# Formspec Editor ## REALTIME formspec viewer/editor "game" for minetest ![formspec editor preview](preview.png) ## Getting Started The file *formspec.spec* in your: ```minetest_folder/games/formspec_editor/mods/formspec_edit``` contains a formspec you can edit and see updates of in real time. Simply add the game to MT, add ```formspec_edit``` to your ```secure.trusted_mods``` settings, load up a level of *Formspec Editor*, and you will be greeted with the *formspec.spec* formspec. - To make edits, open the file (formspec.spec) in your editor of choice and make changes as you see fit. When you hit save, the formspec will auto-update. Best when used side by side. - To exit just hit or use a button_exit[] button. Both send the fields.quit message. - You can test with images if you want, adding a "textures" folder to the formspec_edit gamemod folder, otherwise images will default to random colors.