-- refactor these to some proper management thing mail.selected_idxs = { messages = {}, contacts = {}, to = {}, cc = {}, bcc = {}, } mail.message_drafts = {} local selected_idxs = mail.selected_idxs local message_drafts = mail.message_drafts local theme if minetest.get_modpath("default") then theme = default.gui_bg .. default.gui_bg_img else theme = "" end mail.inbox_formspec = "size[8,9;]" .. theme .. [[ button[6,0.10;2,0.5;new;New] button[6,0.95;2,0.5;read;Read] button[6,1.70;2,0.5;reply;Reply] button[6,2.45;2,0.5;replyall;Reply All] button[6,3.20;2,0.5;forward;Forward] button[6,3.95;2,0.5;delete;Delete] button[6,4.82;2,0.5;markread;Mark Read] button[6,5.55;2,0.5;markunread;Mark Unread] button[6,6.55;2,0.5;contacts;Contacts] button[6,7.40;2,0.5;about;About] button_exit[6,8.45;2,0.5;quit;Close] tablecolumns[color;text;text] table[0,0;5.75,9;messages;#999,From,Subject]] mail.contacts_formspec = "size[8,9;]" .. theme .. [[ button[6,0.10;2,0.5;new;New] button[6,0.85;2,0.5;edit;Edit] button[6,1.60;2,0.5;delete;Delete] button[6,8.25;2,0.5;back;Back] tablecolumns[color;text;text] table[0,0;5.75,9;contacts;#999,Name,Note]] mail.select_contact_formspec = "size[8,9;]" .. theme .. [[ tablecolumns[color;text;text] table[0,0;3.5,9;contacts;#999,Name,Note%s] button[3.55,2.00;1.75,0.5;toadd;→ Add] button[3.55,2.75;1.75,0.5;toremove;← Remove] button[3.55,6.00;1.75,0.5;ccadd;→ Add] button[3.55,6.75;1.75,0.5;ccremove;← Remove] tablecolumns[color;text;text] table[5.15,0.0;2.75,4.5;to;#999,TO:,Note%s] tablecolumns[color;text;text] table[5.15,4.6;2.75,4.5;cc;#999,CC:,Note%s] button[3.55,8.25;1.75,0.5;back;Back] ]] function mail.show_about(name) local formspec = [[ size[8,5;] button[7.25,0;0.75,0.5;back;X] label[0,0;Mail] label[0,0.5;By cheapie] label[0,1;http://github.com/cheapie/mail] label[0,1.5;See LICENSE file for license information] label[0,2.5;NOTE: Communication using this system] label[0,3;is NOT guaranteed to be private!] label[0,3.5;Admins are able to view the messages] label[0,4;of any player.] ]] .. theme minetest.show_formspec(name, "mail:about", formspec) end function mail.show_inbox(name) local formspec = { mail.inbox_formspec } local messages = mail.getMessages(name) message_drafts[name] = nil if messages[1] then for _, message in ipairs(messages) do mail.ensure_new_format(message, name) if message.unread then if not mail.player_in_list(name, message.to) then formspec[#formspec + 1] = ",#FFD788" else formspec[#formspec + 1] = ",#FFD700" end else if not mail.player_in_list(name, message.to) then formspec[#formspec + 1] = ",#CCCCDD" else formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," end end formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(message.sender) formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," if message.subject ~= "" then if string.len(message.subject) > 30 then formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(string.sub(message.subject, 1, 27)) formspec[#formspec + 1] = "..." else formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(message.subject) end else formspec[#formspec + 1] = "(No subject)" end end if selected_idxs.messages[name] then formspec[#formspec + 1] = ";" formspec[#formspec + 1] = tostring(selected_idxs.messages[name] + 1) end formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]" else formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]label[2.25,4.5;No mail]" end minetest.show_formspec(name, "mail:inbox", table.concat(formspec, "")) end function mail.show_contacts(name) local formspec = mail.contacts_formspec .. mail.compile_contact_list(name, selected_idxs.contacts[name]) minetest.show_formspec(name, "mail:contacts", formspec) end function mail.show_edit_contact(name, contact_name, note, illegal_name_hint) local formspec = [[ size[6,7] button[4,6.25;2,0.5;back;Back] field[0.25,0.5;4,1;name;Player name:;%s] textarea[0.25,1.6;4,6.25;note;Note:;%s] button[4,0.10;2,1;save;Save] ]] if illegal_name_hint == "collision" then formspec = formspec .. [[ label[4,1;That name] label[4,1.5;is already in] label[4,2;your contacts.] ]] elseif illegal_name_hint == "empty" then formspec = formspec .. [[ label[4,1;The contact] label[4,1.5;name cannot] label[4,2;be empty.] ]] end formspec = formspec .. theme formspec = string.format(formspec, minetest.formspec_escape(contact_name or ""), minetest.formspec_escape(note or "")) minetest.show_formspec(name, "mail:editcontact", formspec) end function mail.show_select_contact(name, to, cc) local formspec = mail.select_contact_formspec local contacts = mail.compile_contact_list(name, selected_idxs.contacts[name]) -- compile lists if to then to = mail.compile_contact_list(name, selected_idxs.to[name], to) else to = "" end if cc then cc = mail.compile_contact_list(name, selected_idxs.cc[name], cc) else cc = "" end --[[if bcc then bcc = table.concat(mail.compile_contact_list(name, selected_idxs.bcc[name], bcc) else bcc = "" end]]-- formspec = string.format(formspec, contacts, to, cc)--, bcc() minetest.show_formspec(name, "mail:selectcontact", formspec) end function mail.compile_contact_list(name, selected, playernames) -- TODO: refactor this - not just compiles *a* list, but *the* list for the contacts screen (too inflexible) local formspec = {} local contacts = mail.getContacts(name) if playernames == nil then local length = 0 for k, contact, i, l in mail.pairsByKeys(contacts) do if i == 1 then length = l end formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(contact.name) formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," local note = contact.note -- display an ellipsis if the note spans multiple lines local idx = string.find(note, '\n') if idx ~= nil then note = string.sub(note, 1, idx-1) .. ' ...' end formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(note) if type(selected) == "string" then if string.lower(selected) == k then selected = i end end end if length > 0 then if selected and type(selected) == "number" then formspec[#formspec + 1] = ";" formspec[#formspec + 1] = tostring(selected + 1) end formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]" else formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]label[2,4.5;No contacts]" end else if type(playernames) == "string" then playernames = mail.parse_player_list(playernames) end for i,c in ipairs(playernames) do formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(c) formspec[#formspec + 1] = "," if contacts[string.lower(c)] == nil then formspec[#formspec + 1] = "" else local note = contacts[string.lower(c)].note -- display an ellipsis if the note spans multiple lines local idx = string.find(note, '\n') if idx ~= nil then note = string.sub(note, 1, idx-1) .. ' ...' end formspec[#formspec + 1] = minetest.formspec_escape(note) end if not selected then if type(selected) == "string" then if string.lower(selected) == string.lower(c) then selected = i end end end end if #playernames > 0 and selected and type(selected) == "number" then formspec[#formspec + 1] = ";" formspec[#formspec + 1] = tostring(selected + 1) end formspec[#formspec + 1] = "]" end return table.concat(formspec, "") end function mail.show_message(name, msgnumber) local messages = mail.getMessages(name) local message = messages[msgnumber] local formspec = [[ size[8,9] box[0,0;7,1.9;#466432] button[7.25,0.15;0.75,0.5;back;X] label[0.2,0.1;From: %s] label[0.2,0.5;To: %s] label[0.2,0.9;CC: %s] label[0.2,1.3;Date: %s] label[0,2.1;Subject: %s] textarea[0.25,2.6;8,7.0;;;%s] button[0,8.5;2,1;reply;Reply] button[2,8.5;2,1;replyall;Reply All] button[4,8.5;2,1;forward;Forward] button[6,8.5;2,1;delete;Delete] ]] .. theme local from = minetest.formspec_escape(message.sender) or "" local to = minetest.formspec_escape(message.to) or "" local cc = minetest.formspec_escape(message.cc) or "" local date = type(message.time) == "number" and minetest.formspec_escape(os.date("%Y-%m-%d %X", message.time)) or "" local subject = minetest.formspec_escape(message.subject) or "" local body = minetest.formspec_escape(message.body) or "" formspec = string.format(formspec, from, to, cc, date, subject, body) if message.unread then message.unread = false mail.setMessages(name, messages) end minetest.show_formspec(name,"mail:message",formspec) end function mail.show_compose(name, defaultto, defaultsubj, defaultbody, defaultcc, defaultbcc) local formspec = [[ size[8,9] button[0,0;1,1;tocontacts;To:] field[1.1,0.3;3.2,1;to;;%s] button[4,0;1,1;cccontacts;CC:] field[5.1,0.3;3.1,1;cc;;%s] button[4,0.75;1,1;bcccontacts;BCC:] field[5.1,1.05;3.1,1;bcc;;%s] field[0.25,2;8,1;subject;Subject:;%s] textarea[0.25,2.5;8,6;body;;%s] button[0.5,8.5;3,1;cancel;Cancel] button[4.5,8.5;3,1;send;Send] ]] .. theme defaultto = defaultto or "" defaultsubj = defaultsubj or "" defaultbody = defaultbody or "" defaultcc = defaultcc or "" defaultbcc = defaultbcc or "" formspec = string.format(formspec, minetest.formspec_escape(defaultto), minetest.formspec_escape(defaultcc), minetest.formspec_escape(defaultbcc), minetest.formspec_escape(defaultsubj), minetest.formspec_escape(defaultbody)) minetest.show_formspec(name, "mail:compose", formspec) end function mail.reply(name, message) mail.ensure_new_format(message) local replyfooter = "Type your reply here.\n\n--Original message follows--\n" ..message.body mail.show_compose(name, message.sender, "Re: "..message.subject, replyfooter) end function mail.replyall(name, message) mail.ensure_new_format(message) local replyfooter = "Type your reply here.\n\n--Original message follows--\n" ..message.body -- new recipients are the sender plus the original recipients, minus ourselves local recipients = message.to or "" if message.sender ~= nil then recipients = message.sender .. ", " .. recipients end recipients = mail.parse_player_list(recipients) for k,v in pairs(recipients) do if v == name then table.remove(recipients, k) break end end recipients = mail.concat_player_list(recipients) -- new CC is old CC minus ourselves local cc = mail.parse_player_list(message.cc) for k,v in pairs(cc) do if v == name then table.remove(cc, k) break end end cc = mail.concat_player_list(cc) mail.show_compose(name, recipients, "Re: "..message.subject, replyfooter, cc) end function mail.forward(name, message) local fwfooter = "Type your message here.\n\n--Original message follows--\n" .. (message.body or "") mail.show_compose(name, "", "Fw: " .. (message.subject or ""), fwfooter) end function mail.handle_receivefields(player, formname, fields) if formname == "mail:about" then minetest.after(0.5, function() mail.show_inbox(player:get_player_name()) end) return true elseif formname == "mail:inbox" then local name = player:get_player_name() local messages = mail.getMessages(name) if fields.messages then local evt = minetest.explode_table_event(fields.messages) selected_idxs.messages[name] = evt.row - 1 if evt.type == "DCL" and messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] then mail.show_message(name, selected_idxs.messages[name]) end return true end if fields.read then if messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] then mail.show_message(name, selected_idxs.messages[name]) end elseif fields.delete then if messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] then table.remove(messages, selected_idxs.messages[name]) mail.setMessages(name, messages) end mail.show_inbox(name) elseif fields.reply and messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] then local message = messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] mail.reply(name, message) elseif fields.replyall and messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] then local message = messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] mail.replyall(name, message) elseif fields.forward and messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] then local message = messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] mail.forward(name, message) elseif fields.markread then if messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] then messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]].unread = false -- set messages immediately, so it shows up already when updating the inbox mail.setMessages(name, messages) end mail.show_inbox(name) elseif fields.markunread then if messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] then messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]].unread = true -- set messages immediately, so it shows up already when updating the inbox mail.setMessages(name, messages) end mail.show_inbox(name) elseif fields.new then mail.show_compose(name) elseif fields.contacts then mail.show_contacts(name) elseif fields.about then mail.show_about(name) end return true elseif formname == "mail:message" then local name = player:get_player_name() local messages = mail.getMessages(name) if fields.back then mail.show_inbox(name) return true -- don't uselessly set messages elseif fields.reply then local message = messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] mail.reply(name, message) elseif fields.replyall then local message = messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] mail.replyall(name, message) elseif fields.forward then local message = messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] mail.forward(name, message) elseif fields.delete then if messages[selected_idxs.messages[name]] then table.remove(messages,selected_idxs.messages[name]) mail.setMessages(name, messages) end mail.show_inbox(name) end return true elseif formname == "mail:compose" then local name = player:get_player_name() if fields.send then local error = mail.send({ from = name, to = fields.to, cc = fields.cc, bcc = fields.bcc, subject = fields.subject, body = fields.body, }) if error then minetest.chat_send_player(name, error) return end local contacts = mail.getContacts(name) local recipients = mail.parse_player_list(fields.to) local changed = false for _,v in pairs(recipients) do if contacts[string.lower(v)] == nil then contacts[string.lower(v)] = { name = v, note = "", } changed = true end end if changed then mail.setContacts(name, contacts) end minetest.after(0.5, function() mail.show_inbox(name) end) elseif fields.tocontacts or fields.cccontacts or fields.bcccontacts then message_drafts[name] = { to = fields.to, cc = fields.cc, bcc = fields.bcc, subject = fields.subject, body = fields.body, } mail.show_select_contact(name, fields.to, fields.cc, fields.bcc) elseif fields.cancel then message_drafts[name] = nil mail.show_inbox(name) end return true elseif formname == "mail:selectcontact" then local name = player:get_player_name() local contacts = mail.getContacts(name) local draft = message_drafts[name] -- get indexes for fields with selected rows -- execute their default button's actions if double clicked for k,action in pairs({ contacts = "toadd", to = "toremove", cc = "ccremove", bcc = "bccremove" }) do if fields[k] then local evt = minetest.explode_table_event(fields[k]) selected_idxs[k][name] = evt.row - 1 if evt.type == "DCL" and selected_idxs[k][name] then fields[action] = true end return true end end local update = false -- add for _,v in pairs({"to","cc","bcc"}) do if fields[v.."add"] then update = true if selected_idxs.contacts[name] then for k, contact, i in mail.pairsByKeys(contacts) do if k == selected_idxs.contacts[name] or i == selected_idxs.contacts[name] then local list = mail.parse_player_list(draft[v]) list[#list+1] = contact.name selected_idxs[v][name] = #list draft[v] = mail.concat_player_list(list) break end end end end end -- remove for _,v in pairs({"to","cc","bcc"}) do if fields[v.."remove"] then update = true if selected_idxs[v][name] then local list = mail.parse_player_list(draft[v]) table.remove(list, selected_idxs[v][name]) if #list < selected_idxs[v][name] then selected_idxs[v][name] = #list end draft[v] = mail.concat_player_list(list) end end end if update then mail.show_select_contact(name, draft.to, draft.cc, draft.bcc) return true end -- delete old idxs for _,v in ipairs({"contacts","to","cc","bcc"}) do selected_idxs[v][name] = nil end mail.show_compose(name, draft.to, draft.subject, draft.body, draft.cc, draft.bcc) return true elseif formname == "mail:contacts" then local name = player:get_player_name() local contacts = mail.getContacts(name) if fields.contacts then local evt = minetest.explode_table_event(fields.contacts) for k, _, i in mail.pairsByKeys(contacts) do if i == evt.row - 1 then selected_idxs.contacts[name] = k break end end if evt.type == "DCL" and contacts[selected_idxs.contacts[name]] then mail.show_edit_contact( name, contacts[selected_idxs.contacts[name]].name, contacts[selected_idxs.contacts[name]].note ) end elseif fields.new then selected_idxs.contacts[name] = "#NEW#" mail.show_edit_contact(name, "", "") elseif fields.edit and selected_idxs.contacts[name] and contacts[selected_idxs.contacts[name]] then mail.show_edit_contact( name, contacts[selected_idxs.contacts[name]].name, contacts[selected_idxs.contacts[name]].note ) elseif fields.delete then if contacts[selected_idxs.contacts[name]] then -- delete the contact and set the selected to the next in the list, -- except if it was the last. Then determine the new last local found = false local last = nil for k in mail.pairsByKeys(contacts) do if found then selected_idxs.contacts[name] = k break elseif k == selected_idxs.contacts[name] then contacts[selected_idxs.contacts[name]] = nil selected_idxs.contacts[name] = nil found = true else last = k end end if found and not selected_idxs.contacts[name] then -- was the last in the list, so take the previous (new last) selected_idxs.contacts[name] = last end mail.setContacts(name, contacts) end mail.show_contacts(name) elseif fields.back then mail.show_inbox(name) end return true elseif formname == "mail:editcontact" then local name = player:get_player_name() local contacts = mail.getContacts(name) if fields.save then if selected_idxs.contacts[name] and selected_idxs.contacts[name] ~= "#NEW#" then local contact = contacts[selected_idxs.contacts[name]] if selected_idxs.contacts[name] ~= string.lower(fields.name) then -- name changed! if #fields.name == 0 then mail.show_edit_contact(name, contact.name, fields.note, "empty") return true elseif contacts[string.lower(fields.name)] ~= nil then mail.show_edit_contact(name, contact.name, fields.note, "collision") return true else contacts[string.lower(fields.name)] = contact contacts[selected_idxs.contacts[name]] = nil end end contact.name = fields.name contact.note = fields.note else local contact = { name = fields.name, note = fields.note, } contacts[string.lower(contact.name)] = contact end mail.setContacts(name, contacts) mail.show_contacts(name) elseif fields.back then mail.show_contacts(name) end return true elseif fields.mail then mail.show_inbox(player:get_player_name()) return true end end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(mail.handle_receivefields) if minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory") then mail.receive_mail_message = mail.receive_mail_message .. " or use the mail button in the inventory" mail.read_later_message = mail.read_later_message .. " or by using the mail button in the inventory" unified_inventory.register_button("mail", { type = "image", image = "mail_button.png", tooltip = "Mail" }) end