------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ____ ____ -- -- | _ \ _ _ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ _ __ / ___| ___ _ _ _ __ -- -- | | | | | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \/ _ \| '_ \ \___ \ / _ \| | | | '_ \ -- -- | |_| | |_| | | | | (_| | __/ (_) | | | | ___) | (_) | |_| | |_) | -- -- |____/ \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|\___/|_| |_| |____/ \___/ \__,_| .__/ -- -- |___/ |_| -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- All Textures CC0 -- -- https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ -- -- Sirrobzeroone -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I started to create this texture pack of the back of a comment Wuzzy left on a forum thread mentioning the CC0 graphics avaliable for Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (https://crawl.develz.org/). After converting what I could or recolouring some I then created what was missing from scratch or when I got lucky from other CC0 content on Opengameart.org. I was orginally going to name the texture back Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup but decided against this for multiple reasons but made a name which I hope pays homage to the source material that inspired this pack. I gravely under estimated how much work this was going to be and keeping up the motivation has been difficult at times. I started this pack when MT version 0.4.17 was released (Jan 2019) and it took until 2023 (I get distracted easily) to get a version to a point where I think it will be useful/usable. I dubbed this first version Broth Soup edition to show its in my mind minimal coverage of common mods and textures but usable and hopefully tasty :). Please feel free to use any of the textures in this texture package as placeholders for any mods your creating. I know some people (myself included) feel badly when using textures from a released texture pack even if they are cc0 - so use these how ever you like for your own mods to save time and effort during development of your mod, down scaling from 32 to 16 is far easier as well. There is some slight sylistic conflicts and you'll find some textures better than others (lack of skill/inspiration). There are several I want to rework but at the moment my focus is getting a high coverage of mods with similar look/feel. I am no texture or pixel artist like my programming I just dabble so don't expect pro work :). -------------------------- -- Current Mods Covered -- -------------------------- The below isn't a very large list of mods but to cover these requires around 1400 images, I will keep working but it wont be a fast process. +--------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ | 3d_armor** | 3d_armor_shields | awards* | basic_materials | bedrock | +--------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ | bedrock2 | beds_bed | binoculars | boats | bonemeal | +--------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ | bones | buckets | butterflies | carts | creative | +--------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ | default | doors | dye | ethereal | farming | +--------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ | farming_redo | fire | fireflies | flowers | itemframes | +--------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ | keys | map | menu | minimap | mobs_animal | +--------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ | mobs_redo | moreblocks | moreores | nextgen_bedrock | pbj_pup | +--------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ | pigiron | player_api | protector | screwdriver | stairs | +--------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ | sun_moon | tnt | vessels | wool | worldedit | +--------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ | xpanes | | | | | +--------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------+-------------+ * awards is covered although I supplied those textures to the awards mod directly long ago, I do need to make some new ones to cover new awards. ** 3d_armor, curently missing nether armor and re-inforced shields ---------------------- -- Release versions -- ---------------------- I'm really just having fun with this but will try to keep a soup theme each release. Version 1.0: Broth Soup --------------------- -- Texture Summary -- --------------------- Sirrobzeroone - Creation of Textures and Editing of below Various Artists - Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup Textures https://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles Denzis - Various Tiles https://opengameart.org/content/denzis-public-domain-art Sand Tile CDmir - Cestmír Dammer https://opengameart.org/content/desert-tileset-1 Vines Tile - Matt Rumble https://opengameart.org/content/vines GUI Elements - Buch https://opengameart.org/content/golden-ui Caustics Water Element - Calinou https://opengameart.org/content/caustic-textures Bread (Plain/Multi) Icon - 7Soul1 https://opengameart.org/content/496-pixel-art-icons-for-medievalfantasy-rpg Blueberry Icon - Glitch https://opengameart.org/content/cc0-food-icons Ethereal Illumishroom - Rubberduck https://opengameart.org/content/simple-glitch-tileset Ethereal Lemon and Apple - ScratchIO https://opengameart.org/content/2d-fruits Cherrys - Tiny Speck https://opengameart.org/node/20149 ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Notes well for me or anyone else who might need them -- ---------------------------------------------------------- Change Sandstone block type to Desert Sandstone block type GIMP Colors>>Hue-Saturation - Master Hue: -15, Lightness: -26, Saturation: -19 Change Sandstone block type to Silver Sandstone block type GIMP Colors>>Hue-Saturation - Master Hue:0, Lightness:0, Saturation:-90 Change grass to dry grass GIMP Colors> colorize Hue:40 Sat:45 lightness:20