_vel and self.horz_vel ~= 0 then self:set_forward_velocity(nil) end if self.vert_vel and self.vert_vel ~= 0 then self:set_vertical_velocity(nil) end local func_complete, func_cooldown = func(self) if func_complete then if util_data.util_no then self._util_cooldown[util_data.util_no] = func_cooldown end self._utility_data = { utility = nil, func = nil, score = 0 } self:clear_action() end local action = self._action if action and type(action) ~= "table" then if action(self) then self:clear_action() end end self.dtime = dtime end end -- Vitals function creatura.register_mob(name, def) local box_width = def.hitbox and def.hitbox.width or 0.5 local box_height = def.hitbox and def.hitbox.height or 1 local hitbox = {-box_width, 0, -box_width, box_width, box_height, box_width} def.physical = def.physical or true def.collide_with_objects = def.collide_with_objects or false def.visual = "mesh" def.mesh = def.mesh or (def.meshes and def.meshes[1]) def.makes_footstep_sound = def.makes_footstep_sound or false if def.static_save ~= false then def.static_save = true end def.collisionbox = def.collisionbox or hitbox def._creatura_mob = true def.sounds = def.sounds or {} if not def.sounds.hit then def.sounds.hit = { name = "creatura_hit", gain = 0.5, distance = 16, variations = 3 } end def._vitals = def._vitals or creatura.default_vitals def.on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime) return self:activate(staticdata, dtime) end def.get_staticdata = function(self) return self:staticdata(self) end minetest.register_entity(name, setmetatable(def, mob_meta)) end