-- translation local S = minetest.get_translator("mail") function mail.show_inbox(name, sortfieldindex, sortdirection, filter) sortfieldindex = tonumber(sortfieldindex or mail.selected_idxs.sortfield[name]) or mail.get_setting(name, "defaultsortfield") or 3 sortdirection = tostring(sortdirection or mail.selected_idxs.sortdirection[name] or mail.get_setting(name, "defaultsortdirection") or "1") filter = filter or mail.selected_idxs.filter[name] or "" mail.selected_idxs.inbox[name] = mail.selected_idxs.inbox[name] or {} local entry = mail.get_storage_entry(name) local sortfield = ({"from","subject","time"})[sortfieldindex] local messages = mail.sort_messages(entry.inbox, sortfield, sortdirection == "2", filter) local inbox_formspec = "size[8.5,10;]" .. mail.theme .. [[ tabheader[0.3,1;boxtab;]] .. S("Inbox") .. "," .. S("Sent messages").. "," .. S("Drafts") .. [[;1;false;false] button[6,0.10;2.5,0.5;new;]] .. S("New") .. [[] button[6,0.95;2.5,0.5;read;]] .. S("Read") .. [[] button[6,1.70;2.5,0.5;reply;]] .. S("Reply") .. [[] button[6,2.45;2.5,0.5;replyall;]] .. S("Reply all") .. [[] button[6,3.20;2.5,0.5;forward;]] .. S("Forward") .. [[] button[6,3.95;2.5,0.5;delete;]] .. S("Delete") .. [[] button[6,4.82;2.5,0.5;markread;]] .. S("Mark Read") .. [[] button[6,5.55;2.5,0.5;markunread;]] .. S("Mark Unread") .. [[] button[6,6.8;2.5,0.5;contacts;]] .. S("Contacts") .. [[] button[6,7.6;2.5,0.5;maillists;]] .. S("Mail lists") .. [[] button[6,8.7;2.5,0.5;options;]] .. S("Options") .. [[] button_exit[6,9.5;2.5,0.5;quit;]] .. S("Close") .. [[] dropdown[0,8.5;2,0.5;sortfield;]] .. S("From") .. "," .. S("Subject") .. "," .. S("Date") .. [[;]] .. sortfieldindex .. [[;true] dropdown[2.0,8.5;2,0.5;sortdirection;]] .. S("Ascending") .. "," .. S("Descending") .. [[;]] .. sortdirection .. [[;true] field[4.25,8.95;1.4,0.5;filter;]] .. S("Filter") .. [[:;]] .. filter .. [[] button[5.14,8.62;0.85,0.5;search;Q] checkbox[0,9.1;multipleselection;]] .. S("Allow multiple selection") .. [[;]] .. tostring(mail.selected_idxs.multipleselection[name]) .. [[] label[0,9.65;]] .. S("@1 of @2 selected", tostring(#mail.selected_idxs.inbox[name]), tostring(#messages)) .. [[] button[3.5,9.5;2.5,0.5;selectall;]] .. S("(Un)select all") .. [[] tablecolumns[color;text;text] table[0,0.7;5.75,7.45;inbox;#999,]] .. S("From") .. "," .. S("Subject") local formspec = { inbox_formspec } mail.message_drafts[name] = nil local unread_color_enable = mail.get_setting(name, "unreadcolorenable") local cc_color_enable = mail.get_setting(name, "cccolorenable") if #messages > 0 then for _, message in ipairs(messages) do local selected_id = 0 -- check if message is in selection list and return its id if mail.selected_idxs.inbox[name] and #mail.selected_idxs.inbox[name] > 0 then for i, selected_msg in ipairs(mail.selected_idxs.inbox[name]) do if message.id == selected_msg then selected_id = i break end end end if selected_id > 0 then if not message.read and unread_color_enable then if not mail.player_in_list(name, message.to) and cc_color_enable then formspec[#formspec + 1] = ",#A39E5D" else formspec[#formspec + 1] = ",#A39E19" end else if not mail.player_in_list(name, message.to) and cc_color_enable then formspec[#formspec + 1] = ",#899888" else formspec[#formspec + 1] = ",#466432" end end else if not message.read and unread_color_enable then if not mail.player_in_list(name, message.to) and cc_color_enable then formspec[#formspec + 1] = ",#FFD788" else formspec[#formspec + 1] = ",#FFD700" end else if not mail.player_in_list(name, message.to) and cc_color_enable then formspec[#formspec + 1] = ",#CCCCDD" else formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," end end end formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(message.from) formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," if message.subject ~= "" then if string.len(message.subject) > 30 then formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(string.sub(message.subject, 1, 27)) formspec[#formspec + 1] = "..." else formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(message.subject) end else formspec[#formspec + 1] = S("(No subject)") end end formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]" else formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]label[2.25,4.5;" .. S("No mail") .. "]" end if mail.selected_idxs.inbox[name] and #mail.selected_idxs.inbox[name] > 0 then for i, selected_msg in ipairs(mail.selected_idxs.inbox[name]) do local is_present = false for _, msg in ipairs(messages) do if msg.id == selected_msg then is_present = true break end end if not is_present then table.remove(mail.selected_idxs.inbox[name], i) end end end minetest.show_formspec(name, "mail:inbox", table.concat(formspec, "")) end