-- see: mail.md mail.registered_on_receives = {} function mail.register_on_receive(func) mail.registered_on_receives[#mail.registered_on_receives + 1] = func end mail.receive_mail_message = "You have a new message from %s! Subject: %s\nTo view it, type /mail" mail.read_later_message = "You can read your messages later by using the /mail command" --[[ mail sending function, can be invoked with one object argument (new api) or all 4 parameters (old compat version) see: "Mail format" api.md --]] function mail.send(src, dst, subject, body) -- figure out format local m if dst == nil and subject == nil and body == nil then -- new format (one object param) m = src else -- old format m = {} m.from = src m.to = dst m.subject = subject m.body = body end -- log mail send action if m.cc or m.bcc then if m.cc then cc = "CC: " .. m.cc if m.bcc then cc = cc .. " - " end else cc = "" end if m.bcc then bcc = "BCC: " .. m.bcc else bcc = "" end extra = "(" .. cc .. bcc .. ") " else extra = "" end minetest.log("action", "[mail] '" .. m.from .. "' sends mail to '" .. m.to .. extra .. "' with subject '" .. m.subject .. "' and body: '" .. m.body .. "'") -- normalize to, cc and bcc while compiling a list of all recipients local recipients = {} m.to = normalize_players_and_add_recipients(m.to, recipients) if m.cc then m.cc = normalize_players_and_add_recipients(m.cc, recipients) end if m.bcc then m.bcc = normalize_players_and_add_recipients(m.bcc, recipients) end -- form the actual mail msg = { unread = true, from = m.from, to = m.to, subject = m.subject, body = m.body, time = os.time(), } if m.cc then msg.cc = m.cc end -- send the mail to all recipients for _, recipient in pairs(recipients) do local messages = mail.getMessages(recipient) table.insert(messages, 1, msg) mail.setMessages(recipient, messages) end -- notify recipients that happen to be online for _, player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local name = player:get_player_name() if recipients[string.lower(name)] ~= nil then if m.subject == "" then m.subject = "(No subject)" end if string.len(m.subject) > 30 then m.subject = string.sub(m.subject,1,27) .. "..." end minetest.chat_send_player(name, string.format(mail.receive_mail_message, m.from, m.subject)) end end for i=1, #mail.registered_on_receives do if mail.registered_on_receives[i](m) then break end end end