local MP = minetest.get_modpath("fediauth") local http = minetest.request_http_api() -- sanity checks assert(type(minetest.encode_png) == "function") fediauth = { -- mod storage storage = minetest.get_mod_storage(), -- baseXX functions basexx = loadfile(MP.."/basexx.lua")(), } if minetest.settings:get_bool("fediauth.use_matterbridge", false) then fediauth.matterbridge_avalaible = minetest.get_modpath("yl_matterbridge") and true end dofile(MP.."/mastoapi.lua") local instance = minetest.settings:get("fediauth.instance") local key = minetest.settings:get("fediauth.api_token") if not instance or not key then minetest.log("warning", "[fediauth] For working fediauth you should specify fediauth.instance and fediauth.api_token") else mastoapi_init(http, instance, key) dofile(MP.."/functions.lua") dofile(MP.."/onboard.lua") dofile(MP.."/join.lua") dofile(MP.."/privs.lua") dofile(MP.."/priv_revoke.lua") dofile(MP.."/password_save.lua") local protect_chatcommands = minetest.settings:get_bool("fediauth.protect_chatcommands", true) if protect_chatcommands and not minetest.is_singleplayer() then local security_unlock_code minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() security_unlock_code = SecureRandom() if security_unlock_code ~= nil then security_unlock_code = security_unlock_code:next_bytes(1024) local ascii = "" for i in string.gmatch(security_unlock_code, "[_%a%d%w.%p%x]") do ascii = i .. ascii end security_unlock_code = ascii else minetest.log("warning", "[fediauth] secure random device not avalaible on your machine, fallbacking to pseudorandom") security_unlock_code = "" local symbols = "@!$%,/:;-_+|<>" local pseudorand = PcgRandom(math.random(-2147483648, 2147483647) * math.random(2,32)) for i=1,256 do local randselector = pseudorand:next(1,4) if randselector == 1 then local randuppercase = string.char(pseudorand:next(65, 65 + 25)) security_unlock_code = security_unlock_code .. randuppercase elseif randselector == 2 then local randlowercase = string.char(pseudorand:next(65, 65 + 25)):lower() security_unlock_code = security_unlock_code .. randlowercase elseif randselector == 3 then local rint = math.random(1, #symbols) local symbol = symbols:sub(rint, rint) security_unlock_code = security_unlock_code .. symbol else security_unlock_code = security_unlock_code .. pseudorand:next(0,9) end end end security_unlock_code = tostring(security_unlock_code):sub(1, math.random(64, 128)) print('[!fediauth]: ' .. minetest.settings:get("name") .. ' for unlock chatcommands you should type') print('[!fediauth]: /fediauth_unlock ' .. security_unlock_code) print("[!fediauth]: via terminal!!! or security unlock code can be MITM'ed (restart server for change it)") print("[!fediauth]: or just join to game as admin") print("[!fediauth]: This needs to be done once if your commands are blocked") print("[!fediauth]: or you can manage your server via szutil_consocket") end) for name, definition in pairs(minetest.registered_chatcommands) do definition.privs["fediauth_autorized"] = true minetest.override_chatcommand(name, definition) end minetest.register_chatcommand("fediauth_unlock", { description = "Only for server admin, ", privs = {}, func = function(name, unlock_code) if name == minetest.settings:get("name") and security_unlock_code == unlock_code then local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(name) privs["fediauth_autorized"] = true minetest.set_player_privs(name, privs) return true, "now you can use all commands" else local msg_violation = "[fediauth] '" .. name .. "' attempt guess security code!" minetest.log("warning", msg_violation) if fediauth.matterbridge_avalaible then yl_matterbridge.send_to_bridge("!", msg_violation) end minetest.kick_player(name) end end }) end end