This commit is contained in:
Lunovox 2024-02-26 15:00:23 -03:00
parent f9a44182b1
commit 01b8bb8440
8 changed files with 360 additions and 164 deletions

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ These commands are not mandatory for you to use this mod. To do the same, you c
| ````/candidates```` | | Show the name of all candidates for president. |
| ````/candidate```` or ````/campaign```` | ````[<candidate_name>]```` | Show the Campaign of candidate for president. |
| ````/vote```` | ````[<candidate_name>]```` | Vote for a specific candidate for president. Need a minimum number of hours of online play. |
| ````/unvote```` | | Unvote for presidetial candidate. |
| ````/unvote```` or ````/whitevote```` | | Apply Blank Vote. |
| ````/votes```` | | Show the name of all candidates for president with the amount of votes. Need the ````electoraljudge```` privilege. |
| ````/election```` | | Apply presidential selection vote counting! Need the ````electoraljudge```` privilege. |

View file

@ -313,15 +313,19 @@ end
modEUrn.doUnvote = function(playername)
local voterTimePlayed = modEUrn.getVoterPlayedTime(playername)
if type(voterTimePlayed)=="number" and voterTimePlayed >= modEUrn.MinPlayedHours * (60*60) then
for iCandPresName, _ in pairs(modEUrn.handler.candidates.president) do
--modEUrn.debug("iCandPresName = "..iCandPresName)
if type(modEUrn.handler.candidates.president[iCandPresName].voters[playername])~="nil" then
--modEUrn.debug("modEUrn.handler.candidates.president["..iCandPresName.."].voters = "..dump(modEUrn.handler.candidates.president[iCandPresName].voters))
modEUrn.handler.candidates.president[iCandPresName].voters[playername] = nil
return true, modEUrn.translate("You unvoted for the presidential candidate!")
return false, modEUrn.translate("You can't have registered vote!")
return true, modEUrn.translate("You voted blank!")
return false, modEUrn.translate("You have not yet played the minimum number of hours to become a presidential voter. (Minimum %02d hours)"):format(modEUrn.MinPlayedHours)
--[[ ]]
@ -329,8 +333,6 @@ modEUrn.doVote = function(playername, candidatename)
local voterTimePlayed = modEUrn.getVoterPlayedTime(playername)
--modEUrn.debug("modEUrn.doVote(): voterTimePlayed = "..dump(voterTimePlayed))
if type(voterTimePlayed)=="number" then
--if type(modEUrn.handler.voters[playername])=="table" then
--local voterTimePlayed = modEUrn.handler.voters[playername].times.played --in secounds
if voterTimePlayed >= modEUrn.MinPlayedHours * (60*60) then
if type(candidatename)=="string" and candidatename ~= "" then
if minetest.player_exists(candidatename) then

View file

@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand(
--[[ ]]
modEUrn.getPropCommCandVote = function()
return {
--privs = {electoraljudge=true},
@ -220,7 +220,39 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand(
modEUrn.getPropCommUnvote = function()
return {
--privs = {electoraljudge=true},
--params = "<".. modEUrn.translate("candidate_name")..">",
description = modEUrn.translate("Apply Blank Vote."),
func = function(playername, param)
local resulte, cause = modEUrn.doUnvote(playername)
local color = "#FF0000"
if resulte then
color = "#00FF00"
minetest.sound_play("sfx_eurn_confirm", {to_player=playername, max_hear_distance=5.0,})
minetest.sound_play("sfx_failure", {to_player=playername, max_hear_distance=5.0,})
core.colorize(color, "[E-URN]").." "..cause

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ modEUrn.FormSpecs = {
.."button[2.15,1.65;7.55,1;btnPresElection;"..modEUrn.translate("PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION").."]"
--.."button[2.15,2.65;7.55,1;btnElectoralCourt;"..modEUrn.translate("ELECTORAL COURT").."]"
.."button[2.15,2.65;7.55,1;btnElectoralCourt;"..modEUrn.translate("ELECTORAL COURT").."]"
minetest.sound_play("sfx_eurn_button", {to_player=playername, max_hear_distance=5.0,})
@ -68,9 +68,10 @@ modEUrn.FormSpecs = {
myFormSpec = myFormSpec
--..minetest.formspec_escape("<global margin=10 valign=0 color=#FF00FF hovercolor=#00FFFF size=12 font=normal halign=center >")
.."<global valign=middle halign=center margin=30 background=#001100CC color=#FFFFFF hovercolor=#00FF00 size=12 font=normal>"
.."<global valign=middle halign=center margin=30 background=#001100CC bordercolor=#008800CC color=#FFFFFF hovercolor=#00FF00 size=12 font=normal>"
.."<tag name=action color=#FF0000 hovercolor=#00FF00 font=normal size=12>"
.."<tag name=bigger color=#00CC00 font=normal size=28>"
.."<tag name=big color=#CCCC00 font=normal size=18>"
@ -78,13 +79,11 @@ modEUrn.FormSpecs = {
..minetest.formspec_escape(body:format(cands[selected], Campaign))
.."]" -- Fim de hypertext[]
myFormSpec = myFormSpec
local voterTimePlayed = modEUrn.getVoterPlayedTime(playername)
if type(voterTimePlayed)=="number" and voterTimePlayed >= modEUrn.MinPlayedHours * (60*60) then
myFormSpec = myFormSpec
@ -96,35 +95,19 @@ modEUrn.FormSpecs = {
minetest.sound_play("sfx_eurn_button", {to_player=playername, max_hear_distance=5.0,})
minetest.show_formspec(playername, "frmEUrnPresCands", myFormSpec)
showFormPresElect = function(playername)
showFormAlert = function(playername, icon, title, titlecolor, message, buttonname, buttonsound)
local body = ""
local presidentname = modEUrn.getPresidentName()
if presidentname~="" then
body = [[
<img name=text_candidate_face.png width=128 height=128>
<img name=%s width=128 height=128>
<style color=%s><bigger><b>%s</b></bigger></style>
body = body:format(
modEUrn.translate("PRESIDENT ELECT")
body = [[
<img name=favicon.png width=128 height=128>
body = body:format(
modEUrn.translate("No presidential candidate has yet been elected!")
if type(titlecolor)=="nil" or titlecolor=="" then
titlecolor = "#00FF00"
body = body:format(icon, titlecolor, title, message)
local myFormSpec = ""
myFormSpec = myFormSpec
@ -135,15 +118,23 @@ modEUrn.FormSpecs = {
--..minetest.formspec_escape("<global margin=10 valign=0 color=#FF00FF hovercolor=#00FFFF size=12 font=normal halign=center >")
.."<global valign=middle halign=center margin=10 background=#001100CC color=#FFFFFF hovercolor=#00FF00 size=12 font=normal>"
.."<tag name=action color=#FF0000 hovercolor=#00FF00 font=normal size=12>"
.."<tag name=bigger color=#00CC00 font=normal size=28>"
.."<tag name=bigger font=normal size=28>"
.."<tag name=big color=#CCCC00 font=normal size=18>"
.."<tag name=b color=#00CC00 font=normal>"
.."]" -- Fim de hypertext[]
minetest.sound_play("sfx_eurn_button", {to_player=playername, max_hear_distance=5.0,})
minetest.show_formspec(playername, "frmEUrnPresElect", myFormSpec)
local button_type = "button"
if type(buttonname)=="nil" or buttonname=="" or buttonname=="btnExit" then
button_type = "button_exit"
myFormSpec = myFormSpec
if type(buttonsound)=="string" and buttonsound~="" then
minetest.sound_play(buttonsound, {to_player=playername, max_hear_distance=5.0,})
minetest.show_formspec(playername, "frmEUrnAlert", myFormSpec)
showFormRegCampaign = function(playername, political_campaign)
local Campaign = modEUrn.getPresCandCampaign(playername)
@ -237,7 +228,15 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
local playername = player:get_player_name()
--modEUrn.debug("formname: "..formname.."\n".."fields: "..dump(fields), playername)
if type(formname)=="string" and formname == "frmEUrnMain" then
if type(formname)=="string" and formname == "frmEUrnAlert" then
if type(fields.btnEUrnMain) ~= "nil" then
elseif type(fields.btnEUrnPresElection) ~= "nil" then
elseif type(fields.btnEUrnPresCands) ~= "nil" then
elseif type(formname)=="string" and formname == "frmEUrnMain" then
if type(fields.btnPresElection) ~= "nil" then
elseif type(fields.quit) ~= "true" then
@ -247,7 +246,30 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if type(fields.btnPresCandidates) ~= "nil" then
modEUrn.FormSpecs.showFormPresCands(playername, nil)
elseif type(fields.btnPresElect) ~= "nil" then
local icon, title, message, buttonname = ""
local presidentname = modEUrn.getPresidentName()
if presidentname~="" then
icon = "text_candidate_face.png"
title = presidentname:upper()
titlecolor = "#00FF00"
message = modEUrn.translate("PRESIDENT ELECT")
buttonname = "btnEUrnMain"
icon = "favicon.png"
title = modEUrn.translate("E-URN")
titlecolor = "#FF0000"
message = modEUrn.translate("No presidential candidate has yet been elected!")
buttonname = "btnEUrnPresElection"
elseif type(fields.btnBack) ~= "nil" then
@ -265,29 +287,61 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
elseif type(fields.btnPresVote) ~= "nil" then
if type(modEUrn.selCand[playername])=="string" and modEUrn.selCand[playername]~="" then
local voterTimePlayed = modEUrn.getVoterPlayedTime(playername)
if type(voterTimePlayed)=="number" and voterTimePlayed >= modEUrn.MinPlayedHours * (60*60) then
local resulte, cause = modEUrn.doVote(playername, modEUrn.selCand[playername])
local color = "#FF0000"
local icon = "favicon.png"
local title = modEUrn.translate("E-URN")
local message = cause
local buttonname = "btnEUrnPresCands"
local buttonsound = "sfx_failure"
if resulte then
color = "#00FF00"
minetest.sound_play("sfx_eurn_confirm", {to_player=playername, max_hear_distance=5.0,})
minetest.sound_play("sfx_failure", {to_player=playername, max_hear_distance=5.0,})
icon = "text_candidate_face.png"
title = modEUrn.selCand[playername]:upper()
message = modEUrn.translate("Thanks for your vote!")
buttonname = "btnEUrnMain"
buttonsound = "sfx_eurn_confirm"
--minetest.sound_play("sfx_eurn_confirm", {to_player=playername, max_hear_distance=5.0,})
core.colorize(color, "[E-URN]").." "..cause
minetest.sound_play("sfx_failure", {to_player=playername, max_hear_distance=5.0,})
core.colorize("#FF0000", "[E-URN]").." "
..modEUrn.translate("You have not yet played the minimum number of hours to become a presidential voter. (Minimum %02d hours)"):format(modEUrn.MinPlayedHours)
elseif type(fields.btnWhiteVote) ~= "nil" then
local resulte, cause = modEUrn.doUnvote(playername)
if type(modEUrn.selCand[playername])=="string" and modEUrn.selCand[playername]~="" then
local resulte, cause = modEUrn.doUnvote(playername)
local color = "#FF0000"
local buttonsound = "sfx_failure"
if resulte then
color = "#00FF00"
buttonsound = "sfx_eurn_confirm"
core.colorize(color, "[E-URN]").." "..cause
elseif type(fields.btnBack) ~= "nil" then

View file

@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ sudo apt-get install poedit
Translate Sample: [locale/]
$ cd ./locale/
$ lua5.3 po2tr.lua "eurn" "pt_BR.po"
$ mv "" ""
$ cat | less
cd ./locale/
lua5.3 po2tr.lua "eurn" "pt_BR.po"
mv "" ""
cat | less

View file

@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
* %s : %02d votes= * %s : %02d votos
Allows you to configure the Electronic Urn.=Permite configurar a Urna Eletrônica.
Apply presidential selection vote counting! Need the 'electoraljudge' privilege.=Aplique a contagem de votos nas eleições presidenciais! Precisa do privilégio de 'electoraljudge'.
Candidate Campaign=Campanha do Candidato
Candidate List: %s=Lista de Candidatos: %s
Candidate Name=Nome do Candidato
@ -12,17 +14,24 @@ Database '%s' loaded!=Banco de dados '%s' carregado!
Database saved in file '%s'!=Banco de dados salvo no arquivo '%s'!
Displays the number of votes for each candidate!=Exibe o número de votos de cada candidato!
Electronic Urn=Urna Eletrônica
Impossible to register login for player '%s' !=Impossível registrar login do jogador '%s'!
Impossible to register logout for player '%s' !=Impossível registrar logout do jogador '%s' !
No one has voted in the presidential election yet!=Ninguém votou nas eleições presidenciais ainda!
No presidential candidate has yet been elected!=Nenhum candidato presidencial foi eleito ainda!
Number of Candidates: %s=Número de candidatos: %s
Player %s has been named the president of this server!=O jogador %s foi nomeado presidente deste servidor!
Player %s has been registered to run as a candidate for president of this server!=O jogador %s foi registrado para concorrer como candidato a presidente deste servidor!
Player %s has been unregistered to run as a candidate for president of this server!=O jogador %s teve seu registro cancelado para concorrer como candidato a presidente deste servidor!
Player %s is listing campaign data...=O jogador %s está listando dados da campanha...
Player %s is not registered as a candidate for president!=O jogador %s não está registrado como candidato a presidente!
Player '%s' is not registered as a candidate for president!=O jogador %s não está registrado como candidato a presidente!
Player @1 has been registered to run as a candidate for president of this server!=O jogador %s foi registrado para concorrer como candidato a presidente deste servidor!
Please enter the name of the candidate you wish to display the campaign!=Por favor, insira o nome do candidato que deseja exibir na campanha!
Please enter the name of the presidential candidate you wish to vote!=Por favor, digite o nome do candidato presidencial que você deseja votar!
Political Campaign of=Campanha Política de
@ -31,6 +40,7 @@ Register your campaign to run for server president.=Registre sua campanha para c
Show or Select the presidente of the server.=Exibe ou Seleciona o presidente do servidor.
Show the Campaign of candidate for president.=Exibe a Campanha do candidato a presidente.
Show the name of all candidates for president.=Exibe o nome de todos os candidatos a presidente.
Thanks for your vote!=Obrigado pelo seu voto!
The file '%s' is not in table format!=O arquivo '%s' não está em formato de tabela!
The name '%s' is not the player name registered on the server!=O nome '%s' não é o nome do jogador registrado no servidor!
The president of this server is %s!=O presidente deste servidor é %s!
@ -40,12 +50,13 @@ There are no votes registered!=Não há votos registrados!
There is no registered candidate for the presidential election!=Não há candidato registrado para as eleições presidenciais!
Unable to address debug for player '%s'.=Não foi possível resolver a depuração do jogador '%s'.
Unregister your campaign to run for server president.=Cancela o registro de sua campanha para concorrer à presidência do servidor.
Vote for a specific candidate for president.=Vote em um candidato específico para presidente.
Voting list for presidential election: =Lista de votação para as eleições presidenciais:
You can't have registered vote!=Você não pode ter voto registrado!
You do not have the 'electoraljudge' privilege to define who will be the president of the server!=Você não tem o privilégio de 'juiz eleitoral' para definir quem será o presidente do servidor!
You have not yet played the minimum number of hours to become a presidential voter. (Minimum %02d hours)=Você ainda não jogou o número mínimo de horas para se tornar um eleitor presidencial. (Mínimo %02d horas)
You unvoted for the presidential candidate!=Você não votou no candidato presidencial!
You voted blank!=Você votou em Branco!
You voted for the candidate: =Você votou no candidato:
Your name is not registered as a voter.=Seu nome não está registrado como eleitor.

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pt_BR 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-02-22 16:53-0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-02-26 12:43-0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-20 19:59-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Lunovox Heavenfinder <>\n"
"Language-Team: Lunovox Heavenfinder\n"
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.3.1\n"
#: commands.lua:250 commands.lua:252
#: commands.lua:253 commands.lua:255
#, lua-format
msgid " * %s : %02d votes"
msgstr " * %s : %02d votos"
@ -28,19 +28,27 @@ msgstr " * %s : %02d votos"
msgid "Allows you to configure the Electronic Urn."
msgstr "Permite configurar a Urna Eletrônica."
#: commands.lua:294
#: commands.lua:297
msgid "Apply presidential selection vote counting! Need the 'electoraljudge' privilege."
msgstr "Aplique a contagem de votos nas eleições presidenciais! Precisa do privilégio de 'electoraljudge'."
#: formspecs.lua:25
#: formspecs.lua:28
msgid "BACK"
msgstr "VOLTAR"
#: formspecs.lua:94 formspecs.lua:160
msgid "CANCEL"
msgstr "CANCELAR"
#: formspecs.lua:46
#: formspecs.lua:181
msgid "CLOSE"
msgstr "FECHAR"
#: api.lua:267 formspecs.lua:50
#: formspecs.lua:88
msgid "CONFIRM"
msgstr "CONFIRMAR"
#: api.lua:279 formspecs.lua:185
msgid "Candidate Campaign"
msgstr "Campanha do Candidato"
@ -49,7 +57,7 @@ msgstr "Campanha do Candidato"
msgid "Candidate List: %s"
msgstr "Lista de Candidatos: %s"
#: api.lua:257 formspecs.lua:49
#: api.lua:269 formspecs.lua:184
msgid "Candidate Name"
msgstr "Nome do Candidato"
@ -67,19 +75,27 @@ msgstr "Banco de dados '%s' carregado!"
msgid "Database saved in file '%s'!"
msgstr "Banco de dados salvo no arquivo '%s'!"
#: commands.lua:228
#: commands.lua:231
msgid "Displays the number of votes for each candidate!"
msgstr "Exibe o número de votos de cada candidato!"
#: item_eurn.lua:9
#: formspecs.lua:259 formspecs.lua:293 formspecs.lua:339 item_eurn.lua:9
msgid "E-URN"
#: formspecs.lua:12
#: formspecs.lua:14
msgid "EXIT"
msgstr "SAÍDA"
#: item_eurn.lua:36
msgid "Electronic Urn"
msgstr "Urna Eletrônica"
#: api.lua:409
#: api.lua:426
#, lua-format
msgid "Impossible to register login for player '%s' !"
msgstr "Impossível registrar login do jogador '%s'!"
@ -89,21 +105,37 @@ msgstr "Impossível registrar login do jogador '%s'!"
msgid "Impossible to register logout for player '%s' !"
msgstr "Impossível registrar logout do jogador '%s' !"
#: commands.lua:267
#: commands.lua:270
msgid "No one has voted in the presidential election yet!"
msgstr "Ninguém votou nas eleições presidenciais ainda!"
#: formspecs.lua:261
msgid "No presidential candidate has yet been elected!"
msgstr "Nenhum candidato presidencial foi eleito ainda!"
#: commands.lua:157
#, lua-format
msgid "Number of Candidates: %s"
msgstr "Número de candidatos: %s"
#: api.lua:361 commands.lua:36
#: formspecs.lua:26 formspecs.lua:255
#: formspecs.lua:25
#: formspecs.lua:11
#: api.lua:378 commands.lua:36
#, lua-format
msgid "Player %s has been named the president of this server!"
msgstr "O jogador %s foi nomeado presidente deste servidor!"
#: commands.lua:90 formspecs.lua:111
#: commands.lua:90
#, lua-format
msgid "Player %s has been registered to run as a candidate for president of this server!"
msgstr "O jogador %s foi registrado para concorrer como candidato a presidente deste servidor!"
@ -113,34 +145,39 @@ msgstr "O jogador %s foi registrado para concorrer como candidato a presidente d
msgid "Player %s has been unregistered to run as a candidate for president of this server!"
msgstr "O jogador %s teve seu registro cancelado para concorrer como candidato a presidente deste servidor!"
#: formspecs.lua:48
#: formspecs.lua:183
#, lua-format
msgid "Player %s is listing campaign data..."
msgstr "O jogador %s está listando dados da campanha..."
#: api.lua:277
#: api.lua:289
#, lua-format
msgid "Player %s is not registered as a candidate for president!"
msgstr "O jogador %s não está registrado como candidato a presidente!"
#: api.lua:327
#: api.lua:344
#, lua-format
msgid "Player '%s' is not registered as a candidate for president!"
msgstr "O jogador %s não está registrado como candidato a presidente!"
#: api.lua:293
#: formspecs.lua:362
#, fuzzy
msgid "Player @1 has been registered to run as a candidate for president of this server!"
msgstr "O jogador %s foi registrado para concorrer como candidato a presidente deste servidor!"
#: api.lua:305
msgid "Please enter the name of the candidate you wish to display the campaign!"
msgstr "Por favor, insira o nome do candidato que deseja exibir na campanha!"
#: api.lua:333
#: api.lua:350
msgid "Please enter the name of the presidential candidate you wish to vote!"
msgstr "Por favor, digite o nome do candidato presidencial que você deseja votar!"
#: formspecs.lua:19 formspecs.lua:40
#: formspecs.lua:154 formspecs.lua:175
msgid "Political Campaign of"
msgstr "Campanha Política de"
#: formspecs.lua:24
#: formspecs.lua:159
msgid "REGISTER"
msgstr "REGISTRAR"
@ -160,12 +197,16 @@ msgstr "Exibe a Campanha do candidato a presidente."
msgid "Show the name of all candidates for president."
msgstr "Exibe o nome de todos os candidatos a presidente."
#: formspecs.lua:302
msgid "Thanks for your vote!"
msgstr "Obrigado pelo seu voto!"
#: api.lua:96 api.lua:110
#, lua-format
msgid "The file '%s' is not in table format!"
msgstr "O arquivo '%s' não está em formato de tabela!"
#: api.lua:195 api.lua:218 api.lua:285 api.lua:330
#: api.lua:195 api.lua:218 api.lua:297 api.lua:347
#, lua-format
msgid "The name '%s' is not the player name registered on the server!"
msgstr "O nome '%s' não é o nome do jogador registrado no servidor!"
@ -179,15 +220,15 @@ msgstr "O presidente deste servidor é %s!"
msgid "There are no campaign data about this political candidate."
msgstr "Não existem dados de campanha sobre este candidato político."
#: api.lua:371
#: api.lua:388
msgid "There are no candidates registered!"
msgstr "Não há candidatos cadastrados!"
#: api.lua:368
#: api.lua:385
msgid "There are no votes registered!"
msgstr "Não há votos registrados!"
#: commands.lua:275
#: commands.lua:278
msgid "There is no registered candidate for the presidential election!"
msgstr "Não há candidato registrado para as eleições presidenciais!"
@ -200,43 +241,53 @@ msgstr "Não foi possível resolver a depuração do jogador '%s'."
msgid "Unregister your campaign to run for server president."
msgstr "Cancela o registro de sua campanha para concorrer à presidência do servidor."
#: formspecs.lua:180
msgid "VOTE"
msgstr "VOTAR"
#: commands.lua:201
msgid "Vote for a specific candidate for president."
msgstr "Vote em um candidato específico para presidente."
#: commands.lua:258
#: commands.lua:261
msgid "Voting list for presidential election: "
msgstr "Lista de votação para as eleições presidenciais: "
#: api.lua:312
msgid "You can't have registered vote!"
msgstr "Você não pode ter voto registrado!"
#: formspecs.lua:86
msgid "WHITE"
msgstr "BRANCO"
#: commands.lua:44
msgid "You do not have the 'electoraljudge' privilege to define who will be the president of the server!"
msgstr "Você não tem o privilégio de 'juiz eleitoral' para definir quem será o presidente do servidor!"
#: api.lua:336
#: api.lua:327 api.lua:353
#, lua-format
msgid "You have not yet played the minimum number of hours to become a presidential voter. (Minimum %02d hours)"
msgstr "Você ainda não jogou o número mínimo de horas para se tornar um eleitor presidencial. (Mínimo %02d horas)"
#: api.lua:309
msgid "You unvoted for the presidential candidate!"
msgstr "Você não votou no candidato presidencial!"
#: api.lua:325
msgid "You voted blank!"
msgstr "Você votou em Branco!"
#: api.lua:342
msgid "You voted for the candidate: "
msgstr "Você votou no candidato: "
#: api.lua:339
#: api.lua:356
msgid "Your name is not registered as a voter."
msgstr "Seu nome não está registrado como eleitor."
#: api.lua:296 api.lua:333 commands.lua:25 commands.lua:178 commands.lua:200
#: api.lua:308 api.lua:350 commands.lua:25 commands.lua:178 commands.lua:200
msgid "candidate_name"
msgstr "nome_do_candidato"
#: commands.lua:75
msgid "political campaign"
msgstr "campanha política"
#~ msgid "You can't have registered vote!"
#~ msgstr "Você não pode ter voto registrado!"
#~ msgid "You unvoted for the presidential candidate!"
#~ msgstr "Você não votou no candidato presidencial!"

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-02-22 16:53-0300\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-02-26 12:43-0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Impossible to register logout for player '%s' !"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:195 api.lua:218 api.lua:285 api.lua:330
#: api.lua:195 api.lua:218 api.lua:297 api.lua:347
#, lua-format
msgid "The name '%s' is not the player name registered on the server!"
msgstr ""
@ -55,74 +55,70 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There are no campaign data about this political candidate."
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:257 formspecs.lua:49
#: api.lua:269 formspecs.lua:184
msgid "Candidate Name"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:267 formspecs.lua:50
#: api.lua:279 formspecs.lua:185
msgid "Candidate Campaign"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:277
#: api.lua:289
#, lua-format
msgid "Player %s is not registered as a candidate for president!"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:293
#: api.lua:305
msgid ""
"Please enter the name of the candidate you wish to display the campaign!"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:296 api.lua:333 commands.lua:25 commands.lua:178 commands.lua:200
#: api.lua:308 api.lua:350 commands.lua:25 commands.lua:178 commands.lua:200
msgid "candidate_name"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:309
msgid "You unvoted for the presidential candidate!"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:312
msgid "You can't have registered vote!"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:325
msgid "You voted for the candidate: "
msgid "You voted blank!"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:327
#, lua-format
msgid "Player '%s' is not registered as a candidate for president!"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:333
msgid "Please enter the name of the presidential candidate you wish to vote!"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:336
#: api.lua:327 api.lua:353
#, lua-format
msgid ""
"You have not yet played the minimum number of hours to become a presidential "
"voter. (Minimum %02d hours)"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:339
#: api.lua:342
msgid "You voted for the candidate: "
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:344
#, lua-format
msgid "Player '%s' is not registered as a candidate for president!"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:350
msgid "Please enter the name of the presidential candidate you wish to vote!"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:356
msgid "Your name is not registered as a voter."
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:361 commands.lua:36
#: api.lua:378 commands.lua:36
#, lua-format
msgid "Player %s has been named the president of this server!"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:368
#: api.lua:385
msgid "There are no votes registered!"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:371
#: api.lua:388
msgid "There are no candidates registered!"
msgstr ""
#: api.lua:409
#: api.lua:426
#, lua-format
msgid "Impossible to register login for player '%s' !"
msgstr ""
@ -150,7 +146,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Register your campaign to run for server president."
msgstr ""
#: commands.lua:90 formspecs.lua:111
#: commands.lua:90
#, lua-format
msgid ""
"Player %s has been registered to run as a candidate for president of this "
@ -190,58 +186,108 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Vote for a specific candidate for president."
msgstr ""
#: commands.lua:228
#: commands.lua:231
msgid "Displays the number of votes for each candidate!"
msgstr ""
#: commands.lua:250 commands.lua:252
#: commands.lua:253 commands.lua:255
#, lua-format
msgid " * %s : %02d votes"
msgstr ""
#: commands.lua:258
#: commands.lua:261
msgid "Voting list for presidential election: "
msgstr ""
#: commands.lua:267
#: commands.lua:270
msgid "No one has voted in the presidential election yet!"
msgstr ""
#: commands.lua:275
#: commands.lua:278
msgid "There is no registered candidate for the presidential election!"
msgstr ""
#: commands.lua:294
#: commands.lua:297
msgid ""
"Apply presidential selection vote counting! Need the 'electoraljudge' "
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:19 formspecs.lua:40
msgid "Political Campaign of"
#: formspecs.lua:11
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:24
msgid "REGISTER"
#: formspecs.lua:12
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:14
msgid "EXIT"
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:25
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:26 formspecs.lua:255
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:28
msgid "BACK"
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:86
msgid "WHITE"
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:88
msgid "CONFIRM"
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:94 formspecs.lua:160
msgid "CANCEL"
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:46
#: formspecs.lua:154 formspecs.lua:175
msgid "Political Campaign of"
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:159
msgid "REGISTER"
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:180
msgid "VOTE"
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:181
msgid "CLOSE"
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:48
#: formspecs.lua:183
#, lua-format
msgid "Player %s is listing campaign data..."
msgstr ""
#: item_eurn.lua:9
#: formspecs.lua:259 formspecs.lua:293 formspecs.lua:339 item_eurn.lua:9
msgid "E-URN"
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:261
msgid "No presidential candidate has yet been elected!"
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:302
msgid "Thanks for your vote!"
msgstr ""
#: formspecs.lua:362
msgid ""
"Player @1 has been registered to run as a candidate for president of this "
msgstr ""
#: item_eurn.lua:10
msgid "Colect opinion of player with electronic urn."
msgstr ""