-- translation local S = mail.S local FORMNAME = "mail:message" local function interleave_msg(body) return "> " .. (body or ""):gsub("\n", "\n> ") end function mail.show_message(name, id) local message = mail.get_message(name, id) if not message then -- message not found or vanished return end mail.selected_idxs.message[name] = id local formspec = [[ size[10,10] box[0,0;7,1.9;]] .. mail.get_color("highlighted") .. [[] button[9.25,0.15;0.75,0.5;back;X] button[7.25,-0.07;2,1;receivers;]] .. S("Receivers") .. [[] label[0.2,0.1;]] .. S("From") .. [[: %s] label[0.2,0.5;]] .. S("To") .. [[: %s] label[0.2,0.9;]] .. S("CC") .. [[: %s] label[0.2,1.3;]] .. S("Date") .. [[: %s] tooltip[0.2,1.3;4.8,0.4;]] .. mail.time_ago(message.time) .. [[] label[0,2.1;]] .. S("Subject") .. [[: %s] textarea[0.25,2.6;7.25,8.75;;;%s] button[7.25,1.0;2.75,1;reply;]] .. S("Reply") .. [[] button[7.25,1.8;2.75,1;replyall;]] .. S("Reply all") .. [[] button[7.25,2.6;2.75,1;forward;]] .. S("Forward") .. [[] button[7.25,3.6;2.75,1;markspam;]] .. S("Mark Spam") .. [[] button[7.25,4.4;2.75,1;unmarkspam;]] .. S("Unmark Spam") .. [[] button[7.25,5.4;2.75,1;togglemute;]] .. S("(Un)mute sender") .. [[] box[7.25,6.4;2.5,2.75;]] .. mail.get_color("disabled") .. [[] button[7.25,9.25;2.75,1;delete;]] .. S("Delete") .. [[] tooltip[reply;]] .. S("Reply only to the sender") .. [[] tooltip[replyall;]] .. S("Reply to all involved people") .. [[] tooltip[forward;]] .. S("Transfer message to other people") .. [[] ]] .. mail.theme local from = core.formspec_escape(message.from) or "" local to = core.formspec_escape(message.to) or "" if string.len(to) > 70 then to = string.sub(to, 1, 67) .. "..." end local cc = core.formspec_escape(message.cc) or "" if string.len(cc) > 50 then cc = string.sub(cc, 1, 47) .. "..." end local date = type(message.time) == "number" and core.formspec_escape(os.date(mail.get_setting(name, "date_format"), message.time+3600*mail.get_setting(name, "timezone_offset"))) or "" local subject = core.formspec_escape(message.subject) or "" local body = core.formspec_escape(message.body) or "" formspec = string.format(formspec, from, to, cc, date, subject, body) if not message.read and mail.get_setting(name, "auto_marking_read") then -- mark as read mail.mark_read(name, id) end core.show_formspec(name, FORMNAME, formspec) end function mail.reply(name, message) if not message then -- TODO: workaround for https://github.com/mt-mods/mail/issues/84 core.log("error", "[mail] reply called with nil message for player: " .. name) core.log("error", "[mail] current mail-context: " .. dump(mail.selected_idxs)) return end mail.show_compose(name, message.from, "Re: "..message.subject, interleave_msg(message.body)) end function mail.replyall(name, message) if not message then -- TODO: workaround for https://github.com/mt-mods/mail/issues/84 core.log("error", "[mail] replyall called with nil message for player: " .. name) core.log("error", "[mail] current mail-context: " .. dump(mail.selected_idxs)) return end -- new recipients are the sender plus the original recipients, minus ourselves local recipients = message.to or "" if message.from ~= nil then recipients = message.from .. ", " .. recipients end recipients = mail.parse_player_list(recipients) for k,v in pairs(recipients) do if v == name then table.remove(recipients, k) break end end recipients = mail.concat_player_list(recipients) -- new CC is old CC minus ourselves local cc = mail.parse_player_list(message.cc) for k,v in pairs(cc) do if v == name then table.remove(cc, k) break end end cc = mail.concat_player_list(cc) mail.show_compose(name, recipients, "Re: "..message.subject, interleave_msg(message.body), cc) end function mail.forward(name, message) mail.show_compose(name, "", "Fw: " .. (message.subject or ""), interleave_msg(message.body)) end core.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= FORMNAME then return end local name = player:get_player_name() local message = mail.get_message(name, mail.selected_idxs.message[name]) if fields.back then mail.show_mail_menu(name) return true -- don't uselessly set messages elseif fields.reply then mail.reply(name, message) elseif fields.replyall then mail.replyall(name, message) elseif fields.forward then mail.forward(name, message) elseif fields.markspam then mail.mark_spam(name, message.id) elseif fields.unmarkspam then mail.unmark_spam(name, message.id) elseif fields.togglemute then local mutes = table.copy(mail.get_setting(name, "mute_list")) local mute_indexof = table.indexof(mutes, message.from) if mute_indexof == -1 then -- mute table.insert(mutes, message.from) else -- unmute table.remove(mutes, mute_indexof) end mail.set_setting(name, "mute_list", mutes) elseif fields.delete then if mail.get_setting(name, "trash_move_enable") and mail.selected_idxs.boxtab[name] ~= 4 then mail.trash_mail(name, message.id) else mail.delete_mail(name, message.id, true) end mail.show_mail_menu(name) elseif fields.receivers then mail.show_receivers(name, message.id) end return true end)