-- translation local S = mail.S mail.settings = { chat_notifications = { type = "bool", default = true, group = "notifications", index = 1, label = S("Chat notifications"), tooltip = S("Receive a message in the chat when there is a new message") }, onjoin_notifications = { type = "bool", default = true, group = "notifications", index = 2, label = S("On join notifications"), tooltip = S("Receive a message at login when inbox isn't empty") }, hud_notifications = { type = "bool", default = true, group = "notifications", index = 3, label = S("HUD notifications"), tooltip = S("Show an HUD notification when inbox isn't empty") }, sound_notifications = { type = "bool", default = true, group = "notifications", index = 4, label = S("Sound notifications"), tooltip = S("Play a sound when there is a new message") }, unreadcolorenable = { type = "bool", default = true, group = "message_list", index = 1, label = S("Show unread in different color") }, cccolorenable = { type = "bool", default = true, group = "message_list", index = 2, label = S("Show CC/BCC in different color") }, defaultsortfield = { type = "index", default = 3, group = "box_fields", index = 1, label = S("Default sorting field"), dataset = { S("From/To"), S("Subject"), S("Date") } }, defaultsortdirection = { type = "index", default = 1, group = "box_fields", index = 2, label = S("Default sorting direction"), dataset = { S("Ascending"), S("Descending") } }, trash_move_enable = { type = "bool", default = true, group = "other", index = 1, label = S("Move deleted messages to trash") }, auto_marking_read = { type = "bool", default = true, group = "other", index = 2, label = S("Automatic marking read"), tooltip = S("Mark a message as read when opened") }, date_format = { type = "string", default = "%Y-%m-%d %X", group = "date_and_time", index = 3, label = S("Date format"), dataset = {"%Y-%m-%d %X", "%d/%m/%y %X", "%A %d %B %Y %X"}, format = os.date }, timezone_offset = { type = "number", default = 0, group = "date_and_time", index = 4, label = S("Timezone offset"), tooltip = S("Offset to add to server time."), }, mute_list = { type = "list", default = {}, group = "spam", index = 1, label = S("Mute list") }, } mail.settings_groups = { { name = "notifications", label = S("Notifications"), index = 1, parent = 0}, { name = "message_list", label = S("Message list"), index = 2, parent = 0}, { name = "box_fields", label = S("Fields"), index = 1, parent = "message_list"}, { name = "spam", label = S("Spam"), index = 3, parent = 0}, { name = "other", label = S("Other"), index = 4, parent = 0}, { name = "date_and_time", label = S("Date and Time"), index = 1, parent = "other"} } for s, d in pairs(mail.settings) do mail.selected_idxs[s] = {} if d.type == "list" then mail.selected_idxs["index_" .. s] = {} end end function mail.settings.mute_list.check(name, value) local valid_players = {} for _, p in ipairs(value) do if p ~= name and core.player_exists(p) then table.insert(valid_players, p) end end return valid_players end function mail.settings.mute_list.sync(name) if core.get_modpath("beerchat") then local players = {} for other_player, _ in core.get_auth_handler().iterate() do if beerchat.has_player_muted_player(name, other_player) then table.insert(players, other_player) end end return players end return nil end function mail.settings.mute_list.transfer(name, value) if core.get_modpath("beerchat") then for other_player, _ in core.get_auth_handler().iterate() do -- unmute all if not beerchat.execute_callbacks("before_mute", name, other_player) then return false end core.get_player_by_name(name):get_meta():set_string( "beerchat:muted:" .. other_player, "") end for _, other_player in ipairs(value) do -- then mute only players in table core.get_player_by_name(name):get_meta():set_string( "beerchat:muted:" .. other_player, "true") end return true end return nil end