-- translation local S = mail.S local FORMNAME = "mail:selectcontact" local select_contact_formspec = "size[8,9;]" .. mail.theme .. [[ tablecolumns[color;text;text] table[0,0;3.5,9;contacts;]] .. mail.get_color("header") .. "," .. S("Name") .. "," .. S("Note") .. [[%s] button[3.55,2.00;1.75,0.5;toadd;→ ]] .. S("Add") .. [[] button[3.55,2.75;1.75,0.5;toremove;← ]] .. S("Remove") .. [[] button[3.55,6.00;1.75,0.5;ccadd;→ ]] .. S("Add") .. [[] button[3.55,6.75;1.75,0.5;ccremove;← ]] .. S("Remove") .. [[] tablecolumns[color;text;text] table[5.15,0.0;2.75,4.5;to;]] .. mail.get_color("header") .. "," .. S("To") .. ":," .. S("Note") .. [[%s] tablecolumns[color;text;text] table[5.15,4.6;2.75,4.5;cc;]] .. mail.get_color("header") .. "," .. S("CC") .. ":," .. S("Note") .. [[%s] button[3.55,8.25;1.75,0.5;back;]] .. S("Back") .. [[] ]] function mail.show_select_contact(name, to, cc) local formspec = select_contact_formspec local contacts = mail.compile_contact_list(name, mail.selected_idxs.contacts[name]) -- compile lists if to then to = mail.compile_contact_list(name, mail.selected_idxs.to[name], to) else to = "" end if cc then cc = mail.compile_contact_list(name, mail.selected_idxs.cc[name], cc) else cc = "" end --[[if bcc then bcc = table.concat(mail.compile_contact_list(name, mail.selected_idxs.bcc[name], bcc) else bcc = "" end]]-- formspec = string.format(formspec, contacts, to, cc)--, bcc() core.show_formspec(name, FORMNAME, formspec) end core.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= FORMNAME then return end local name = player:get_player_name() local contacts = mail.get_contacts(name) local draft = mail.message_drafts[name] -- get indexes for fields with selected rows -- execute their default button's actions if double clicked for k,action in pairs({ contacts = "toadd", to = "toremove", cc = "ccremove", bcc = "bccremove" }) do if fields[k] then local evt = core.explode_table_event(fields[k]) mail.selected_idxs[k][name] = evt.row - 1 if evt.type == "DCL" and mail.selected_idxs[k][name] then fields[action] = true end return true end end local update = false -- add for _,v in pairs({"to","cc","bcc"}) do if fields[v.."add"] then update = true if mail.selected_idxs.contacts[name] then for k, contact, i in mail.pairs_by_keys(contacts) do if k == mail.selected_idxs.contacts[name] or i == mail.selected_idxs.contacts[name] then local list = mail.parse_player_list(draft[v]) list[#list+1] = contact.name mail.selected_idxs[v][name] = #list draft[v] = mail.concat_player_list(list) break end end end end end -- remove for _,v in pairs({"to","cc","bcc"}) do if fields[v.."remove"] then update = true if mail.selected_idxs[v][name] then local list = mail.parse_player_list(draft[v]) table.remove(list, mail.selected_idxs[v][name]) if #list < mail.selected_idxs[v][name] then mail.selected_idxs[v][name] = #list end draft[v] = mail.concat_player_list(list) end end end if update then mail.show_select_contact(name, draft.to, draft.cc, draft.bcc) return true end -- delete old idxs for _,v in ipairs({"contacts","to","cc","bcc"}) do mail.selected_idxs[v][name] = nil end mail.show_compose(name, draft.to, draft.subject, draft.body, draft.cc, draft.bcc) return true end)