-- translation local S = mail.S local FORMNAME = "mail:about" local groups = { { "o", S("Original author")}, { "c", S("Code")}, { "i", S("Internationalization")}, { "t", S("Textures")}, { "a", S("Audio")}, } local contributors = { { name = "Cheapie", groups = {"o", "c"} }, { name = "aBlueShadow", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "APercy", groups = {"i"} }, { name = "Athozus", groups = {"c", "i"} }, { name = "BuckarooBanzay", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "Chache", groups = {"i"} }, { name = "Dennis Jenkins", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "Emojigit", groups = {"c", "i"} }, { name = "Eredin", groups = {"i"} }, { name = "fluxionary", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "imre84", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "Muhammad Rifqi Priyo Susanto", groups = {"i"} }, { name = "NatureFreshMilk", groups = {"c", "t"} }, { name = "Niklp", groups = {"c", "i"} }, { name = "Nuno Filipe Povoa", groups = {"a"} }, { name = "nyomi", groups = {"i"} }, { name = "OgelGames", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "Panquesito7", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "Peter Nerlich", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "Rubenwardy", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "savilli", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "Singularis", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "SX", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "TheTrueBeginner", groups = {"i"} }, { name = "Thomas Rudin", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "Toby1710", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "whosit", groups = {"c"} }, { name = "Wuzzy", groups = {"i"} }, { name = "y5nw", groups = {"c", "i"} }, } function mail.show_about(name) mail.selected_idxs.contributor_grouping[name] = tonumber(mail.selected_idxs.contributor_grouping[name]) or 1 local formspec = [[ size[10,6;] tabheader[0,0;optionstab;]] .. S("Settings") .. "," .. S("About") .. [[;2;false;false] button[9.35,0;0.75,0.5;back;X] box[0,0;3,0.45;]] .. mail.get_color("highlighted") .. [[] label[0.2,0;Mail] label[0.2,0.5;]] .. S("Provided by mt-mods") .. [[] label[0.2,0.9;]] .. S("Version: @1", "1.5.0-dev") .. [[] box[0,1.5;3,0.45;]] .. mail.get_color("highlighted") .. [[] label[0.2,1.5;]] .. S("Licenses") .. [[] label[0.2,2.0;]] .. S("Expat (code), WTFPL (textures)") .. [[] box[0,2.6;3,0.45;]] .. mail.get_color("highlighted") .. [[] label[0.2,2.6;]] .. S("Note") .. [[] textarea[0.5,3.15;4,5.5;;;]] .. S("Communication using this system is NOT guaranteed to be private!") .. " " .. S("Admins are able to view the messages of any player.") .. [[] button[0,5.7;2,0.5;github;GitHub] button[2,5.7;2,0.5;contentdb;ContentDB] box[4,0;3,0.45;]] .. mail.get_color("highlighted") .. [[] label[4.2,0;]] .. S("Contributors") .. [[] dropdown[4,0.75;6.4;contributor_grouping;]] .. S("Group by name") .. "," .. S("Group by contribution") .. ";" .. mail.selected_idxs.contributor_grouping[name] .. [[;true] ]] local contributor_list, contributor_columns = {} if mail.selected_idxs.contributor_grouping[name] == 2 then contributor_columns = "color;text" local sorted = {} for _, g in ipairs(groups) do sorted[g[1]] = {} end for _, c in ipairs(contributors) do for _, g in ipairs(c.groups) do table.insert(sorted[g] or {}, c.name) end end for _, g in ipairs(groups) do table.insert(contributor_list, mail.get_color("header") .. "," .. g[2]) for _, c in ipairs(sorted[g[1]]) do table.insert(contributor_list, "," .. c) end end else contributor_columns = "text;text" for _, c in ipairs(contributors) do for _, g in ipairs(groups) do local index = table.indexof(c.groups, g[1]) if index >= 1 then if index == 1 then table.insert(contributor_list, c.name) else table.insert(contributor_list, "") end table.insert(contributor_list, g[2]) end end end end formspec = formspec .. ("tablecolumns[%s]"):format(contributor_columns) .. ("table[4,1.6;5.9,4.65;contributors;%s]"):format(table.concat(contributor_list, ",")) formspec = formspec .. mail.theme core.show_formspec(name, FORMNAME, formspec) end core.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= FORMNAME then return end local playername = player:get_player_name() if fields.back then mail.show_mail_menu(playername) elseif fields.optionstab == "1" then mail.selected_idxs.optionstab[playername] = 1 mail.show_settings(playername) elseif fields.optionstab == "2" then mail.selected_idxs.optionstab[playername] = 2 mail.show_about(playername) elseif fields.github then core.chat_send_player(playername, "https://github.com/mt-mods/mail") elseif fields.contentdb then core.chat_send_player(playername, "https://content.minetest.net/packages/mt-mods/mail") elseif fields.contributor_grouping then mail.selected_idxs.contributor_grouping[playername] = fields.contributor_grouping mail.show_about(playername) end end)