These commands are not mandatory for you to use this mod. To do the same, you can use the graphical mode of the electronic voting machine and the voter registration card.
Extras are functions of this mod that you can use in another mod you create. For example: "create a mod that gives a special power or privilege that only the elected president can enjoy"
| Function | Descryption |
| :--: | :-- |
| ````<array> modEUrn.getPresidentCandidates()```` | Return a array with name of all presidente candidates of the server. Return empty array if not exist.
| ````<string/nil> modEUrn.getPresidentName()```` | Return a string with the presidente name of the server. Return nil if not exist.
| ````modEUrn.doSave()```` | Save database em file ````e-urm.db````.
You don't need to worry about the settings below to make this mod work. But, if you want to configure, you can change the settings through the graphical menu, or you can change them directly by editing the 'minetest.conf' file.
| Function | Descryption |
| :--: | :-- |
| ````eurn.debug = <true/false>```` | Allows you to print the debug information of this mod on the screen. Default: false |
| ````eurn.save_compressed = <true/false>```` | Whether the database will be BASE64 compressed. If enabled will save database bank without compression in file '.db'. Default: true |
| ````eurn.voter.min_played_hours = <number>```` | Minimum game time in hours to become a voter. Default: 90 | Min: 0 | Max: 8760 |