-- translation local S = mail.S local FORMNAME = "mail:maillists" local maillists_formspec = "size[8,9;]" .. mail.theme .. [[ button[6,0.10;2,0.5;new;]] .. S("New") .. [[] button[6,0.85;2,0.5;edit;]] .. S("Edit") .. [[] button[6,1.60;2,0.5;delete;]] .. S("Delete") .. [[] button[6,8.25;2,0.5;back;]] .. S("Back") .. [[] tablecolumns[color;text;text] table[0,0;5.75,9;maillists;]] .. mail.get_color("header") .. "," .. S("Name") .. "," .. S("Note") function mail.show_maillists(name) local formspec = { maillists_formspec } local maillists = mail.get_maillists(name) if maillists[1] then for _, maillist in ipairs(maillists) do formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," formspec[#formspec + 1] = "@" .. core.formspec_escape(maillist.name) formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," if maillist.desc ~= "" then if string.len(maillist.desc or "") > 30 then formspec[#formspec + 1] = core.formspec_escape(string.sub(maillist.desc, 1, 27)) formspec[#formspec + 1] = "..." else formspec[#formspec + 1] = core.formspec_escape(maillist.desc) end else formspec[#formspec + 1] = S("(No description)") end end if mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name] then formspec[#formspec + 1] = ";" formspec[#formspec + 1] = mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name] end formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]" else formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]label[2.25,4.5;" .. S("No maillist") .. "]" end core.show_formspec(name, FORMNAME, table.concat(formspec, "")) end core.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= FORMNAME then return end local name = player:get_player_name() local maillists = mail.get_maillists(name) if fields.maillists then local evt = core.explode_table_event(fields.maillists) mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name] = evt.row - 1 if evt.type == "DCL" and maillists[mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name]] then local maillist = mail.get_maillist_by_name(name, maillists[mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name]].name) local players_string = mail.concat_player_list(maillist.players) mail.show_edit_maillist( name, maillists[mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name]].name, maillists[mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name]].desc, players_string ) end elseif fields.new then mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name] = "#NEW#" mail.show_edit_maillist(name, "", "", "Player1, Player2, Player3") elseif fields.edit and maillists[mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name]] then local maillist = mail.get_maillist_by_name(name, maillists[mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name]].name) local players_string = mail.concat_player_list(maillist.players) mail.show_edit_maillist( name, maillists[mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name]].name, maillists[mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name]].desc, players_string ) elseif fields.delete then if maillists[mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name]] then -- delete the maillist and set the selected to the next in the list, -- except if it was the last. Then determine the new last local found = false local last = nil for k in mail.pairs_by_keys(maillists) do if found then mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name] = k break elseif k == mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name] then mail.delete_maillist(name, maillists[mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name]].name) mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name] = nil found = true else last = k end end if found and not mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name] then -- was the last in the list, so take the previous (new last) mail.selected_idxs.maillists[name] = last end end mail.show_maillists(name) elseif fields.back then mail.show_mail_menu(name) end return true end)