local FORMNAME = "mail:compose" local msg_id = nil function mail.show_compose(name, to, subject, body, cc, bcc, id) local formspec = [[ size[8,9] button[0,0;1,1;tocontacts;]] .. S("To") .. [[:] field[1.1,0.3;3.2,1;to;;%s] button[4,0;1,1;cccontacts;]] .. S("CC") .. [[:] field[5.1,0.3;3.1,1;cc;;%s] button[4,0.75;1,1;bcccontacts;]] .. S("BCC") .. [[:] field[5.1,1.05;3.1,1;bcc;;%s] field[0.25,2;8,1;subject;]] .. S("Subject") .. [[:;%s] textarea[0.25,2.5;8,6;body;;%s] button[0.1,8.5;2.5,1;cancel;]] .. S("Cancel") .. [[] button[2.7,8.5;2.5,1;draft;]] .. S("Save draft") .. [[] button[5.3,8.5;2.5,1;send;]] .. S("Send") .. [[] ]] .. mail.theme formspec = string.format(formspec, minetest.formspec_escape(to) or "", minetest.formspec_escape(cc) or "", minetest.formspec_escape(bcc) or "", minetest.formspec_escape(subject) or "", minetest.formspec_escape(body) or "") if id then msg_id = id end minetest.show_formspec(name, FORMNAME, formspec) end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= FORMNAME then return end local name = player:get_player_name() if fields.send then local id = mail.new_uuid() if msg_id then id = msg_id end local success, err = mail.send({ id = id, from = name, to = fields.to, cc = fields.cc, bcc = fields.bcc, subject = fields.subject, body = fields.body, }) if not success then minetest.chat_send_player(name, err) return end -- add new contacts if some receivers aren't registered local contacts = mail.get_contacts(name) local recipients = mail.parse_player_list(fields.to) local isNew = true for _,recipient in ipairs(recipients) do if recipient:sub(1,1) == "@" then -- in case of maillist -- check if first char is @ isNew = false else for _,contact in ipairs(contacts) do if contact.name == recipient then isNew = false break end end end if isNew then mail.update_contact(name, {name = recipient, note = ""}) end end minetest.after(0.5, function() mail.show_mail_menu(name) end) elseif fields.tocontacts or fields.cccontacts or fields.bcccontacts then mail.message_drafts[name] = { to = fields.to, cc = fields.cc, bcc = fields.bcc, subject = fields.subject, body = fields.body, } mail.show_select_contact(name, fields.to, fields.cc, fields.bcc) elseif fields.cancel then mail.message_drafts[name] = nil mail.show_mail_menu(name) elseif fields.draft then local id = mail.new_uuid() if msg_id then id = msg_id end mail.save_draft({ id = id, from = name, to = fields.to, cc = fields.cc, bcc = fields.bcc, subject = fields.subject, body = fields.body }) mail.show_mail_menu(name) end return true end)